Military Technology

Chapter 1912 The birth of a skin

After Wu Hao finished speaking, the promotional video began to play.

As for Wu Hao, he also took the opportunity to let out a long sigh of relief, took the water from Shen Ning and drank it. While drinking water, the makeup team next to him also began to quickly help him touch up his makeup and tidy up his clothes.

After finishing all this, Wu Hao took a break and waited for the short video to end.

Reappearing in front of the camera, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Next, I will introduce to you two technological research results created using our biological 3D printing technology.

First of all, because it is in the development stage, it is impossible for us to conduct biological clinical trials. So we will use some animals to conduct experiments.

First of all, what I want to introduce to you is that we have successfully printed a piece of pig skin tissue using cells from pigs.

As we all know, the body structure of pigs is very similar to that of our human bodies. Scientists and doctors have even tried to transplant organs from pigs into humans. For example, in a case that attracted great attention and controversy a few years ago, scientists successfully transplanted pig organs into humans. The heart is transplanted into the patient to replace the original heart.

Pig skin tissue is also very similar to human skin tissue. As long as pig skin tissue can be printed, in theory, human skin tissue can be printed.

After repeated experiments, we have now successfully used pig cells to print a 13-square-centimeter piece of pig skin tissue.

The entire printing time took 11 hours and seven minutes, which was relatively slow, but we successfully restored and printed a piece of skin tissue that was 100% connected to the skin tissue on the pig.

Please see, the 13-square-centimeter piece of skin tissue we printed is very complete. It includes epidermal tissue and dermal tissue. Including the stratum corneum, transparent layer, granular layer and germinal layer in epidermal tissue. The epidermal layer and reticular layer in the dermal tissue are also clearly visible under the microscope. We even printed out the cat’s pores, sweat glands, hair follicles, etc.

To verify whether the printed skin was viable, we transplanted it into pigs.

After continuous observation and care and treatment, we found that the printed skin has survived on the pig, the sutured wounds have healed, and new hair has grown in the printed pores. "

While Wu Hao was introducing, related video pictures were also played simultaneously. In the video, a piece of fresh white skin about three to four centimeters square was taken out from the biological 3D printer by well-armed scientists. This is also the first time that everyone has seen the whole picture of this biological 3D printer. The entire biological 3D printer is very large, printing more than everyone imagined, and the whole thing appears white. Judging from the appearance alone, you can’t tell that this thing is a biological 3D printer.

The removed piece of skin was immediately placed in a storage box and then sent to the operating room. An anesthetized piglet was lying on the operating bed. The piglet was covered with green cloth on both sides, and the surgical wound was exposed in the middle. The pig's hair has been shaved clean, and a wound similar to the size of this printed skin has been cut out, and the original skin of the piggy has been removed.

The doctors took the piece of printed skin out of the storage box, and after repeated disinfection, they immediately covered the wound on the piggy with the piece of skin, and then carefully sutured it.

Suturing a piece of skin that was not much bigger than a coin was an extreme test of the doctors' patience. With dense eight-figure suture needles, this piece of skin was sutured to the piglet's wound. It was then wiped and then bandaged.

The next step is to pay attention to the condition of this skin every day. After the initial inflammation and swelling, the swelling gradually subsides and recovers, the wound heals, and the sutures fall off.

There were even a few thin hairs growing on the implanted skin, and the skin was completely integrated with the piglet's skin.

Seeing this, everyone cheered with excitement. This is definitely a great medical technology research achievement. You must know that this is much more difficult than printing out the kind of blood vessels and other things before. Skin tissue may seem simple, but it is actually very complex and has many functions.

Not only did the printed skin survive the transplant, it also lived well and had hair growing on it. This means that during the printing process, the pig skin tissue is perfectly reproduced, including the hair follicles in the skin, and has the growth function, so that hair can grow.

Pig skin tissue is very similar to human skin tissue. The success of this experiment means that since pig skin that can survive transplantation can be printed, human skin can be printed.

This is undoubtedly great news for patients with damaged and disfigured skin, giving them hope again.

Of course, more people see unlimited possibilities in this technology. Now that this technology can print real skin tissue, it can also print other tissues and organs. This means that human cloned organ transplantation is not a dream in the future. This will greatly solve the current shortage of organ resources and save countless people. human life.

However, just when everyone is imagining, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Wu Hao said: "There are still many imperfections in this technology. The bio-3D printed skin tissue in these thirteen square meters is already a limit of our technology.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you must solve more problems. For example, the previously mentioned thorny problem of too long printing time and low efficiency.

Unless we make major breakthroughs in these technologies, we will be able to print larger-sized skin tissues and lay the foundation for the printing of other organs.

Of course, for now, this technology is ready to enter clinical trials. Although a single printer can only print such a large area of ​​skin tissue, if multiple biological 3D printers work together, the area of ​​printed skin tissue is also very objective. It is still very useful to use it to treat some critically ill patients with severe skin damage, as well as some patients in urgent need of skin transplantation.

However, as we all know, this technology is far from being successfully developed, and is limited by the scientific research costs of existing technologies. The cost of this kind of bio-3D printed skin tissue is very expensive. In the short term, it will be difficult to popularize it on a large scale. .

However, this is temporary. As the technology continues to mature in the future, the cost will gradually decrease. "

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