Military Technology

Chapter 1850 Reward 1 chicken drumstick

After watching the relevant demonstration, the old man looked at the two testers who came over and stood at attention, then stepped forward and looked at the equipment in their hands, and said to Wu Hao: "What is the approximate price of such a set of equipment? "

When it came, Wu Hao was overjoyed. This effort was not in vain. He immediately replied with a smile: "This configuration is different, so the price is naturally different. Just say that the price of such a smart grenade is only 10,000. It costs about 1 yuan. If the equipment is mass-produced, the price will be even cheaper.

As for the price of such a smart bullet, it is about a few thousand yuan.

If you include the set of equipment they carry, the price will naturally be higher, but overall it is still very cheap. "

Wu Hao did not say the actual price, and the price given was also reserved. The old man naturally knew this, but he was already very satisfied with the reference price given by Wu Hao.

Therefore, after listening to Wu Hao's answer, the old man nodded and said: "For a weapon and equipment to be deployed in large-scale troops, it must be tested repeatedly to verify its performance in various environments.

There is still too little relevant trial and test data for these two micro-attack drones. It is necessary to expand the trial scope and accumulate more usage data.

In addition, the troops, especially the grassroots officers and soldiers, have the most say on whether a piece of weapons and equipment is easy to use.

Therefore, I suggest that you still take out more of these equipment products and distribute them to the troops for trial use. If their response is good, then this weapon and equipment will naturally become available.

At that time, you don’t need to ask for an order. Instead, we will take the initiative to come to your door. "

Hearing the old man's words, Wu Hao was thoughtful, then smiled and nodded: "Yes, we have already put these two micro attack drones into the troops in various regions for small-scale trials. Judging from the current feedback results, Look, it’s still very good.”

After hearing what he said, the old man nodded and ordered to him: "Go back and prepare a trial report, relevant data and physical objects of these two drones and give it to us."

Yes, I'll get started immediately. With that said, Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning who was following behind. Shen Ning nodded understandingly and then started recording.

After hearing what he said, the old man smiled with satisfaction, then waved to Wu Hao and said, "Let's go to the next place."

At this time, an accompanying cadre next to him said with a smile: "Sir/, lunch is ready. How about we eat and rest first before continuing?"

After hearing this, the old man looked at everyone, then smiled and said: "Okay, let's eat first, and then continue after eating."

With that said, the old man waved and walked out first, and everyone accompanying him followed suit.

Everyone came to the pilot restaurant at the airport, and there were already many pilots inside. Seeing Wu Hao and the others arriving, they immediately stood up and stood at attention. Seeing everyone walking in, they all applauded.

The old man smiled and pressed his hand, motioning for everyone to sit down. Then he walked to a prepared round table, pointed to Wu Hao and said to Wu Hao, "Xiao Wu, come here."

Wu Hao looked at everyone, then nodded with a smile, and then walked to stand next to the old man very simply.

Looking at the people standing, the old man smiled and took the lead to sit down: "You guys, it's just a meal, that's all. Sit down."

sit down!

Following a command, everyone sat down. Wu Hao also sat on his seat, and then he had time to look at the environment of the pilot restaurant.

Compared with the ordinary military canteen, the decoration of the pilot canteen is more exquisite. The tables and chairs in the canteen are not all square tables, but there are square tables and round tables. Wu Hao and the others sit at a round table.

There are eight dishes and one soup on the table. The standard is very high. Basically, there is chicken, duck and fish. There are also some melon and fruit platters.

The old man greeted Wu Hao and everyone: "Come on, let's try this Kongqin stove."

Immediately, the old man took the lead in picking up the chopsticks, and then directly added a piece of chicken leg to Wu Hao and put it into his bowl: "Young people, eat more and don't take care of us. We are old and can't eat anymore."


After hearing the old man's words, everyone present laughed.

"This piece of chicken drumstick is to reward you for your great contribution to the modernization and development of the army's weapons and equipment. Don't worry, neither the army nor Guo Jia will forget the heroes who have made significant contributions to Guo Jiahe's national defense modernization." The old man looked at him and said.

Thank you! Wu Hao thanked him, then picked up the chicken legs and started eating.

"Sure enough, it's Kongqin Zao, it tastes good." Wu Hao said with a smile. In fact, this chicken drumstick is similar to roast chicken. The taste is very light and can only be average.

Haha, Lu Qingfeng, who was sitting next to him, smiled at him and introduced: "This Kongqin Zao is actually not as rich as you think, but it is just a bit higher than the standard of ordinary food.

The air service stove is mainly established to ensure the health and nutritional needs of pilots, as well as combat characteristics. Therefore, the menu is relatively scientific and reasonable, with mainly light and non-irritating flavors.

Once the pilot takes off, the flight may take anywhere from dozens of minutes to several hours. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that their meals are clean and hygienic and not irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. For example, heavy oil and spicy barbecue, hot pot, and braised dishes are definitely not allowed.

Otherwise, you'll get upset because there's no toilet on the fighter jet. "

Ha ha ha ha……

After hearing Lu Qingfeng's words, everyone present laughed.

An old man next to him looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile: "Xiao Wu, I have long heard that the food in your company is good. How does it compare with this one?"

Wu Hao smiled and replied: "We don't have so many requirements. Of course, cleanliness and health are essential. In addition, we pay more attention to the impact of food on people's emotions and psychology.

We believe that good food can adjust people's mood and relieve physical and mental fatigue. Therefore, the meals in our restaurant are more focused on taste on the basis of hygiene and health.

Of course, it is definitely incomparable with Kongqinzao, at least we are not free. "

Hahahaha... everyone laughed again after hearing his words.

Someone asked: "I heard that your company doesn't provide three meals a day for free, so why do you still need money?"

Wu Hao smiled and explained: "Actually, it was free at first, but free has brought many management problems, such as the decline in food quality and waste.

The society is not like the military. It does not have so many institutional disciplines and is difficult to manage, so in the end we returned to charging. However, we will subsidize a lot of meal expenses for employees every month, so everyone’s expenses are actually not very high, and are much lower than the price of meals outside. "

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