Military Technology

Recommend 1 new book

I recommend my friend Yuzi's new work "Hold on to My Offshore Engineering Era". It is an old author and it is about military industry. The quality is guaranteed. If you are interested, you can save it and read it.

At the beginning of the reform, the tide surged. Lidong Machinery Factory, a third-tier factory located in the southwest mountainous area, faced the historical choice of model discontinuation and difficult transformation. Is it to be reborn in Nirvana, or to drift with the tide and be submerged in the tide of history?

Wen Dawei, a technical expert from later generations, travels back in time to 1983 to see how he, together with his contemporaries, never forgets his original intention and adheres to his mission, making Lidong Machinery Factory re-emerge, and ultimately allowing the world to re-understand what Chinese offshore engineering manufacturing is!

"Military Industry Science and Technology" launches a new book

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