Military Technology

Chapter 1902 Details determine quality

Chapter 1903 Details determine quality

[Modified version] "These players can use it in eye protection mode, but the time of use will be restricted accordingly. This is also to protect the physical and mental health of teenagers at this age and avoid delaying their studies and affecting their health due to addiction. etc."

The reason for this is because they have received many complaints in this regard before, and there have been many young people who abandoned their studies because they were addicted to smart VR glasses, and even did not distinguish between virtual reality, which led to tragedies.

Therefore, under the appeal of relevant people in society, as well as the suggestions and advocacy of relevant departments and experts. This time, Wu Hao and others have specifically refined the relevant regulations in this area, hoping that this will prevent young people from being addicted to it, thereby preventing those tragedies from happening again.

"As we all know, the previous generation of smart VR glasses had a long cable connected to the host. This will inevitably cause inconvenience in mobility, limit players' performance, and may even cause some safety issues because of the cable.

This time, on the basis of cables, we have added a high-speed wireless transmission system. This system can replace cables and link to the host to transmit relevant data information. In addition, the new generation of smart VR glasses also supports remote wireless charging technology, ensuring that the device can be used at high intensity for a long time without the embarrassing situation of automatically shutting down due to battery exhaustion.

Of course, we still keep the cable connection option. You can choose to use cable connection or wireless connection according to actual usage needs. If you choose cable connection, plug in the cable and the wireless system will automatically turn off. Unplug the cable and the wireless system will automatically turn on. It is very simple and convenient. "

Speaking of which, a new set of introductory promotional videos began to play. The video begins with a review of the demonstration to introduce the functions and features that Wu Hao talked about before, which also allows all viewers to more intuitively understand the product features we introduced earlier.

"For the new generation of smart VR glasses, we have a total of two models, one is the standard model for men and the other is the smaller standard model for women. These two models can match the wearing and use needs of users with different facial features, making The entire device fits the face better, resulting in a better wearing experience.

In addition to style, we have equipped this smart VR glasses with different colors. In addition to the regular pearl white and dark night black, there are also vibrant orange, grass green, cherry blossom pink, charming red and other colors for everyone to choose from. "

While Wu Hao was talking, these colored smart VR glasses also appeared in front of Wu Hao one after another and floated in mid-air. Wu Hao casually picked up a Yingyu Pink smart VR glasses, then showed it to the camera and introduced: "The design and manufacturing process of the entire smart VR glasses is very strict to ensure that every device can bring consistent product quality. .

There is a saying that details determine success or failure. In fact, what I want to say is that details determine quality. When the details of a product are excellent enough, the quality of the product will naturally be excellent.

From the design to the release of this smart VR glasses, we have changed dozens of styles and versions, and selected hundreds of colors. Finally, we finalized this style version and these colors.

These trial-produced products are then given to professionals and non-professionals for use and evaluation, and further modifications and optimizations are made based on actual use and evaluation opinions. Only then are the excellent products displayed in front of everyone today. "

“From the first product we launched, we attach great importance to every product we launch and ensure that it is excellent and perfect in all aspects before it is approved for sale.

It is precisely because of such strict quality control that we have won the trust and support of consumers and allowed us to come all the way to where we are now. As for this product, our persistence and belief over the years have always been there and will continue to be passed down.

I believe that when you go to our offline official authorized experience store tomorrow to get it, you should be able to experience our sincerity. I hope it will live up to everyone's expectations. "

After that, another round of promotional demonstration ads followed, and then Wu Hao reappeared in the field of vision and spoke again with a smile: "Next, I will introduce to you the supporting host system of our new generation of smart VR glasses. Everyone We know that such a real virtual world with 8K ultimate picture quality special effects and shocking scenes must be supported by sufficiently powerful and excellent hardware technology.

The previous generation of our smart VR glasses host had some difficulty supporting our newly upgraded virtual world version 2.0. Therefore, in order to allow all users to better experience the upgraded visual experience brought by the new version, we have also provided support for its supporting host. Corresponding upgrades have been made. "

As Wu Hao finished his introduction, the new product demonstration and introduction video began to play. In the video, several sharp laser lines outline the appearance of a new generation of smart VR glasses host.

The new generation of host looks more like a small computer case, very neat, but Shangman has made some designs to make the entire host case look simple, modern, and sci-fi.

As the introductory video ended, the host chassis also appeared in mid-air next to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao pointed at the host and said with a smile: "This is our new generation of smart VR glasses host. I am happy to tell you the good news, that is, the core components of this new generation of host come from our own products." With the research and development of domestic product technology, its comprehensive performance has reached the top international level. Find bookstore

The first is the core of this host, the CPU chip, which is the central control center of the entire host. It can be said that the quality of the CPU directly determines the performance of the host. The CPU on this host uses a new generation of CPU chips developed by us. This chip adopts our self-developed new architecture. Its core reaches an astonishing 128 cores, 256 threads, and the power reaches an astonishing 10.8, which can be said to be very terrifying.

The manufacturing of the entire chip comes from our newly built 5-nanometer wafer fab in Shudu, and this chip is also the first batch of 5-nanometer chips mass-produced by the Shudu wafer fab. Because of the adoption of a new intelligent unmanned production system, this newly put into production 5-nanometer chip production line has a very high chip yield rate, which also makes the performance of the chip very excellent. It can be said that it has reached the international level. The level of similar chips in the factory.

Of course, for a new product with such excellent performance, the traditional air-cooling mode alone cannot suppress this performance monster. Therefore, we designed a new liquid-cooling system in a small host chassis space, so that it can The performance of this monster comes out.

In addition, the graphics card, another core device of this host, was also independently developed by us. Its performance is also excellent. It may be the first graphics card in the world that can support 8K image quality in virtual VR scenes at all times. "

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