Military Technology

Chapter 1866 Actively respond to the challenge

In the conference room on the second floor of the overseas problem response team's office building, Wu Hao sat at the front and looked at the familiar faces on both sides. This group has been formed for a month, and all the work has been carried out very smoothly and the results have been outstanding.

It should be said that they withstood the opponent's first wave of offensive. Although there are some losses, the problem is not that big. It can be said that it has achieved a staged victory.

However, how could their opponents be willing to admit defeat? They immediately launched a second wave of offensives and intensified their targeting, which also made their overseas market operating environment more and more severe.

For this reason, Tong Juan proposed to hold this working meeting to study and discuss the following related work arrangements, and Wu Hao attended as a non-voting delegate.

The atmosphere in the conference room was rather solemn, and the series of matters reported earlier seemed to have put a stone on everyone's minds. Looking at the frowning Lao Gao, who was silent, Wu Hao, who was sitting on the front seat and had been listening, immediately opened his mouth to comfort him.

Seeing that everyone's expressions were relieved, Wu Hao then continued: "You have all mentioned a series of problems and difficulties before, so I would like to ask everyone, what are our advantages in dealing with this crisis?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone reacted immediately, and then started talking one by one.

Lu Bo was the first to speak, and he said to Wu Hao and everyone: "I think our biggest advantage should be relying on the domestic market. As long as we have the support of the domestic market, we will not be in despair.

At the same time, because of the influence of the domestic market, except for those very few Guojiahe areas, the remaining developing Guojiahe areas have no problems. Of course, except for the weird Guo Jia. "


After hearing Lu Bo's words, everyone laughed heartily. In fact, everyone knows who those very few weird countries that Lu Bo talks about are just a few weird ones with ambitions as high as the sky and lives as thin as paper. Jumping around all day long, really thinking that he is invincible in the world, this kind of thing needs to be dealt with, just give him a few sticks and he will be safe.

Zhang Xiaolei, who was sitting opposite Lu Bo, also entered working mode at this time. She said at this time: "I think our biggest advantage is our high-quality products and the excellent reputation and brand image accumulated in the early stage.

As long as we have this here, we have a chance of winning. It's just that the opponent is too powerful now, and we need to retreat strategically.

When the time is right, we can make a comeback. "

No, blindly avoiding and giving in will only make you more passive. h/ did the same thing back then, but everyone knows the result. Tong Juan held the pen and shook her head slightly.

"So you still advocate taking an active part in the challenge?" A director of the publicity department present asked Tong Juan.

"Of course." Tong Juan replied in a positive tone. This was not only her opinion but also Wu Hao's. Because in Wu Hao's view, blindly giving in will only deepen the other party's arrogance, but he will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, no matter what the result is, the key is to actively respond to the challenge, rather than being like a certain company that kneels down and sings "conquer" before anything is done.

But where should we start now? Other areas are fine, but in these areas, we really have no choice. Lu Bo said with a wry smile.

Tong Juan waved her hand at him: "Ignore these regions for now, now we need to stabilize our markets in other regions to prevent them from being affected.

Secondly, we must prevent other competitors from taking advantage of the situation and seizing the opportunity to encroach on our market while we are struggling to cope with the current crisis.

Third, we cannot relax in the domestic market. Although we are a team to deal with overseas problems, our stable domestic market is the foundation and key to dealing with overseas challenges. Therefore, we must not make any mistakes in the domestic market.

Looking around the world, I'm afraid there is no Guo Jiahe region that can have such an active domestic market. "

Seeing everyone nodding, Tong Juan continued: "An active market naturally means fierce competition. Our domestic market is also the most competitive in the world, especially in the Internet field, and the field of digital products is the top priority.

Take the mobile phones that we are all most familiar with before. Among the top ten smartphone brands in the world, how many of them are domestically produced?

The same is true now in the field of smart VR/AR. Although our products have advantages in performance and quality, they still receive a lot of impact from mid- to low-end brand products.

And now there are many mid- to low-end brands that are also waiting for opportunities to enter the high-end product field. For example, everyone knows about my Labor Day corn, and I have made frequent small moves in the past two years.

Therefore, at this critical moment, there is no guarantee that these domestic peers will not take the opportunity to seize the market that we have worked so hard to win.

Therefore, domestic work must not be messed up, and special attention must be paid to this. "

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Wu Hao smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this. I have put Zhang Jun in charge to ensure the absolute safety and stability of your rear."

With your words, I feel relieved. After hearing Wu Hao's words, Tong Juan nodded and said. In fact, according to her idea, she wanted to transfer Huang Zhihua back to be responsible for the domestic market, but this idea was rejected by Wu Hao. Those who have been separated cannot come back, otherwise the previous arrangements will be meaningless.

Seeing that Wu Hao stopped talking, Tong Juan continued: "In the overseas market, especially in these key areas, our next work focus will be mainly divided into two parts.

First of all, although we are no longer able to sell new products in these regions, we have had very good results in these regions before, so we have a large user base.

This user group will be the basis for our survival in these regions, and it will also be the spark for our comeback.

Therefore, special attention must be paid to providing after-sales service to these user groups. We cannot ignore our care for these old users just because we have failed and been hindered in these areas, let alone abandon them.

We must treat every old user as God, treat them with care, let them feel our sincerity, and extend the use time of the products in their hands as much as possible.

In this regard, it is necessary to design the maintenance part of the hardware and the upgrade part of the system software. First of all, the hardware part should do a good job in after-sales service, provide high-quality and affordable services to the old user groups, and extend the service life of these equipment products.

As for the software part, we can perform synchronous updates and maintenance through our international servers set up in Tibetan areas to ensure regular updates of the system software of these user groups and improve the user experience. "


I have one today. Let’s go to bed early.

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