Military Technology

Chapter 1924 Finally kicked the steel plate

Just after the news that Wu Hao and his team, the Walker 3 unmanned cargo experimental spacecraft, successfully docked with the space station, flooded the screen, other news about them was also revealed. What attracts the most attention at this time is naturally the news about the hot launch of the products released by Wu Hao and others in their New Year's Eve press conference.

Although online shopping is now very convenient, some enthusiasts still queue up in long queues in front of Haoyu Technology's official experience stores and authorized stores, hoping to get the products they want early.

Naturally, this scene was reported by many media and became a hot topic of everyone's attention. This kind of scene seems to have not been seen for some years. It seems to be a treatment that only certain fruits have, and it is rare for domestic products. And now, with online shopping so developed, there are still so many people queuing up just to get the product earlier.

This undoubtedly proves how popular the products Wu Hao and the others released this time are, and this scene was naturally reported by foreign media. However, it changed the taste in their mouths, and various sour reports came one after another.

As for the users who have gotten the product, they are already eager to try it out. Although they have watched many related programs where big v bloggers went to physical stores to experience it in person, nothing is more intuitive and exciting than trying it themselves.

Many people couldn't help but sigh after putting on the new generation of smart VR glasses and host equipment. If the previous generation of products could make them immersive, then the main focus of this generation of products is reality. If it weren't for those floating window options, they would mistakenly think they were in reality.

And many players have discovered that playing with new-generation products has a different feeling than before. It is simply called two games. There are even some players and users who are no longer limited to playing games, but simply run into the game to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Of course, what’s even more exciting is the new generation of tactile simulation system. Although the new generation tactile simulation system is expensive, it cannot capture everyone's enthusiasm. After the product was launched, the stock was sold out in just a few hours.

Most of them are enthusiastic players and users, and of course a considerable number are scalpers. Although Wu Hao and others have taken relevant measures to limit scalpers' speculation, these scalpers will always come up with various ways to take advantage of the loopholes. It is said that on second-hand trading platforms, the prices of new generation smart VR glasses hosts and other equipment have already It has doubled, but it is still hard to find a machine, so many scalpers have directly doubled or even tripled the price, which is simply crazy.

As for the new generation of tactile simulation system, it has been hyped as an addition, and the price has increased five times, and it is still in a hot state.

Faced with the current situation of scalpers' hype, some consumers, including others and peers, couldn't help but jump out and criticize Wu Hao and others for their hunger marketing strategy and malicious hype marketing.

In response, Wu Hao and the others did not respond in writing, but opened a live broadcast channel on relevant platforms and official websites. This live broadcast channel is used to broadcast the production process of related products, and the camera is focused on the final packaging process. Everyone can see how much is produced in the live broadcast.

Wu Hao and the others just want to let everyone know about the production process through this live broadcast. Through cloud supervision, they also want to tell everyone that the product has been working hard in the production process, and there is no such thing as hunger marketing or malicious hype. .

As the person in charge of the company, Wu Haoni also wrote on his social account: "Since the release of Haoyu Technology's first product, we have insisted not to engage in hunger marketing or malicious hype. We have always used product quality to win consumers. their trust and support.

We will never forget that our development and growth are the result of the support of countless consumers who trust us. Therefore, we will also repay everyone with better products and considerate services.

After this year's New Year's gift was released, it was welcomed by friends from all over the world. After opening the reservation function, we received many pre-orders from all over the world.

As of one hour before the sale started, we had received more than 500,000 orders from more than 130 countries around the world. Based on the fair principle of first come first served, we will also prioritize delivery to these users.

The large number of orders also caused the production stock we had realized to be consumed, which led to some out-of-stock phenomena in the sales process. We are already coordinating and adjusting the production plans of each of our smart factories to improve production efficiency and produce enough products as quickly as possible to ensure that every friend can get their favorite products as soon as possible.

However, everyone knows that this takes time, so please wait for a while, and this shortage will be alleviated soon.

Here, I also call on everyone to please purchase related products through our official online or offline channels. This way, the quality is more guaranteed and will not affect your related after-sales service rights. Let’s jointly resist all kinds of malicious speculation and reselling by scalpers. Improper Business Practices.

At the same time, we will also strengthen cooperation with relevant platforms to jointly combat malicious speculation and other scalping behaviors on these platforms.

In addition, we will also take various measures to crack down on this type of scalping behavior. We would also like to remind consumers here that the related products you purchased from scalpers may not be activated for use. "

Wu Hao's news was quickly forwarded by many people and appeared on the front pages of some news, attracting everyone's attention.

Wu Hao and his group's severe crackdown on scalpers was naturally praised by consumers. However, it annoyed and offended some people. Naturally, these people were unwilling to accept it, so they began to behave in various ways. Negative press about their products followed.

Wu Hao and the others did not compromise. Instead, they announced that they had used an artificial intelligence system and would begin to collect relevant evidence and submit it to the public security organs, and reserved the right to pursue the case.

These people thought that Wu Hao and the others were like ordinary companies that could just issue an announcement and continue to act recklessly.

As for Wu Hao and others, they acted quickly. In just a few days, they provided the public security organs with a list of more than 20,000 marketing accounts and locked in more than 1,400 suspects suspected of conducting malicious marketing such as trolling.

Later, Wu Hao and others posted the relevant screenshots on the Internet after hiding important information, which quickly aroused the attention of netizens and made everyone express their joy.

They have long been disgusted with these people, but they have no choice but to tolerate these people to continue to cause trouble and do evil online. But now that the steel plate has finally been kicked, it can be regarded as a relief for everyone.

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