Military Technology

Chapter 1852 Can the war still be fought like this?

The second type is a precision strike model. What they hold is a smart grenade launcher, which can launch micro-attack weapons, and can also use modified heavy-duty cluster rifles for combat.

As for the third type, it is a heavy fire support model. They hold rocket launchers, anti-tank missiles, individual anti-aircraft missiles, automatic grenade launchers, etc.

To everyone's surprise, the weapons held by these soldiers wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor were all live ammunition. They were moving quickly while attacking simulated targets.

Basically, these simulated targets will be destroyed instantly in front of them. Those erected bunkers will be destroyed by rockets and anti-tank missiles, and those defensive positions will be covered by automatic grenades. Those tank targets will also be quickly destroyed.

This scene made everyone on the high platform excited. Everyone is no longer satisfied with just looking into the distance or watching the drone aerial footage on the big screen, but one by one picked up the telescope in front of them and watched carefully.

While watching, everyone was also talking and exclaiming.

Can this battle still be fought like this?

What surprised everyone even more was what was behind them. From behind the sand dunes, several behemoths two or three meters tall emerged. They were the Xingtian powered mechas that Wu Hao had introduced during the exercise. .

Six tall Xingtian power mechas flew around the shooting range at extremely fast speeds. Each step was more than ten meters long. It didn't take long for them to catch up with the attacking troops in front.

The weapons held by these six Xingtian powered mechas are also completely different from those held by soldiers wearing heavy mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor.

Some were armed with 7.62mm 6-barreled Gatling guns and fired at distant targets while marching to suppress fire.

There were also those holding 14.5mm three-barreled rotary machine guns for long-range fire suppression. The rusty Type 59 tanks in between were beaten into sieves by the 14.5mm steel core singles.

There are also those who hold 24mm machine guns and fire while walking. Although the shooting speed is not comparable, their powerful firepower and power are unmatched by the first two weapons.

There are also handheld multiple rocket launchers to provide fire coverage to remote targets, etc.

In short, these six Xingtian powered mechas became the focus of the entire shooting range as soon as they appeared, making everyone unable to take their eyes away.

The exercise continued on the shooting range. Several armored vehicles that had been beaten and scrapped were lying in front of the attacking troops, blocking the attack route.

Usually when encountering this situation, there are generally several solutions. The first is blasting, which uses blasting to open a passage to facilitate the team's passage. However, not everything can be cleared by blasting, and some things cannot be cleared by blasting. For example, these iron tortoises weighing more than ten tons cannot be blown to pieces no matter how much they are exploded.

The other is to call the engineering vehicles behind to move. However, this is more time-consuming and may even cause the attack to terminate and delay the fighter plane.

Of course, the easiest thing is to avoid it. However, sometimes battlefield conditions do not allow it, and bypassing it may delay time, and may even cause a large number of casualties.

On the shooting range, only two Xingtian powered mechas were seen walking up to follow them, and then leaned over to push the scrapped armored vehicles weighing tens of tons. In everyone's surprise, they actually pushed forward and forcibly opened a hole for the attacking troops to pass quickly.

The Xingtian power mecha that arrived later continued to expand the passage and then followed it through.

This kind of performance really made everyone's eyes light up. Let's not talk about other things, let's just say that this power can definitely be used a lot on the battlefield. And in many cases, it can play an important role.

An old man present said: "I think this power mecha can not only be used in combat, but can also be used in battlefield equipment rescue and repair, special engineering operations, logistics supplies and other fields.

And it is more effective in these areas than in conventional combat. "

After hearing what the old man said, everyone present nodded in approval. One of the experts nodded and then shook his head and said: "Actually, this exercise venue has greatly restricted the use of this kind of powered mechas and heavy mechanical exoskeletons to assist in protective armor. I think this Both weapons and equipment are more suitable for fighting in complex terrain.

For example, in urban street battles, mountain jungle battles, plateau and mountain battles, etc., it is difficult for heavy weapons and equipment to reach and function in these areas, and many signals rely on the infantry's own firepower.

If these two weapons and equipment are available, the combat effectiveness of our combat troops in these terrain conditions will be greatly improved. It will work wonders especially in dealing with some disputes and skirmishes. "

The expert's words immediately won everyone's approval. Everyone naturally knows what the disputes and conflicts this expert refers to. If it is really used in the past, it will be able to greatly change the unfavorable situations in those extreme terrain environments and win us a regional strategic advantage.

Another expert expressed his worries at this time: "Although this large-scale powered mecha moves quickly and is powerful, it is relatively tall and vulnerable to enemy attacks.

It is still unclear how effective it can be on the battlefield. However, as mentioned before, it is very suitable if it is used in special engineering operations, logistical supplies, and equipment rescue. "

Indeed, compared to armored combat vehicles and tanks, this large-scale powered armor is thin-skinned and large-scale. General anti-armor weapons can penetrate and destroy it. It is still doubtful how much combat effectiveness it can exert on the battlefield. Another general spoke.

After hearing what these two people said, everyone nodded in agreement. This is the shortcoming of this Xingtian power armor. How to use it in the future really needs to be carefully studied.

The old man smiled slightly, then turned to look at Wu Hao and asked, "What did you say?"

Wu Hao did not immediately refute the explanation but replied with a smile: "Every weapon and equipment has its own advantages and disadvantages. As for the current Xingtian Power Armor, its advantages are as obvious as they are definite. So how should it be used? , this depends on the user’s own needs and creativity.

To put it bluntly, it is a tool, and people can decide how to use it. If used well, it can work wonders; if not used well, it is just a pile of scrap metal.

As for the problem that it is easily attacked due to its large size, we have actually been conducting research during the research and development stage, and so far we have studied several countermeasures.

For example, continue to improve the protective capabilities of this power mecha, install external armor and reactive armor, etc. Or install an active defense system to intercept incoming rocket missiles, etc. "

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