Military Technology

Chapter 1881 The more scientific research funding, the better.

Simply put, there are two difficulties in bio-3D printing technology. One is how to accurately use human cells to print active organs.

The second problem is that one of the biggest problems with stacked bio-3D printing technology or this type of 3D printer is that the printing time is too long. How to ensure the survival of printed organs and cells during the printing process.

You must know that the survival time of organs outside the body is very short, and different organs are different in each individual, so the survival time outside the body is not the same. Some organs generally have a survival time outside the body of about thirty to thirty-six hours after pretreatment, that is, Say a day and a half. And for some, even after pretreatment, the survival time outside the body will be very short, only a few hours. If it is not pre-processed, it may only last for twenty or thirty minutes, or even a few minutes before it can no longer be used.

Therefore, for both doctors and patients, it is best to keep the organ outside the body as short as possible. The shorter the time, the better the transplantation effect and the better the organ function will be maintained.

How to ensure the survival of this organ during the entire printing process is also an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

It is really not easy to solve this problem. Currently, there are two main solutions.

One is to speed up the printing speed as much as possible so that the organs can be printed successfully in the shortest time. In this way, the vitality of the bio-3D printed organs can be greatly maintained, thereby ensuring the success rate of the transplant operation.

The other one uses some technologies to ensure the vitality of this bio-3D printed organ during the printing process, such as low-temperature environment, perfusion and soaking preservation solution, etc.

But generally speaking, both methods work together. But even so, it still can't extend much time.

Therefore, more advanced biological preservation technology is necessary to maintain the firepower of these printed organs during the printing process.

The current research direction of the biological 3D printing technology team is to install a biological organ printing chamber under the biological 3D printer. This printing chamber can be regarded as a biological organ printing room, or an artificial organ hotbed, or organ placenta. .

The printing process is used to maintain the vitality of the organs, so that even after a long period of bio-3D printing, the organs can remain viable.

As for this 13-square-centimeter bio-printed skin tissue, it is currently the technical limit of their technology. Even if you want to break through, you won't make much progress.

Unless the artificial organ hotbed technology can be successfully developed, then larger-sized skin tissues will be printed and the foundation will be laid for the printing of other organs.

Of course, as far as this technology is concerned, it can be used even if it can be used. One biological 3D printer can print 13 square centimeters, so ten biological 3D printers can print 130 square centimeters, which adds up to a large piece of skin tissue, which can be used to treat some patients with severe skin injuries. , is also very useful.

However, due to current technical limitations, the cost of this kind of bio-3D printed skin tissue is very expensive, and it is probably difficult for ordinary patients to afford it.

Since it is not implemented so soon, why release it in advance? This is not in line with our consistent tradition. Zou Xiaodong asked with some confusion.

Hearing his words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun laughed. Wu Hao looked at him and said: "This is also a major achievement. Is it normal to release it to the public?

This technology is relatively cutting-edge and avant-garde, and it may be difficult for the public to accept it for a while, so releasing it in advance also allows everyone to have a process of adaptation and acceptance.

Well, isn't this the New Year? It can be considered a gift to everyone, especially to those patients who suffer from disfigurement and skin damage, so that they can have hope and hope. I think this is the best gift for them. Gift. "

After hearing his words, the three people listening nodded in agreement. Indeed, for such people, this is definitely the best New Year gift for them.

Wu Hao continued: "Thirdly, we have also noticed that other medical technology companies seem to have this technology. In order to avoid their preemption and malicious marketing, this will bring some impact and influence to our future release of this technology. problem, so we plan to release it early.

In this way, even if other medical technology companies want to launch, they have to be cautious with Zhu Yu in front. Besides, even if they release it, people will use our technology as the standard to measure the technology they release. "

"This last one is, of course, to raise some research expenses.

Although we have relatively sufficient funds for this project, who would object to the large amount of money? Therefore, this release is to see if we can raise some public welfare scientific research funds from other public welfare organizations and wealthy people. Even if it’s tens of millions, it’s not too little for us anyway. "

Hehehehe, Zhang Jun and the three of them laughed after hearing Wu Hao's words. Indeed, the more sufficient scientific research funding is, the better. After all, who would dislike having more money?

I believe that after this technology is released, it will definitely arouse the interest of many people.

Actually, I have another idea about this technology. Zhang Jun smiled at the three people and said: "In our country and internationally, there have not been many people in special positions who were injured on the job, such as firefighters, police, soldiers, brave people, etc.

So after our technology is put into clinical application, can we recruit a few representative volunteers from this group?

On the one hand, we can also conduct clinical trials of this technology on these people. Secondly, looking for Shuyuan can also do charity during the clinical trial process to help these people restore their normal appearance and skin.

These three can also take this opportunity to promote this technology and expand its domestic and international influence. "

Draw inferences from one example, not bad! Wu Hao smiled and praised Daotou. For being able to come up with such an idea during this period of time, it must be said that Zhang Jun is really a business genius.

I agree, it's worth doing even just from the charity aspect, these people are truly amazing. Yang Fan nodded in agreement.

Zou Xiaodong also agreed, but he also expressed his worries: "Yes, but we have to wait until this technology is safe and reliable enough, wait until the third phase of clinical trials, or at least wait until the second phase of clinical trials, to control the risks to a minimum. .

Otherwise, if an unexpected problem occurs, the impact will only be negative, and it will continue to be amplified because of this special group. In that case, we will lose more than we gain.

Therefore, this is a double-edged sword, and you must be extremely careful when using it. If you use it well, it will be a murderous weapon. If you use it poorly, it will become a self-destructive weapon. "

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