Military Technology

Chapter 1911 Advanced “Meat Quality” Preservation Technology

“We developed a special cultivation equipment, injecting relevant nutrient solutions needed for cell growth into this equipment, and creating a simulated in vivo environment suitable for cell growth, such as temperature, HP value, sterility, and even light, etc. wait.

Then, we will extract the corresponding cell matrix from the patient. It doesn’t need too much, just a little bit, which will not cause harm to the human body.

Of course, the extracted cells must meet relevant requirements. If they fail to meet the requirements, they must be extracted again. Sometimes the patient's cells may even be unusable. For example, long-term drug reuse, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc., will have an impact on the patient's own cells, making them unable to meet the extraction standards. At this time, we only Relevant cells can be extracted from the patient’s parents or children, thereby reducing the patient’s body’s rejection of the 3D printed organs and tissues.

The extracted cells cannot be used directly, but need to be pre-treated to maintain the activity of these cells, and to remove unqualified cells and other impurities.

After completing such a series of steps, the next step is to put the cells into the cultivation equipment for related clonal culture. And appropriate hormones are added during this culture process to accelerate the entire cell division and growth process.

Don’t be biased against hormones. In fact, our human body is inseparable from the stimulation of various hormones. Even the division and growth of cells cannot be separated from hormones. Of course, this must be controlled within a reasonable range. Too little or too much will affect cell division and growth.

Through this technical method, we can obtain a large number of cells. Generally, within 24 to 36 hours, the conditions for 3D printing can be met, and then these cloned somatic cells will be transferred to biological systems. Print in 3D printer.

During the entire printing process, a steady stream of freshly cultured cells from the cultivation equipment will be transported and directly supplied to the biological 3D printer and used in printing to ensure that the printed organs and tissues are fresh and vibrant enough. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao softened his tone slightly, and then continued: "Everyone knows that the printing speed of this stacked 3D printer is very slow, and the same is true for this biological 3D printer. Use cells that are only a few microns to print a Huge organs, such as the hearts and kidneys we are most familiar with, are smaller organs. If you want to print them using cell stacks, it will take at least several weeks.

This kind of printing speed is too low and is not applicable at all. We must know that the optimal transplantation time of human organs after leaving the body is within 8 hours, and some organs have even caused irreparable losses in a few hours.

This is still pre-processed. If it is not processed, then this is a dead piece of meat and cannot be used at all. It may even stink over time.

The same goes for bioprinted organs. How to keep printed organ tissues active for a long time is also a question that our scientific research and technical experts consider. Because printing is too time-consuming, if the printed organ tissue cannot be guaranteed to remain viable, then the organ tissue has not been printed yet, and the first part to be printed will have been damaged.

Therefore, we must increase the overall printing speed and control the printing time of the entire organ within a short cycle. However, if the printing speed increases, the printing accuracy will decrease accordingly.

This seems to be an unadjustable contradiction, but upon careful analysis, it is nothing more than higher and more stringent requirements for the overall performance of the biological 3D printer. "

"So, we must first improve the printing speed of the bio-3D printer while ensuring printing accuracy and printing quality. It is very difficult to speed up this kind of bio-printing because we are using cells and printing organs and tissues.

Therefore, this has brought about various constraints and many unprepared problems.

For example, if the printing speed is increased, the printing needle will be easily clogged by cells flowing in quickly, causing failure. Secondly, if the flow rate in the cell supply system is too fast, it will also cause damage to the cells to be printed.

So this is not just as simple as speed adjustment, but also involves many issues. It can be said that one move affects the whole body. "

"Secondly, we need to solve the problem of preserving the freshness of the printed organs and tissues. No matter how fast we increase the speed, it will reach a technical limit, so the preservation of the printed organs and tissues in the printing room is also an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

Conventional organ preservation techniques include low-temperature refrigeration, perfusion and immersion preservation solutions, etc., but generally these two methods work together. But even so, it still can't extend much time.

Therefore, more advanced biological preservation technology is necessary to maintain the vitality of biological organs and tissues of these printed organs during the printing process.

In order to solve this problem, we went through countless exploration experiments and finally solved this problem. Our expert technical team plans to install a biological organ printing chamber under the biological 3D printer. This printing chamber can be regarded as a biological organ printing room, or an artificial organ hotbed, or organ placenta.

This printing chamber is usually filled with a special preservation solution or some specially protected inert gas during the printing process. The entire printing process is printed in these preservation liquids and inert gases.

This method greatly isolates bacteria in the air, thereby keeping the entire printed organ tissue in a sterile environment, which greatly extends the activity of the printed organ tissue. Find bookstore

The combined effect of inert gas or preservation fluid and a low-temperature environment can greatly extend the activity time of the entire organ. As a result, even biological organ tissue parts that have undergone long-term bio-3D printing processing can maintain biological vitality and be in the best transplantation state. "

"Of course, we are still researching this bio-3D printing technology, and there are still many technical problems that have not been solved. Therefore, the capabilities it can exert are very limited.

Today, what we are showing you is in addition to this biological 3D printing technology, as well as the corresponding biological 3D printers and cell cloning cultivation equipment.

There are also related achievements we have created using this technology. Do you remember the short video we just started? "

Wu Hao asked this question with a smile. After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone watching the live broadcast suddenly remembered the content performed in the previous short film and Wu Hao's introduction at the beginning.

Wu Hao paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "Yes, we have successfully printed artificial skin tissue using this bio-3D printing technology!"

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