Military Technology

Chapter 1869 Technology that is difficult for peers to match

The virtual world is about to launch version 2.0!

This news, with the secret help of a professional marketing team, quickly made the front page headlines of major global media and related website community forums within two or three days, becoming one of the topics of greatest concern to everyone.

In the technology and entertainment section, it aroused collective discussion and attracted unprecedented attention.

The virtual world of Haoyu Technology has been quickly welcomed by the majority of players and users since its launch, and thus opened up a real virtual world universe.

The virtual world, digital world, metaverse, etc. that everyone had only imagined and experimented with before have become a reality.

Wu Hao and others have truly created a real virtual world in the virtual Internet. This world is not only visible, but can also be touched and smelled with the corresponding equipment.

And the content is very rich. It can be said that it integrates all the current content on the Internet and organically forms it into a whole.

Users only need to enter it to experience these wonderful contents. Whether it's shopping, watching movies, listening to music, binge-watching TV shows, socializing and chatting, or everyone's favorite game, we have it all.

Of course, these are not uncommon, and the general Internet also has these contents. The virtual world materializes these and provides a better experience.

As the influence of the virtual world grows, more and more content providers and other Internet companies have joined in. Thanks to the joint efforts of the Internet and content, the virtual world is now very prosperous. There are huge user groups in various regions around the world. Hundreds of millions of people are active in it every day, and these hundreds of millions of people invisibly constitute a huge virtual social group and consumer market group.

This virtual world architecture has also been quickly adopted by many technology Internet companies. For a time, many similar virtual worlds came online one after another. Major Internet technology companies have launched their own virtual world projects and developed a large number of VR and AR glasses equipment. However, limited by technology, the products and virtual world systems developed by these companies are far inferior to them.

Especially in terms of fluency and authenticity, these imitators are very poor.

For example, the virtual world of Haoyu Technology only has a few zones around the world, and each zone can accommodate tens of millions of people online at the same time. Such a large user group can be in one partition at the same time, and it can be guaranteed that there will be no lag due to the increase in the number of users.

This aspect of technology cannot be solved by other imitators. In order to prevent lags, these imitators can only spend tens of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of people online at the same time. Even so, lags sometimes occur. Although players can freely cross regions, it takes a long time to reload and even queues to enter, which makes the experience very poor.

The virtual world of Haoyu Technology does not need to be like this. In a large partition, such as a domestic partition, there are no other exaggerated partition situations. Tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people can be in one partition at the same time, and lags are rare. Condition.

These imitators all want to know what technology Wu Hao and the others are using, but after such a long time, there is still no progress.

Many technology and Internet experts believe that Haoyu Technology may use a virtual neuron system, and then merge countless neurons together in an orderly manner to form such a virtual world, just like the human brain. . In short, this should be a very advanced technology, which is currently difficult for other peers to achieve.

There were even some questions about this guess, but Wu Hao and the others laughed and said nothing. As for what it was and whether the guess was correct, this was not known to the outside world.

In recent years, these imitators have often poached high-paying employees from Wu Hao's company, and even poached many senior technical experts. However, these people have not done much, except for optimizing the user experience. , there are no other achievements.

Although they have all participated in the construction of virtual worlds and related later maintenance, and they all know the principles, they just can't do it.

On the one hand, they think that they are not involved in the core system architecture at all, so naturally they don’t understand. On the other hand, most of the technologies they know have been patented by Wu Hao and others.

Even though these imitators know that some technologies can greatly improve the virtual world system, they dare not do it because it will involve the risk of infringement.

Everyone knows that Haoyu Technology has always had a team of highly qualified lawyer consultants. They have won several famous infringement cases abroad, and domestically, they have also fought against many peers, and these peers have not accounted for even the slightest share. Cheap.

Therefore, these imitators are very helpless, and some imitators have even filed antitrust complaints with relevant departments, abusing their market position, etc.

However, they all failed in the end, because Wu Hao and his colleagues did not violate the rules at all. They were all about safeguarding their own legitimate rights and interests, and these colleagues had violated the rules first. It can be said that I couldn't kill the fox, but I made a mess.

In fact, the speculations of these technical experts are not unreasonable. Wu Hao and others use a structure similar to the neuron algorithm. In fact, it is cluster array control technology. This technology can not only be used for servers, allowing many server clusters to form an intelligent cluster array.

The entire server cluster can autonomously allocate computing power according to demand, and the many servers can be connected in an orderly manner and communicate without hindrance.

Then, each server cluster can use the cluster array control system to form a huge server cluster.

Countless servers and sub-server clusters are combined in an orderly manner to form a huge intelligent server cluster. This huge server cluster can be regarded as the brain, the cluster array control system can be regarded as the central system, and the numerous sub-server clusters below and the many servers under these sub-server clusters can be regarded as a computing unit, node , and the hub.

Only with such a huge intelligent server cluster can they have the ability to accommodate tens of millions of people in one partition.

Of course, having so many users concentrated in one partition involves many problems. Even with a powerful server it is impossible to completely solve it.

Even if the partition is too large, a series of negative problems will occur.

For example, for this daily maintenance issue, such a large partition cannot be simply closed for maintenance.

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