Military Technology

Chapter 1865 You are the best in the world

At this time, the stewardess came over with dinner and placed their respective dishes in front of the two of them. Wu Hao picked it up, then looked at Shen Ning who was still silent and said with a smile: "Come on, you're welcome, hurry up and start!"

When Shen Ning heard what he said, she slowly picked up the knife and fork, and then slowly cut the cod on the plate.

Wu Hao cut a piece of steak and ate it in his mouth, then nodded slightly and smiled, enjoying the happiness that meat brought to people.

Then he raised his glass and smiled at Shen Ning: "Here, let's have a drink!"

Shen Ning quickly put down her knife and fork, picked up the bar, touched it with Wu Hao, and then took a sip.

"Actually, Tong Juan is responsible for the main work, but there are some things that require me to express my position. At this time, you need to use your creativity.

In addition, the members of the team are all drawn from various departments, and there will be more or less problems and conflicts. Although Zhang Xiaolei and the others are responsible for management and coordination, sometimes you need to come forward. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, you represent me, do you understand? "Wu Hao was eating while imparting experience to Shen Ning.

Seeing Shen Ning nodded slightly, Wu Hao continued: "Actually, there is another reason. At this stage, I am not suitable to go abroad, or my goals are too big, and it will be very troublesome once I go abroad.

Therefore, relevant departments and leaders have advised me not to go abroad easily. Therefore, if I encounter some overseas matters and need to go abroad, then you can only represent me. "

Seeing what he said, Shen Ning understood instantly. She knew that Wu Hao could not go abroad easily. The relevant departments even talked to her specifically and provided relevant training.

If Wu Hao wants to go abroad, she must report to the relevant departments as soon as possible.

In fact, many overseas forums and activities, as well as some important conferences, have invited him many times, but Wu Hao still has not gone out. Because every time when he was preparing to go abroad, relevant leaders called or invited him to meet and persuaded him to give up the trip.

This is not a restriction, but a protection. Because Wu Hao's head is very valuable now, and it is very popular on the black market. Compared with his brain, he is more valuable. It is said that someone has already offered Wu Hao US$50 million.

Of course, this is just a small fight. Some people in the black market estimate that with Wu Hao's current net worth, if anyone is lucky enough to "invite" him back, they may be able to earn hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in ransom.

However, there are too few kidnappers who are really capable of attracting his attention, because everyone knows the importance of Wu Hao. Inviting "him" back is equivalent to taking back a hot potato. Unless there are other forces involved, the purpose is different.

Thinking of this, Shen Ning nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, I will try my best to do everything you tell me, and I will never discredit you, let alone embarrass you."

Well, I believe you. Wu Hao nodded and smiled, then picked up the wine glass and touched it with Shen Ning.

Putting down his wine glass, Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning and said with a smile, "Now that we've finished talking about the business, let's talk about some personal matters."

Private matter? Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wu Hao with wide eyes.

Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning seriously and said: "Whether it is as your leader or as your friend, brother, I should care about your personal life.

Your father called me some time ago and asked about your situation. He actually cares about you, and he sounds quite proud of you. Don't keep thinking about him and confronting him every day. He does all this to care about you and love you. "

Were you bribed by him too? Shen Ning pursed her lips and stared at him and asked angrily.

Like what? Wu Hao looked at the girl in front of him and laughed angrily: "With your wealth, he can bribe me, but I can almost bribe him."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning's eyes lit up, and then she said with a smile: "Why don't you acquire him and let him play for a day. You don't need to give him much money, just enough to support him in old age, and give me the rest. Count it as a share, so I can eat and wait to die."

You are so beautiful!

Wu Hao glared at the other person and said angrily: "You are so young and you want to live alone and wait to die. You live in sorrow and die in happiness. You still have to work hard for me for decades.

I told you, working here has a better future than going back to work for him. As for the little wealth your family has, I believe you will definitely earn more than that in the future. "

Thank you, Mr. Wu! After hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning immediately thanked him happily.

Wu Hao waved his hand: "Actually, there is another way. Listen to your father's words and quickly find a son-in-law for your father. This way, his son-in-law will be responsible for the family's business, and you won't have a headache."

Why are you like this and starting to urge marriage? Shen Ning's face turned red and she said awkwardly.

"Don't come here. You're old enough. It's time to think about personal matters. I've heard that you have a little bit of a copper tendency. Isn't it true?" Wu Hao looked at her and joked.

No way, they are talking nonsense! Shen Ning suddenly became anxious as if her tail had been stepped on.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this, then looked at her and continued: "What's the rush? It's okay, it doesn't matter what age it is, I don't discriminate."

No, they are talking nonsense, I really don’t. Shen Ning suddenly became anxious and almost shed tears.

Okay, okay, no, no. Wu Hao quickly comforted the girl. If she really cried, it would be enough for him to have a headache.

"Anyway, you can make up your own mind. Love is not prohibited in our company. If you like whoever you like, feel free to pursue it. Don't be afraid. If you're embarrassed, I'll be your matchmaker. If you don't like the talented people in our company, You can ask your sister-in-law, there are many high-quality talents in her company, we can take turns to choose!"

Seeing Shen Ning's face turn red, her head almost dropped to the table. Wu Hao accepted it as soon as he was satisfied, then took out a napkin and wiped his mouth, stood up and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I'm going to rest for a while."

After hearing his words, Shen Ning raised her head and looked at Wu Hao's back. Shen Ning couldn't help but sigh in loneliness.

It’s you I’m attracted to, why can’t you feel it?

No one in the whole company can be as good as you, no one in the world can be as good as you.

Why, why didn't I meet you before that woman? Why, why did you drive me away.

I don't ask for much, just stay by your side and see you every day.

Why, why don't you satisfy even this little wish of mine?

Of course, these were the roars in her heart, but she was unusually calm on the surface. As an adult, she knows how to hide this feeling deep in her heart and just know it.

Some love is destined to be unavailable. Instead of saying it to hurt others and hurt yourself, it is better not to say it.

【End of this volume】

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