Military Technology

Chapter 1913 The price is easy to negotiate

The content related to this bio-3D printed skin technology has almost been introduced here. If you go deeper, you may not understand it, so you will stop when you are done. Wu Hao immediately started to finish.

"As you all know, we at Haoyu Technology have always had our own public welfare medical charity relief plan, which has so far helped thousands of people get back on their feet and return to normal life.

As this bio-3D printed skin technology gradually matures and enters the clinical trial stage, we will also recruit relevant test experiment volunteers from the outside world. All expenses related to the treatment performed by volunteers will be borne by us. Therefore, every time a clinical trial starts, a large number of relevant patients will sign up.

And this time, we will continue our past practice and give priority to recruiting related patients who were injured on the job to help them regain their health.

Of course, this all assumes that the technology has entered clinical trials and is absolutely safe.

It needs to be emphasized that the entire public welfare medical charity assistance association has been continued. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait until this technology is truly mature and launched before applying. That is also possible. "

The main reason why Wu Hao said this was to avoid some trouble. After all, there are certain risks involved in helping this special group of patients. Don't be misunderstood by your good intentions. It may even cause misunderstandings, etc., in which case the gains outweigh the losses.

In fact, he said it simply. After the clinical trial begins, all participating volunteers must sign a detailed consent form.

It’s okay to do charity, but you also have to focus on methods.

Using technology to make our lives better has always been our ideal and our pursuit. To this end, we have been working hard.

Okay, these are the three New Year gifts we give you, I hope you like them!

This concludes today’s press conference. See you next year!

After finishing the ending, Wu Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief. Needless to say, this kind of online press conference is not any easier than the offline press conference.

So after such a press conference, Wu Hao felt tired and his voice became a little hoarse.

Taking the water from Shen Ning, Wu Hao drank it happily.

Lin Wei came over, handed him a towel and said with a smile: "Wipe it off, your forehead is sweaty."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then took the towel and wiped it. While wiping, he asked Lin Wei: "How was my performance just now?"

Very exciting, I give you ninety-nine out of one hundred! Lin Wei smiled at him and praised.

So one point was still deducted, Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Haha, this is room for improvement reserved for you, so you still need to keep working hard. Lin Wei smiled at him.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard this, then looked at the scene and said: "Let's go, we don't have anything to do here."

Lin Wei nodded and immediately prepared to leave with Wu Hao. On the other side, Zhang Jun and the others, who were answering the phone, saw them preparing to leave and rushed over.

Are you leaving now? I'd better find a place to celebrate. Zhang Jun said to them.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "It's just a press conference, there's nothing to celebrate."

After hearing his words, Zou Xiaodong on the side retorted: "Of course it is worth celebrating. Our press conference today was very successful, and now the Internet is full of our related news.

And today is New Year's Eve, you two shouldn't just go back. "

That's right, I just called everyone together. How about we go have a meal together and then find a place to get together. Zhang Jun also followed suit.

Wu Hao thought for a moment after hearing this, and then looked at Lin Wei. Lin Wei saw his expression and immediately said with a smile: "Don't go out, stay at home, it's comfortable and convenient.

Let's hold a family party and invite everyone. "

"Are you at home? Are you ready in time to order everything?" Yang Fan frowned when he heard this, and asked a little worriedly.

What are you preparing? We have drinks and other things at home. Just ask someone to bring some food over. What do you want to eat? Lin Wei asked everyone.

A few people thought for a while, and Zou Xiaodong shook his head with a helpless expression: "I'm afraid there won't be much left after we order this. It's just hot pot, barbecue, skewers and the like."

Okay, let’s have hot pot, it’s the best day to eat hot pot. Zhang Jun nodded and expressed his opinion.

Okay, then hot pot, just call and ask them to deliver it to your door. Lin Wei said decisively.

In fact, there are not many people at this kind of dinner, that is, the company's senior people and related family members. The party was held at Wu Hao's home. To be honest, he sometimes didn't like having such a large group of people come to his home to chat, because the mess left after people left was very difficult to clean up. Although there is a robot smart butler at home, they don't need to worry about it, but to be honest, he still doesn't like such a noisy environment. Find Shuyuan

But a gathering like this is only suitable at his home.

There was no words all the way. When they returned home, Wu Hao and the others immediately started to pack up. Compared to Lin Wei and the others who were busy, Wu Hao and the others seemed a little leisurely. There's nothing much to do except to beat him.

So a few people gathered together and walked to the courtyard, making a bonfire and chatting while drinking wine.

During the press conference just now, my phone was never disconnected. Some people were looking for cooperation with us, some wanted to be agents of products, and some wanted to seek technology.

Many old friends are interested in the foldable transparent screen technology we released this time. If you want it, the price is easy to talk about. Zhang Jun smiled at Wu Hao and said.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "The price is easy to say, but it hasn't been said yet. How can it be easy to say since it hasn't been said yet.

So, let’s negotiate the price first. The price is right, so why not give it to them. Even if we supply this screen to them, they may not be able to produce products that are comparable to or even better than ours. I still have confidence in this. "

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