Military Technology

Chapter 1923 Flying Dream

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the astronauts on the space station finally opened the door of the Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft and began to transport related materials.

In order to transport these materials, all the seats on the Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft were removed, and very light shelves were installed to equip these notebook materials.

The astronauts need to transfer all these supplies from the Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft in the next few days, and then place them on the cargo spacecraft located at the tail of the space station, as well as a special storage area in the space station.

After transferring these materials, the astronauts need to load some equipment and equipment that need to be transported back to Earth, as well as some useless garbage, into the Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft.

The Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft will remain docked with the space station for half a month, and then will break away from the space station and return to Earth.

For Wu Hao and the others, most of the mission has been completed, and all they have to do next is wait for the Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft to return.

So these days, there is an atmosphere of joy everywhere in the company. On the one hand, it is naturally to celebrate that their New Year's Eve new product launch conference was successfully held this year, and the response from the public was enthusiastic.

On the other hand, of course, they are celebrating the successful launch of their Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft and its successful docking with the space station.

For Wu Hao and the others, this was a double blessing, and they were naturally overjoyed.

For the public, this is indeed a topic worthy of attention, because this is the first commercial manned spacecraft in China, and there are too many topics in it. No matter whether the official spaceship is new or old, there are many confidentiality issues involved, so you need to be extra cautious when introducing and explaining, for fear of saying the wrong thing and revealing important and useful information. This commercial manned spacecraft does not have these things, so experts from all walks of life have shown their talents and introduced this spacecraft to the point of perfection.

This made Wu Hao and the others very depressed, thinking that none of these experts had ever entered their manned spacecraft, the Walker, so why did they introduce it so clearly and professionally?

But in fact, many things are wrong. In this regard, Wu Hao and the others did not correct it. If they corrected it, wouldn't their relevant technical data information be exposed? It is better to just make the mistake. After all, it is all to please the audience, and accuracy is not important.

Now, for both experts and the public, they are most concerned about two issues. The first question is when will the first manned launch be carried out.

The Walker manned spacecraft has carried out three launches this time, all of which have achieved complete success. According to the development plan announced by Wu Hao and others, the fourth spacecraft will conduct the first manned space launch experiment. In other words, the next spacecraft will carry out a manned launch, so everyone is now very concerned about when the fourth Walker manned spacecraft will be launched.

According to experts' interpretation, originally according to the relevant co-ordination fee space launch plan, Haoyu Space's Walker manned spacecraft may be scheduled to be launched in the spring. However, due to the impact of the previous solar wind, this year's launch plan has been completely adjusted, so Experts don't know exactly when the Walker 4 manned spacecraft will be launched, but it is certain to be launched this year.

So everyone has questions about when this manned spacecraft will be launched this year and who will be the first astronaut to ride on this spacecraft. Because experts have revealed that the person who launches the Walker spacecraft will be an astronaut, but the specific person is not yet known.

Therefore, everyone is also speculating on the choice of this astronaut. Some people think that this is the first manned launch of this Walker spacecraft after all, and an experienced astronaut should be chosen to take on the important role. But some people think that young astronauts should be sent to take on important responsibilities in this mission. On the one hand, because they are young, the old astronauts are generally older, and all of them have outstanding achievements. This launch is very risky and should not be allowed to They participate.

Others believe that astronauts who have not been in space should be selected for this launch to make up for their regrets.

There was a lot of discussion about this selection, and everyone had their own candidates and their own reasons. But regarding this issue, Wu Hao and the others have always remained silent. No matter how many netizens pressed them, they just laughed and said nothing.

In fact, none of these personnel know, including Wu Hao, because the candidates have not yet been determined.

Because for each launch mission, the aerospace authorities will select multiple astronauts or multiple mission crews to prepare, and finally determine the real candidates before the launch.

According to the information currently available to Wu Hao and others, the candidate astronauts who have been selected can be said to be a mix of old, middle-aged and young people. There are old astronauts with outstanding achievements, middle-aged astronauts who are young and powerful, and young new astronauts. members. Exactly who will board the Walker 4 manned spacecraft at that time will be known at the end.

Whoever rides will make history.

There is another issue that everyone is also very concerned about. In fact, everyone has been paying attention to this issue. Recently, because of the successful launch of the Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft, everyone is even more concerned.

That is, since the Walker manned spacecraft is a commercial civilian spacecraft, does it mean that Wu Hao and the others will conduct private commercial launch flights in the future?

Regarding this issue, Wu Hao and the others have actually already explained it. Find Shuyuan and they will definitely carry out many private commercial launch missions in the future. But now everyone is taking advantage of this enthusiasm and wants to know more news.

That is when commercial flights will take place, how much a ride on such a spaceship will cost, etc. Moreover, relevant foreign commercial space tourism projects allow tourists to enter the space station and stay for more than ten days. So does this mean that our space station will also be opened to attract tourists to live and play?

Regarding this issue, Wu Hao and others had not yet responded, and the aerospace department took the lead in responding. They replied in the explanation that because our space station is for scientific research and has limited space, it is currently only open to professional astronauts and scientific researchers and will not be open to private tourists for the time being.

Regarding such a reply, while everyone understands it, they can't help but feel regretful and disappointed.

At this time, a new piece of news instantly attracted everyone's attention and quickly made the headlines. That is, sources said that Haoyu Aerospace has its own commercial space station project, which is specifically designed to open to private tourists and personnel from related scientific research institutions. This news undoubtedly made some disappointed people cheer with excitement.

To put it bluntly, there is hope for their dream of flying to the sky again.

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