Military Technology

Chapter 1932 The adventurous plan

Hearing Qi Feng's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "I'm not afraid of taking responsibility, nor am I afraid of worrying about this project. In fact, we are very willing to participate in this project to treat heroes.

In fact, what I was thinking about was how to treat this patient.

The patient, Lu Feifei, was very beautiful before her disfigurement, and her slightly baby-fat face made her look very cute.

Compared to the disfigured face now, it's almost like clouds and mud. So how to restore her original appearance, there are actually many options, such as using homologous skin grafting technology, using prosthetic skin from the patient's buttocks or thighs for treatment. In this way, rejection can be avoided to a minimum. And there are many cases of this type of surgery, so the risks should be minimal. And the related effects obtained are relatively ideal, and the patient's appearance can also be basically repaired.

This is currently the best method, but patients have limited affordability and are somewhat repelled and worried about this method.

Therefore, you can try the second method, which is the simultaneous transplantation method. First, transplant skin from the patient's buttocks and thighs to repair the patient's face and other exposed skin. Then, our bio-3D printed skin tissue will be used to repair the patient's damaged buttocks and thighs where the skin has been transplanted. In this way, the patient can be basically satisfied with the results, which can also be regarded as an explanation to the public. . "

After speaking, Wu Hao glanced at everyone present, and then continued: "The second option is to directly use our bio-3D printed skin tissue for transplantation to repair the damaged appearance.

But as I said before, our current limit is twenty or thirty square centimeters, and we cannot give more, and then we will repair it bit by bit. The entire repair time is relatively long. It is estimated that it will take at least half a year to complete all repairs.

At present, this technology has not entered clinical trials and has only been successful in laboratories and animal tests. Therefore, it is unknown whether it will be successful in clinical trials.

And there is another point that everyone should pay attention to, that is, not only the skin of the patient's face is damaged, but also the nerves and muscle tissue. If this part cannot be repaired, then even if we complete facial skin implantation, we will only implant a mask into the patient. The patient cannot control it to smile, including some other facial movements, and may even be affected by eating. damage. We even found that the patient had several perforations on his face and mouth, which were difficult to repair.

I don’t know about this problem. Have you considered it and have you got any treatment and repair plan? "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, glanced around at everyone, and then continued: "Actually, I have a more bold plan here. I discussed it with our technical experts before and thought that although this plan is a bit too It's a risk, but if we succeed, we may be able to create a miracle."

What plan? After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present became interested, and Zhang Qinghong, who had always been relatively calm, asked.

Wu Hao looked at everyone and smiled and said: "This plan is actually not the exact plan, but our experts are discussing how to restore this patient's best appearance from a technical perspective.

There is no doubt that replacing you as a whole is the best choice. Through face transplant surgery, we can directly clean and remove the patient's damaged face, and then replace it with a complete face, so that the patient can return to a normal appearance. .

But in this case, the key to the problem lies in this face. In addition to finding a donor, the most suitable and most effective solution is to use the patient's own somatic cells to print a face that belongs to the patient. .

But as everyone knows, with our current bio-3D printing technology, we can only print 20 to 30 square centimeters of skin at the most extreme, which is not enough to print an entire face.

Even if we print the entire face through batches or multiple bio-3D printers working together, how to transplant it is a problem. We have to ensure that the blood vessels and neural networks on the face must be connected together.

Before that, we also have to ensure the integrity of the muscle tissue under the skin of the patient's face.

Therefore, our experts believe that we can try three-dimensional repair, just like laying bricks, building and repairing it bit by bit.

That is to say, the facial muscle and nerve repair is carried out simultaneously with the facial skin tissue repair, and the facial muscle and nerve repair is carried out first.

As for the nerves used for repair, we can extract them from the patient's body and then transplant and repair them bit by bit.

Of course, we will also actively try to use bio-3D printers to print these muscles and nerve tissues. If successful, patients will no longer have to suffer.

If the printing fails, then we will have to extract the muscles and nerves from the patient's thigh. I believe patients should care more about their faces than their thighs. "

What you mean is to directly remove all the damaged parts of the patient's face, and then perform step-by-step repairs on the new basis to repair the patient's face again.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "That's right, it's the example I gave. Before building a house, you must have a good foundation. If the foundation is unstable, the house that is better built will also shake or even shake because of the unstable foundation. Collapse, quality is worrying.

Instead of building on the broken eaves and broken walls, it would be better to bulldoze and build a new one. "

But facial repair surgery is not about building a house. If it is done like this, do you know how difficult the surgery is and how much risk you have to bear? Zhang Qinghong frowned and said worriedly.

Wu Hao laughed when he heard this: "I'm just saying this from a technical point of view. If you think it's unreasonable, you can ignore it completely and just follow the plan you mentioned.

It is our job and responsibility to make changes. We will try our best to cooperate. Don’t worry, we will never delay everyone from showing their talents. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Shenghua comforted him and said: "Hey, Xiao Wu, what you said, let's all find a solution together, don't be so impulsive.

The plan you proposed is indeed creative and the most effective one, but as Director Zhang is worried, it is also the riskiest one.

So as to how to proceed, I think we still need to consider the opinions of all parties and then choose a solution that is both effective and reliable and safe.

If we want to achieve such a goal, we must all work together, so that we have the opportunity to create miracles. "

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