Military Technology

Chapter 1844 Exploiting Strengths and Avoiding Weaknesses

The radar found the red fighter target, twelve J10C fighters, located in area 382, ​​with a speed of 700 and an altitude of 4,000. They were heading southwest and were expected to arrive in the exercise airspace in six minutes.

Immediately, twelve red J10 fighter-shaped icons were displayed on the electronic sand table and began to move on it.

"This is relevant data information transmitted from the base radar, so that we can watch the exercise more clearly. So the blue drones don't know this, and we won't let them know this data information. Everything still depends on It's only fair for them." Seeing everyone's doubts, Wu Hao explained with a smile.

His explanation made many people put aside their own problems, and then they all nodded and looked at the electronic sand table.

The drone switches to autonomous combat mode, and the terminal manually controls the system remotely.

Issue an exercise order, the target is twelve J10 fighter jets; the mission is to search for and shoot down targets and gain air superiority.


Reports indicate that No. 001 to 012 have switched to autonomous combat mode.

Following the notification sound, the first-person view of the twelve Fuguan intelligent attack drones was immediately displayed on the big screen, as well as the relevant data information of each drone.

At this moment, no one in the entire command and control center will intervene except for monitoring relevant data information. All this depends on the drone's intelligent control system to independently think and make decisions.

In the drone control area, all controllers are staring at the screen intently in order to intervene in time to take over the drone.

And these twelve Fuji intelligent attack drones, after switching to autonomous combat mode, suddenly shocked everyone watching in the hall.

Report, the UAV squadron began to rapidly decrease in altitude, 3500, 3000, 2500... 500, 300, 100, 50 meters!

Report that the drone lost its target on the radar screen.


Seeing this, everyone watching was shocked. What happened? Did the drone malfunction and crash directly?

Wu Hao, on the other hand, ordered very calmly: "Where is the location of the drone formation."

According to the report, the satellite positioning system shows that the drone is currently traveling through the mountainous canyons southwest of the exercise area, with a speed of 600 and an altitude of 40. The drone formation is flying in good condition. It is expected to leave the mountainous area in three minutes.

On the big screen, the first-person views of these drones show that the drone formation is traveling through the canyons in the mountains at the moment, and the speed is very fast and the altitude is very low. In some scenes, the drones are even It's about ten meters higher than the telephone poles on the ground.

"Flying at such a fast speed in such a canyon, I'm afraid it would be difficult for even some experienced old pilots to do so well." One of the leaders among the crowd said with emotion.

"Yes, traveling through such a canyon at such a speed and altitude. Not to mention whether the pilots can do it, even if they can do it, they will not be allowed to do it. This is too risky, and it is simply risking their lives. If you are not careful, you may destroy the machine and kill people."

"Such a flight will not give the pilot and the aircraft any room for mistakes and malfunctions. Then a slight mistake or malfunction will cause the aircraft to crash and kill people. It is too extreme. I am afraid that only this kind of drone can be unscrupulous. Use it for your flight.”

After hearing everyone's discussion, the old man turned to look at Wu Hao: "Why are you looking at the performance of twelve drones?"

The old man knew that the flight of the twelve Fuji intelligent attack drones to the mountainous canyon was the decision of the drones independently and had nothing to do with Wu Hao and the others. As the developer of this drone, he wanted to hear what Wu Hao, the person in charge, thought about the decision to make the drone, and wanted to hear his explanation.

The old man's words also attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked at him.

Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao smiled, and then raised his voice: "Bring out the autonomous combat plan of the drone formation."


Immediately, the combat plan for the relevant drones appeared on the big screen, and the flight trajectories of the twelve drones and the planned flight route that they were about to fly also appeared on the electronic desert.

This also made everyone present become interested, and they all bent down and looked at the electronic sand table.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, walked to the electronic sand table, controlled the electronic sand table with his hands, and introduced it to everyone: "Everyone, please see, this is the flight route that the drone has planned independently.

It can be seen from the planning of the flight route that the UAV formation intends to pass through the mountains and canyons, and then circle to the rear of the Red Air Force fighter formation in the northeast, so as to remain in the exercise airspace unnoticed.

So why they do this is mainly based on the corresponding decisions made based on the mission and on-site situation.

The detection radars of our twelve Fuji smart attack drones are very limited, far inferior to the radars of the twelve J10Cs of the red side, so in order to avoid being discovered prematurely by the red side's fighters and solve the battle remotely.

Therefore, after calculation, the UAV formation decided to lower its altitude and enter the mountainous area. In this way, it could avoid being discovered by the red fighter formation and suddenly appear behind the red fighter formation.

As a result, the red fighter formation that had regained consciousness had to engage in close combat if it wanted to turn to fight. In this way, the disadvantages of remote combat can be greatly avoided and provide strong conditions for drone operations. "

Haha, this is cunning enough, and you can use your strengths to avoid weaknesses! A leader at the scene exclaimed.

Hahahaha... After hearing the leader's words, everyone laughed. Indeed, after Wu Hao's interpretation, everyone couldn't help but wonder, is this drone already so smart?

How do they know what aspects of the opponent's fighter jets are better than their own? Soon, someone on the scene raised a new question.

In this regard, Wu Hao explained with a smile: "That's it. First of all, we have stored all the fighter models and related data information currently in service in their onboard databases and our rear databases. The drones can fly according to the commands. Mission target data information, so as to analyze and judge the target identity information and find favorable fighter opportunities.

If we do not have clear target identity information, the drone will also determine the enemy fighter by comparing the received enemy fighter radar data and the data detected by us with the data in the database. identity data information, and then conduct analysis and judgment to find breakthroughs.

In the mission just now, for the sake of safety, we issued relevant clear mission instructions, which clearly marked the red fighter aircraft models.

Therefore, the autonomous combat system will immediately make relevant analysis and decisions based on this data information. "

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