Military Technology

Chapter 1880 Biological 3D printed skin

It was precisely because of this that Wu Hao and the others planned to enlist the aerospace industry to work on this project.

If this project is successfully approved, Wu Hao and the others will cooperate with the aviation industry and apply their unmanned driving technology so that this four-axis rotor light passenger aircraft does not need a pilot to control it.

Moreover, the entire drone passenger line is controlled and operated independently by the system. There is no human intervention in the whole process, making it truly unmanned, autonomous, and intelligent.

This four-axis rotor light passenger aircraft is driven by batteries, relying on their new lithium battery technology and super wireless remote fast charging technology to achieve clean operation and greatly reduce operating costs, thus Achieve profits in the shortest possible time.

However, this project is not progressing smoothly and may even be aborted.

So when he nodded, the other three looked at him, waiting for his answer.

Wu Hao sighed and said: "Technically, there shouldn't be any problems. The technology in all aspects is relatively mature. The current problems mainly appear in three aspects.

The first is, of course, funding. Although this dedicated drone passenger line does not require much infrastructure construction, a sum of money is still needed to plan a dedicated drone flight channel. In addition, there are related research and development costs, manufacturing and production costs, and related operation and maintenance costs, etc. These add up to a considerable expense.

At present, no one is willing to bear this cost. Without money, this project will naturally not be carried out. "

No way, isn't Anxi local government very optimistic about this project? Zou Xiaodong said a little surprised.

Haha, Wu Hao laughed when he heard this: "It's very important, provided that they don't need to pay. Once they do, they will have all kinds of problems."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao sighed and continued: "The second issue is safety. How can safety be ensured if such a large drone is allowed to fly over the streets.

Although we are confident in our technology, flying is risky and there are too many uncontrollable factors. After all, it is a plane, not a car. Once it falls and hits someone, it is not something that can be dealt with in an ordinary traffic accident.

When the time comes, let’s talk about other things first. Let’s just talk about the direction of public opinion. Why don’t we eat up a few of us?

Therefore, many leaders and experts are cautious about this project, and many people even directly oppose it, thinking that this project is false and unrealistic. "

"This is completely unfounded. Our drone logistics and freight system has been running in Anxi for several years, and there are no problems. What are they worried about?" Zhang Jun said angrily.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and did not answer. What to worry about, naturally worry about accidents and liability. After all, there are risks in this project. If something goes wrong, who will be responsible?

"The third issue is naturally about the distribution of interests. Some lions in the aviation industry are talking loudly. People think that Zeke Aircraft is the core focus of their situation, so they are not letting up on the distribution of related interests.

In addition to the aviation industry, Anxi local government also has its own considerations and demands. So I plan to put this project aside for now and talk about it later. Anyway, we are not in too much of a hurry. "Wu Hao said with a wry smile.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun and the other three nodded in agreement.

Zhang Jun said to him: "I agree, this project is dispensable in the first place. It is an attempt to expand our business. Since we encounter so many problems, let's put it down for now and wait until they all relent.

At present, our focus is still on core projects, which is our key.

Next year is an important year for the development of our aerospace industry, so there can be no mistakes. In addition, our other businesses cannot be affected, after all, this is the core of our profitability at present. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun smiled at Wu Hao and said, "By the way, how are our New Year's gifts prepared? Everyone is looking forward to it."

It’s too bad, let’s follow the usual practice and release it on New Year’s Day night. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zou Xiaodong couldn't help but become curious: "By the way, I'm not in the company these days. What are the New Year gifts we have prepared this year? Let's reveal it in advance."

Haha, Zhang Jun and Yang Fan both laughed when they heard Zou Xiaodong's words. Regarding the selection of New Year's gifts, the two of them knew this. Zou Xiaodong travels around and has never been in the company, so naturally he is not very familiar with this area.

So after hearing Zou Xiaodong’s question, Wu Hao said with a smile: “This year we have prepared many New Year gifts. The first is the new generation of 8k high-definition smart VR glasses and ancillary equipment products released in conjunction with the release of version 2.0 of the virtual world.

Secondly, it is the smart mobile communication device we are trialling internally, which is this transparent folding tablet.

Finally, we will release a new medical technology. "

medical technology? Zou Xiaodong said in surprise.

He paid close attention to this aspect and had not heard of any major medical technology breakthroughs made by the company recently.

Yes, that's right. Wu Hao nodded and confirmed: "It is a new medical technology. This time we will release to the world the latest results of our biological 3D printing technology, 3D printed skin tissue."

Is this technology mature? Zou Xiaodong suddenly came to his senses after hearing this, and then asked. He knew about this research project, but he didn't expect it to progress so quickly.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's not mature, it should be said that we have made a breakthrough in this aspect.

At present, we have successfully used pig cells to print out a 13-square-centimeter piece of pig skin tissue and implanted it into the pig.

After continuous observation, it was found that the printed skin had survived on the pig, the wound healed, and new pig hair grew from the printed pores. "

That's great! Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, Zou Xiaodong screamed excitedly. Even Zhang Jun and Yang Fan, who had heard the news, laughed happily. This is indeed a qualitative leap in biological 3D printing technology. Because skin tissue is also a kind of organ tissue in animals, being able to print it means that other organs and tissues can be printed.

As for people, when will clinical trials be conducted. Zou Xiaodong said impatiently.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, this project cannot be rushed. At present, we have only solved the first step, and there are still many problems that need to be solved.

For example, during the printing process, there is an issue with the survival of the printed tissue. Currently, my limit is only thirteen square centimeters. If it is larger, it will be difficult to ensure the viability of the printed skin, and the success rate of transplantation will be greatly reduced. "

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