Military Technology

Chapter 1845 Philosophical Issues in War

Of course, there is another factor that is crucial for the autonomous combat system to adopt such a response strategy, and that is that such a decision can only be made after fully understanding and weighing the performance of the drone.

"You are saying that the autonomous combat system has a very good understanding of the performance of the drones themselves and believes that they can adapt to flying in mountainous canyons and travel safely through them." Lu Qingfeng interrupted him and caught the meaning of Wu Hao's words. The key point asked.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "That's right. Whether it is an autonomous combat system or an airborne intelligent control system, the decisions they make independently need to be based on a full understanding of the performance of the Fujia intelligent attack drone itself. basically.

Only in this way will the two systems perform analysis and calculations on this basis and select a suitable plan for execution.

Generally speaking, they will make decisions and perform various tasks based on the premise of protecting their own safety to the greatest extent. Of course, if we encounter a particularly important task, when we issue relevant instructions, they will make decisions with the task as the primary goal, and then their own safety will take a back seat at this time.

If the task conflicts with their own safety, they will choose to give up their own safety to complete the task.

Of course, this decision must be made based on the actual situation and made by the rear command and control center. The drone itself does not have such a change capability.

The reason for this is to avoid errors in the drone's intelligent control system and autonomous combat system and produce related security loopholes, and to ensure the safety and reliability of this Fujia intelligent attack drone to the greatest extent. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present nodded. In the process of executing a mission, it is inevitable that there will be such a difficult choice. Should the mission be given priority or the safety of personnel be given priority? This often requires a decision, and the answer is not absolute.

Although everyone knows that the best situation is to complete the task safely, but many times it is impossible, so a choice needs to be made at this time.

This is true even for drones. How to choose when encountering this situation depends on the nature of the mission.

After all, a Fujia intelligent attack drone is also very expensive. If it is destroyed in vain, it is not worth it. At least it must be worthwhile and cost-effective. So at this time, the commander needs to make a decision.

Wu Hao was also observing everyone's expressions. Seeing that everyone had almost digested it, he continued: "Actually, there is another situation that needs to be considered during the execution of the task, and that is the consequences and impact of the execution of the task.

This is often difficult to calculate for smart weapons and equipment. They generally limit their missions and do not consider the consequences and impacts at all. Therefore, this will cause a big problem.

For example, a drone finds a target convoy to attack. However, the target convoy is passing through a downtown area and is surrounded by dense crowds. What should we do at this time?

If you are a pilot, when encountering such a situation, you will usually postpone your action, wait until the target convoy passes through the downtown area, and go to a place with no or few people to take action, so as to avoid or reduce innocent casualties as much as possible.

Smart weapons will not. When they encounter such a situation, they will not consider the surrounding people. Instead, they will strike directly after confirming the target. This will cause a large number of casualties to innocent people, causing serious consequences.

Our autonomous combat systems solve this problem. They will have the same way of thinking and capabilities as pilots. When encountering such a situation, we will analyze it calmly and make the right decision. "

So what is the right decision? Someone interrupted him and asked.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled slightly and said: "The biggest task of our drone's autonomous combat system is to complete any tasks assigned by the commander, but they will choose reasonable methods calculated by themselves to carry out these tasks. Task.

As for what is a reasonable approach, it depends on the commander's own will and the importance of the mission.

Going back to the example just now, if the other party is a key criminal or an important target that we have been tracking for a long time, the previous tracking for such a long time has not been successful, and now we have finally tracked it, but the other party's convoy is in a busy city, and there are many people around it.

We know that once this opportunity is missed, the key criminal or important target will disappear again, so we should seize such an important opportunity. If they attack, it will cause many civilian casualties. If they let the opponent go without attacking, it will probably be difficult to track them later.

Therefore, at this time, the commander needs to make a decision and see which one to choose.

Of course, the autonomous combat system of the drone can also make such a decision, but it depends on the permissions set by the rear command and control center. If the crowd is more important than the target, then of course the safety of the crowd will be the priority. If the target is the first The element is the primary goal, then..."

At this point, Wu Hao stopped. Although he didn't finish what he said, everyone understood what he meant. Indeed, it is difficult to explain this kind of thing clearly, but it is often necessary to make such a choice and weigh the pros and cons. Let alone artificial intelligence, even wise men and great men among humans would find it difficult to handle this well.

In order to avoid computing decision-making loopholes and possible security risks in the autonomous combat system of drones, controllers still need to set up safety fences in this regard. The so-called security fence is not in reality, let alone in the system, but a logical fence in thinking. In other words, it is a security firewall.

Whether it is the intelligent control system of the drone or the autonomous combat system, their computing logic and thinking and decision-making cannot break through this safety fence to ensure the absolute reliability and safety of this Fujia intelligent attack drone.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the situation will be the same as that of the smart drone in the movie "Top Secret Flight". An uncontrolled and autonomous device cannot be reused no matter how good its performance is.

And in reality, many things and even many tasks cannot be expressed in terms of right or wrong. Many things have transcended the level of right and wrong and risen to a higher position.

Just like the famous movie saying, children only distinguish right from wrong, adults only distinguish pros and cons. If people are like this, then the higher levels will naturally be like this too. Taking the previous example as an example, it is naturally wrong to accidentally injure innocent people, but by eliminating important targets and criminals, the benefits it brings will definitely be higher than the value of these innocent people.

So at this time, how to make a choice? This is no longer a simple question of right or wrong, or the amount of benefit, but has risen to a philosophical question.

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