Military Technology

Chapter 1868 Focus

"No, of course I won't give up. This just gives users more choices. Everyone must understand that our virtual world is the key. Keeping it means keeping everything.

It is only temporarily open now. In the future, with the continuous improvement of the version and the continuous optimization of our equipment products, these user groups will gradually become our potential consumers, which can also be regarded as a way to attract traffic. "

Wu Hao said to everyone: "In addition, according to our revenue in the past two years, the operating revenue of the virtual world has exceeded and is far ahead of the revenue of digital products and equipment.

So at this stage, we still have to prioritize and ensure that our virtual world is not affected.

Of course, it is unrealistic to say that we will not be affected. We must minimize the impact, and on this basis, we must be proactive and truly turn crises into opportunities. "

After Wu Hao finished speaking, Tong Juan immediately followed up and said: "This decision is also a sound policy made by the company's board of directors after in-depth discussion and research, and will also be the top priority of our next work.

Of course, this does not mean that we have given up on the digital equipment product market. Next, instead of giving up, we will strengthen our operations in this area.

I can tell you a secret. A new generation of virtual wearable devices has been developed and has passed a series of internal tests. The performance is amazing. We will release it at a selected date according to the corresponding situation. "

Everyone was extremely excited when they heard the news. Everyone knows that the core competitiveness of Haoyu Technology is innovation and the continuous introduction of equipment products with excellent performance. Then rely on these excellent products to continuously occupy the market and win the favor of consumers. And relying on the reputation of the user group, we continue to expand the market.

The successful development of a new generation of virtual wearable devices means that they have a new trump card that can be revealed at the right time to achieve miraculous results.

Seeing smiles on everyone's faces, Tong Juan looked at Wu Hao and saw that there was nothing wrong with him. Then she looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Okay, today's work meeting will be held here. Next, Xiaolei You come to preside over the daily work of our working group. Lu Bo, prepare yourself and go to Europe with me. There are many things that we still have to deal with in person. Remote control is not intuitive enough.

You have been there for several years and are familiar with the work there, so this time I plan to let you stay there and be responsible for the work there. After a while, I will ask Xiaolei to come over and help you.

How's it going? Are there any problems? "

Lu Bo hesitated for a moment when he heard this, then nodded and said, "No problem, I'll prepare immediately when to set off."

Just these two days, you should seize the time to prepare. Tong Juan instructed.

Lu Bo nodded when he heard this, and then stopped talking.

Seeing this, Wu Hao looked at him and said with a smile: "As the saying goes, those who are capable work hard, you are familiar with the situation there, so in terms of candidates, of course you are the most suitable.

You must do your job as a family member. If you have any difficulties, you can tell Mr. Tong, or you can come to me directly. Whether it's work or life, you can mention it, we will try our best to satisfy you. "

Thank you Mr. Wu, no problem, I can handle it. Lu Bo forced out a smile after hearing his words.

Okay, Wu Hao nodded and smiled, glanced at Zhang Xiaolei, and then continued to say to Lu Bo: "Let Zhang Xiaolei go there to help you work and reduce your pressure, not to divide your power, monitor you or anything like that.

When she becomes familiar with the work there, you two can take turns, so that you don't have to work too hard and there won't be so much disagreement at home.

Mr. Tong made a request to me before. During this period, the special plane will be yours to use. So you see, as long as you meet the requirements, you can apply for a special flight. If you do not meet the requirements, you will be admitted to business class and first class to make your journey as comfortable as possible. "

Thank you Mr. Wu. After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone was happy and thanked him.

This is a huge benefit for them. You must know that before their business trips, they basically flew in ordinary class, and the slightly better one was business class. But this time, Wu Hao actually allocated the right to use the special plane to them. Even if it's not their turn, they can just take the first-class business class cabin without having to squeeze into the ordinary class cabin.

You must know that the riding experience between these two is very different. The discomfort of sitting in the ordinary cabin on a long-distance flight is really fresh in everyone's memory.

Wu Hao looked at Lu Bo and nodded, then stood up and left, and Tong Juan and Zhang Xiaolei followed immediately.

After walking out of the small office building, Wu Hao did not get on the shuttle bus, but started walking on the path with Tong Juan and Zhang Xiaolei.

Wu Hao looked at Zhang Xiaolei next to him and said: "When Mr. Tong asked me for you before, I was still worried that you were too young to cope with it. After this month of observation, I think you did a good job and didn't give me anything." I’m embarrassed.”

Thank you Mr. Wu, what I did was not good enough. Zhang Xiaolei felt happy and immediately answered.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, and then continued: "Your work will be even harder next, so you must be mentally prepared for this.

Letting you go to Europe will, on the one hand, train you, especially your ability to be independent. This is a rare opportunity, especially to tackle such an important job alone.

Putting you in this position is undoubtedly putting you on the fire and making things difficult for you. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Zhang Xiaolei, who shook her head and said: "You want to train me, I will work hard to do a good job."

Well, Wu Hao nodded and said, "I believe in you, come on, use your strength to shut up those who question you and laugh at your jokes."

With that said, Wu Hao continued to walk: "On the other hand, I also want you to reduce the pressure on Lu Bo. Originally, you were not the candidate, but Mr. Tong recommended you to me.

Lu Bo is a good teacher, and you can definitely learn something from him. When you truly grow up, I will send you out to take charge of your own business. "

After hearing his words, Zhang Xiaolei's face immediately turned a little sad. She wanted to open her mouth several times, but she swallowed the words that came to her lips several times.

Of course Wu Hao noticed this, how could he not know what this girl was thinking, then he smiled and pointed at Shen Ning who was holding the bag behind her and said with a smile: "This girl is going down soon, you are the senior sister, so you have to do a good job Such a role model."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Xiaolei looked at Shen Ning and looked at each other. After seeing the look in the other person's eyes, Zhang Xiaolei hesitated and nodded: "Don't worry, I am the person you taught me personally. I will definitely not It will embarrass you.”

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