Military Technology

Chapter 1854 Mind-assisted control system


"Oh, this is the second Fujia intelligent attack drone." The old man praised his words and then asked: "Can it achieve the combat effect of your drone?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "Compared to the relatively simple air combat, the ground war is more complicated and has too many influencing factors. Therefore, it is still difficult to achieve intelligence and automation like drones at this stage. .

However, some simple tasks and battles are still possible, but anything more complex will require human intervention. After all, the battlefield environment is too complex, and the current artificial intelligence cannot meet such requirements.

In addition, the ground battlefield is more susceptible to interference and influence, and this completely autonomous and intelligent combat system may not necessarily be completely safe and reliable. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, the old man and everyone present nodded in approval. The old man then turned around and walked to the four Xingtian power mechas that had opened their cockpits.

At this time, the staff had set up an iron ladder around one of the Xingtian power mechas to facilitate personnel to go up and check the cockpit.

Upon seeing this, the old man immediately climbed up the iron ladder, walked to the top, then bent down and leaned in to observe the entire cockpit of the Xingtian power mecha.

After examining it carefully for a while, the old man turned around and smiled at Wu Hao: "It's much simpler than I thought. It doesn't have those complicated control systems."

Wu Hao helped the old man walk down the iron ladder with a smile, and then said with a smile: "When we originally designed it, we took into account the simplicity and flexibility of its control, so that it can be more convenient for the operator to control flexibly, and it is also more conducive to Use its flexible maneuverability on the battlefield to unleash its maximum combat effectiveness.

On the other hand, this can also facilitate personnel driving control, reduce training and learning time, and make it easier to get started. A Xingtian-powered mecha like Proficient Driving basically only requires about a month of training before you can master the control.

This is crucial to the scope of use and cost of this Xingtian power mecha, especially when dealing with large-scale wars. "

Wu Hao didn't finish what he said, but everyone knew what he meant. To put it bluntly, this is a consumable product. If the learning and training time is too long, it is likely that it will not be able to keep up with the consumption situation.

"It's hard to imagine that such a huge mecha doesn't have complicated control devices inside. Instead, it looks very crude. I really don't know how to control it." Lu Qingfeng came down from the iron ladder and said to him Wu Hao and the others said with a smile.

Wu Hao replied with a smile: "In such a small space, if those complex control devices are really installed, the personnel will not be able to fit them in, and even if they are installed, it will be difficult to operate them.

So we used a more advanced control method, and we have already used this control method on heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor. This is the human body motion capture and follow-up control system.

To put it simply, this is a sensing system that can sense the bioelectrical signals of human motor nerves. The blue jumpsuits worn by these drivers are filled with many such sensors.

After the driver enters the mecha cockpit, a special interface will be linked to the suit to activate the sensor and capture relevant motion signals from the operator at all times.

These movement signals on the driver's body will be immediately converted into control signals by the intelligent system and transmitted to various parts of the Xingtian Power Mecha's body.

In this way, each limb part of the Xingtian power mecha will follow the movement signals of the operator inside.

In layman's terms, this is a motion capture system. We capture the movement signals of the operator and bind them to the Xingtian power mecha, so that the mecha can move with the movement of the operator. "

"But the cockpit is so narrow, how can the operator be allowed to move?" a general asked at the scene.

This question immediately attracted the approval of other people who had seen the cockpit. Yes, it is so small inside, how can the driver's limbs be allowed to move.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said: "The operators don't need to really move, they only need to use their own consciousness and control their limbs to make slight movements.

This set of sensors will always record the motor nerve bioelectrical signals of the operator and the force exertion of muscles in various parts of the body, thereby converting them into intelligent control signals to control the action of the mecha.

In addition, we have also prepared a brain-computer control system for this Xingtian Power Mecha, which can assist in controlling the movement of the Xingtian Power Mecha through consciousness and thought. "

"Brain-computer control system, consciousness, thought?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but be a little confused. This is nothing.

"Have you really developed this technology?" Soon, someone reacted and asked Wu Hao excitedly.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, we have made a breakthrough in the field of brain-computer interaction technology, and have successfully applied this technology to the control of this Xingtian power mecha.

However, this technology is not mature enough at present, so it can only be used for auxiliary control. "

"You mean, you can control this Xingtian power mecha with your consciousness?" Lu Qingfeng looked at Wu Hao with a look of surprise: "It just does what I think?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's not that magical. All actions on our body are commanded and controlled by the brain. When the brain is running, it will generate brain waves. Our brain-computer interaction technology is to capture these brain waves. , and analyze and decode it, and convert it into corresponding control signals to control this set of Xingtian power mecha.

Of course, the real brain-computer interaction technology is much more complicated than this. People are thinking all the time, and the brain is generating these messy EEG signals all the time. If we filter out useless EEG signals, we can only filter and extract useful EEG signals. This is also a topic that scientists in this field have been working on.

In fact, we have no special technology in this area. We can only use powerful algorithms to filter and process these EEG signals and find the required EEG signals.

In fact, many technologies in laboratories can achieve this, but the real difficulty should be in the reaction speed. If the recognition and capture speed is too slow, the control will be sluggish. How can the entire Xingtian power mecha be flexibly controlled?

Therefore, this filter is very important. It must quickly filter out useless signals and capture useful EEG signals. "

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