Military Technology

Chapter 1853 Xingtian powered mecha accompanying command and control vehicle

At the same time as Wu Hao's introduction, the entire offensive drill display on the distant shooting range had also ended. Soldiers wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective booster armor and pilot-controlled Xingtian power mechas occupied simulated enemy positions and lowered the enemy flag.

Bang bang bang bang...

Everyone at the scene immediately broke into excitement, applauding and cheering. Obviously, this short offensive exercise was more real, intuitive and shocking than what everyone saw on the big screen yesterday.

And this group of soldiers wearing heavy mechanical exoskeleton protective booster armor and these six Xingtian powered armors immediately lined up and ran towards this side.

Wu Hao smiled at everyone and said, "They are here, let's go down and take a look?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone immediately responded. Wu Hao accompanied the old man down the platform and stood in front.

At this time, the team over there also marched over. First, there were two rows of soldiers wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective booster armor. They stood in line, and then there were a row of six Xingtian powered mechas standing scattered behind them.

Stand at attention and salute!

As a slightly electronic sound sounded, both the soldiers wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective assist armor and the Xingtian Power Armor stood up from the first step, quickly stood upright, and gave everyone a very standard salute. military salute.

The neat sound of mechanical rotation made everyone couldn't help but feel excited.

The people in military uniforms who were present were stunned for a moment, and then returned the salute.

After the ceremony, take a rest!

Immediately, these soldiers wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective booster armor and the Xingtian power mecha lowered their right hands and took a rest.

Looking at the machines painted in desert camouflage, the old people couldn't help but look at them curiously.

Wu Hao waved to Meng Hai next to him, and Meng Hai understood and immediately gave instructions.

As the order was given, only the ten soldiers in front wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective booster armor stayed, and the remaining soldiers turned and ran away from the scene.

As for the six Xingtian powered mechas at the back, they all remained.

The four soldiers on the right, wearing heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protection and boosting armor, immediately supported the person with the helmet mask with their hands, and then pushed upwards. During this time, the helmet mask lifted upwards, revealing the soldier inside.

The four soldiers then pressed a few times on the torso, and then the armor on the torso also lifted up. The armor below the waist spreads out from the inside to both sides, exposing the triangle area and thighs.

The heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective booster armor immediately leaned forward and opened its hands upward.

At this time, the soldiers first pulled out their right leg, then their left leg, and then their entire bodies slid down from above.

The soldiers in the heavy mechanical exoskeleton protection and assistance armor pressed a button inside, and the heavy mechanical exoskeleton protection and assistance armor returned to standing mode in a strange posture.

Several soldiers wearing dark gray jumpsuits stood at attention, then stood at attention and reported to the old man and Wu Hao: "First of all, my digital special synthetic battalion, a company, a row and a squad of four people have been separated from the armor. Please advise!"

Upon seeing this, the old man immediately gave the order: "Take a break, thank you for your hard work."


Then the four soldiers stood in front of their respective heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective booster armors and took a moment to stand.

Immediately afterwards, four of the six Xingtian power armors behind also changed. When everyone saw this, they immediately walked around to take a look.

I saw that the additional energy backpacks on the backs of these four Xingtian power mechas opened downwards, perpendicular to the backs of the mechas. The additional energy backpacks were close to the backs and formed a small platform upwards.

The back of Xingtian's power mecha, which was blocked by the additional energy backpack, revealed an iron door. There is also a small glass window above the iron door, which should be used to observe the external environment.

With a sound of mechanical rotation, the door opened outward. Then I saw the driver wearing a blue jumpsuit pushing out from inside.

The four pilots who got out of the cockpit of the Xingtian Power Mecha quickly turned around, very quickly stepped on the retreat of the Xingtian Power Mecha from the side, stepped down, then came to stand in front of everyone, stood at attention and shouted to everyone: " Report, the four members of the equipment testing team of Haoyu Technology Automation Machinery Technology Research Institute have completed the relevant equipment performance demonstration tasks, please give instructions!"

Take a break!

At this time, Wu Hao gave instructions.


The four people took a breath and then stood astride.

now. The old man and everyone at the scene were attracted by the heavy mechanical exoskeleton protective assist armor and the tall and majestic Xingtian power mecha standing here, and there was no room for anything else in their eyes.

The old man looked at the two Xingtian powered mechas next to him that had no personnel down, then smiled at Wu Hao and asked, "These two are different from the four here."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded and answered to the old man and everyone: "It's different. The two units here are unmanned versions, so there are no people inside.

Please see, it has no cockpit, and there are many more antennas and sensors on it. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone looked at the two unmanned Xingtian powered mechas and nodded slightly. Indeed, as Wu Hao said, the two unmanned Xingtian power mechas do not have cockpits, and there are many changes on them, and many sensors and antennas are installed.

Like drones, are they controlled by remote control? The old man looked around the two unmanned versions of the Xingtian powered mecha, patted the thigh of the Xingtian powered mecha and asked with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded: "Yes, it can be controlled by remote control, or it can be controlled by a mobile command and control vehicle.

Such a mobile command and control vehicle can control eight to ten such unmanned Xingtian power mechas to form a basic attack unit.

Of course, like our smart drones, this unmanned version of the Xingtian power mecha also has an intelligent control system and an autonomous combat system.

Therefore, it can perform some relatively simple tasks according to the relevant instructions issued by the rear commander, such as patrolling, standing guard, some attack tasks, and repetitive mechanical tasks, etc.

At present, we are constantly optimizing and upgrading its autonomous combat capabilities so that it has basic combat-level battlefield combat capabilities.

In other words, it can understand the orders of the rear commander, faithfully fulfill the orders, and carry out combat missions.

For example, attack enemy defensive positions, attack invading enemies, and cooperate with friendly forces to conduct combined operations, etc.

In addition, it can also coordinate operations based on the combat intentions of our soldiers on the battlefield. And according to changes in the battlefield environment and battle situation, different combat methods are changed to adapt to the battlefield combat environment. "

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