Military Technology

Chapter 1851 The grand finale

"These meal expenses are for each employee and they can use them freely. If they can't use them all, employees can add them to the second month or withdraw cash directly. If they overspend, the extra part will naturally be needed. Employees are responsible for their own responsibility.

So in this way, we can greatly avoid the waste problem caused by being free. Secondly, we have set up relevant slogans in each restaurant to promote savings and avoid waste.

In addition, we will also impose relevant penalties for malicious waste behaviors, such as including them in the employee's monthly and annual assessments, and affecting the payment of meal subsidies for the next month, etc.

In this way, it is difficult to see waste in the restaurant.

Of course, the premise of all this is to improve the overall quality of restaurant food. If the food is of poor quality and unpalatable, a series of waste problems will naturally arise.

If the food tastes good, there will naturally be less of a waste problem. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present nodded. Combining propaganda with the system, coupled with changes in interest relationships, this is indeed the best way.

But as a result, the operating costs of your restaurant will increase significantly, which will increase the burden on your company's operations. Someone here raised a question of his own.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded in reply: "Indeed, the improvement of food quality will inevitably bring about an increase in overall costs. However, compared to the huge operating costs of the entire company, the operating costs of the company's restaurants only account for a drop in the bucket, which is insignificant. .

The benefits of improving the quality of employee meals can quickly make up for the shortcomings of increased operating costs. First of all, the improvement of meal quality also increases employees' work enthusiasm, and at the same time it also improves employees' commitment to the company. Loyalty strengthens the overall cohesion within the company.

Judging from our company's statistics over the past few years, our employees' satisfaction and loyalty to the company have always been at the forefront of technology companies in China and even the world, and the turnover rate is also the lowest year-on-year.

Of course, this includes factors such as salary, benefits, development prospects, etc., but the level of food has also become an important factor that many people consider.

We even have many employees who left the company and worked for other companies for a few months and then came back. When asked why, they said it was because the company's food and environment were not good. "

Ha ha ha ha……

After hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone present laughed.

The old man tapped it with his chopsticks and said with a smile: "Sure enough, you kid is quite good at business management. But after hearing what you said, I'm curious about how good your food is. I'd like to try it if I get the chance."

Haha, then we will rush to greet you and wait for the leaders to come and guide the work. Wu Hao took the opportunity to say.

Ha ha……

You are a monkey, you want to climb up if you are given a pole. The old man pointed at Wu Hao and cursed with a smile, and then replied: "There will be a chance, let's eat!"

Then everyone stopped talking too much and started eating seriously. Although for Wu Hao and others, the Kongqin stove tastes a bit bland, for these old people, this taste is just right, so all the old people have a big appetite and eat much more than before.

Wu Hao also ate two bowls of rice at the greetings of the old people. There is no way, he is the youngest here, the old people dote on him like their own grandson, and ask him to pick up food from time to time.

Although it's a little restrictive, it sounds warm.

After finishing the meal, the old man greeted everyone: "Let's go, let's change places. They can't eat well here."

Everyone responded and immediately followed the old man to leave the restaurant with everyone standing and watching, and then headed to the lounge. The energy of the elderly is limited after all, so they should rest for a while after eating. Wu Hao and the others were fine, but they all found a place to drink tea.

Of course, Wu Hao was not so leisurely. He had to arrange the next display of weapons and equipment. The morning display session was generally good, but as everyone knows, the weapons and equipment display in the afternoon was the highlight.

The more everyone pays attention, the more pressure it puts on Wu Hao and the others. Even though Wu Hao had seen a lot of big scenes like this, he couldn't help but take advantage of the lunch break to personally check in and make sure that the afternoon display session was flawless.

After arranging all this, it was almost time, and Wu Hao also found a place to rest for a while to prepare for the afternoon's work. To be honest, this kind of escort introduction work is actually quite tiring.

Most of the time, he's the one doing the talking. And I have to face all kinds of problems, which can be said to be physically and mentally exhausted.

But such an opportunity is rare, so Wu Hao has to persist no matter how tired he is. After all, a big order is waving to them.

The demonstration venue in the afternoon was not at the airport, but at a field shooting range about thirty minutes away from the airport. At this moment, the sun was in the sky, and on this sandy land with sparse vegetation, everyone felt a bit of heat.

There is a platform with a welded iron frame on the edge of the shooting range, and seats are placed on the platform. Under the leadership of Wu Hao, everyone climbed onto the platform and took their seats.

The old man looked at the situation inside the shooting range, then smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Let's get started!"

Wu Hao nodded, and then nodded to Meng Hai next to him. Meng Yao understood and immediately began to issue orders.

As the order was issued, several drones immediately took off, and the images captured by these drones appeared on the big screen.

As a burst of dust rose in the distance, several specially modified tall armored combat vehicles rushed out from behind the dunes. These specially modified armored combat vehicles have a very high chassis. They appear to be the chassis of a certain type of heavy-duty truck, and an armored cockpit is welded on top. The cockpit looks relatively tall, which is somewhat like the Russian armored vehicles. Troop truck.

These vehicles rushed out from behind the sand dunes, flew for a while in the shooting range, and then stopped. The rear hatch of the vehicle opened directly, and each of the armored warriors wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor got out of the armored cockpit very flexibly. He came out, then raised the weapons and equipment in his hands and quickly charged forward.

These armored personnel carrier trucks probably contained a platoon of soldiers wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor. After getting off the vehicles, these soldiers dispersed into squads as combat teams, and began to move towards the skirmisher line in a three-by-three system. Leap forward.

While making rapid advances, they shoot the weapons in their hands. The weapons held by these warriors wearing heavy mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor have also been specially modified and strengthened. They are basically divided into three types, one is the basic type. What he holds is a machine gun that feeds ammunition through a belt on the back, and there is an automatic grenade launcher hanging under the machine gun.

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