Military Technology

Chapter 1809 The Blues’ real trump card

At this time, a middle-aged man in his forties, with a square face and sharp eyes, wearing a special desert camouflage combat uniform, said: "I'm afraid, there is not much time left for the Red Army's participating troops. "Have you forgotten the 36-man special operations unit of the Blue Army's digital special combined brigade last night? They haven't taken any action yet."

You mean the beheading operation? One of the old men reacted immediately.

After hearing the conversation between the two, everyone reacted and began to nod and discuss. Yes, this 36th special operations unit has not made any movement yet. You know, they are also wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor.

If this special operations team really carried out a decapitation operation, it would be difficult for the red side to resist the empty rear.

The middle-aged man nodded and replied: "This special operations team that has reached behind the red team has been lurking and not taking action. I am afraid they are waiting for the opportunity, waiting for an opportunity that they think will hit with one hit.

At this moment, the front line of the Red Army's offensive force was frustrated and suffered a major defeat. There would definitely be a certain degree of panic in the rear, and this kind of panic was exactly what the lurking Blue Army special operations unit wanted to see.

So I think they should be attacking very quickly.

In order to restore the decline, the red side will definitely deploy troops to support the front, which will inevitably leave the rear empty. Although the red commander will definitely keep one hand in case the blue army is beheaded, facing such a force, it may be difficult for the remaining troops to deal with it. "

After hearing this middle-aged man's analysis, everyone nodded in agreement. Yes, if this is really the case, then there will not be much time left for the red team to participate.

Zhang Tiecheng is also an experienced commander. He would not have thought that since this new force can appear on the frontal battlefield, it can also appear in his rear. Someone spoke up to express their opinion.

However, this view was immediately refuted by several people.

"It is unlikely that this is possible. Zhang Tiecheng has rich experience, but when facing such a force for the first time, he will definitely not know enough about it. Let alone such weapons and equipment."

Can you call up the location coordinates and related image information of this Blue Army special operations unit? Someone suggested.

Hearing this question, everyone looked at Wu Hao expectantly. It seems that when they encounter such technical problems with weapons and equipment, they will subconsciously look at him.

Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao smiled and nodded in reply: "Yes, this 36-man special operations unit wears heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor and other heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protection from the digital special synthetic battalion. There is essentially no difference in the armor, but for the needs of special operations, we have once again developed and improved a specialized special operations version.

Compared with ordinary heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, this version has greatly improved in terms of mobility, protective performance, survivability, and environmental adaptability.

Of course, every heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, whether it is a special operations version or a different version, is equipped with our Beidou positioning system, so frontline commanders and rear command centers can clearly detect each heavy-duty exoskeleton The mechanical exoskeleton assists with the location of the protective armor.

In addition, the visual systems of these heavy-duty mechanical exoskeletons to assist in protective armor can also be interconnected and shared. In other words, whether it is comrades around you or other combat units, or commanders and rear command centers, they can share the visual slowness on their heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor to facilitate the sharing of data and intelligence information.

So we only need to capture the pictures and data information in the Blue Army command and control center to know where this special operations unit is and what it is doing. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, Lu Qingfeng glanced at the old man next to him, and then raised his voice and ordered: "Immediately capture the relevant data and information about this special operations unit in the Blue Army Command Center, and set aside a separate section. The area shows.”


Soon, an area on the left side of the big screen was drawn out, and several windows popped up. In addition to showing the real-time location coordinates of the Blue Army special operations unit, it also showed the first-person perspective of several special team members. .

In the picture, this special operations team is hiding in a birch forest on the edge of a reservoir, and seems to be communicating something.

Can I call up the call content? the old man asked.

Okay, and then the relevant conversation content came from the speaker.

Wolf Cave reported that the red side's offensive troops had suffered a setback and suffered heavy losses. They were currently resisting stubbornly. We were now ordered to take advantage of the emptiness behind the red side and the demoralization of the new defeats in the front, so we took the opportunity to attack the red side's command center and carry out a beheading operation.

It seems that our troops have taken action. No. 1, let’s take action quickly. Otherwise, when our troops wipe out all the red attacking troops, we will behead everyone.

On the 13th, pay attention to the cleanliness of communication channels.

"Lying here for a night, through observation and detection, we can determine that under the hill on the other side of the reservoir is the Red Army's command center. We have detected that the radio signals here were extremely busy before the Red Army's participating troops attacked. It must be their command center.”

No. 17 and I went over as divers to observe, and found that the opponent had deployed approximately two companies of troops, and had a number of combat command vehicles. We also found many high-ranking officers appearing. It should be right, this is the command of the red team. center.

The information we have received so far intelligently confirms that this is its command post, but we cannot yet confirm its authenticity, or perhaps it is just a false target or even a trap set up by the red commander to lure us into beheading. Even if it is really the command center of the red side, we cannot take rash actions before confirming that the two commanders of the red side are here, otherwise all our efforts will be wasted.

No matter what these things are for, whether they are true or false, you will know soon after you do it. With our strength, with the small number of troops, we can come and leave at will.

Don't be careless, lest you capsize in the gutter.

That's right, if you fail, you might be laughed at when you go back.

After monitoring it all night, we still have to fight. Even if it is not the red team's command center, destroying a communication center is still a good thing. In this way, the first team and the second team are responsible for diving over to attack, while the third team stays here to provide response and long-range fire support.

When attacking, the first team serves as the main attacker and the second team assists. When you strike, be sure to hit it cleanly and with one hit. If you find something wrong, retreat immediately without hesitation.

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