Military Technology

Chapter 1933 The new generation of 27-hand ultra-miniature multi-tentacle surgical robot

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "I'm not in any mood, I'm just telling the truth. I'm a technical person myself, and I don't understand this aspect. This plan or idea is what I feel after listening to the experts' discussions. It’s also a solution, so I’m telling you about it to help you expand your ideas. As for this plan, whether you adopt it or not, that doesn’t matter. You don’t have to think too much about my feelings.”

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Director Qi Fengqi smiled at him and everyone: "Xiao Wu is still more enlightened, I think this is also a good solution.

I think what we have to do is not to deal with errands, but to really do this thing well. We must know that Zou Feifei is not an ordinary patient, she is a hero who sacrifices herself to save others, and now countless people are paying attention to her.

Therefore, we must come up with a satisfactory answer sheet and give it to the people to satisfy them, so that Lu Feifei cannot destroy herself and her life just because she saves others. This is very unfair to her.

So if you want to do this, you have to do your best.

This is also a good opportunity. The time has come to prove your technical strength. To what extent it can be achieved depends on how much you can exert it. "

After Qi Feng finished speaking, Wu Jiuzhi nodded and said: "I think Mr. Wu's idea is actually very creative, and I think it can still be tried.

First of all, from a technical point of view, there is precedent for such surgery. For example, we often use the nerves in the patient's thigh, or extract muscle fibers from the thigh to repair the nerve network and muscle tissue in other parts of the patient. The functionality of the patient's vital tissue is restored at the expense of local unimportant nerve tissue and muscle tissue.

It's just that this time the scope of movement is relatively large, the surgical precision requirements are higher, and the difficulty naturally increases.

As far as transplantation is concerned, if Haoyu Technology’s multi-tentacled intelligent surgical robot is used, I think it is completely capable.

Currently, our hospital has a thirteen-hand multi-tentacle surgical robot. With these thirteen tentacles, we can perform four different surgeries at the same time. In other words, its efficiency is four times that of other ordinary surgical robots. Eight times or more than manual labor.

Moreover, this multi-tentacle surgical robot has very high precision and can complete anastomosis operations on nerves and tiny blood vessel networks. Its smallest tentacle can complete dozens of dozens of stitches for vascular anastomosis on capillaries with a diameter of 0.1 mm. "

Speaking of this, Wu Jiuzhi smiled at Wu Hao and said: "And I heard that Haoyu Technology seems to have developed a new generation of twenty-seven-hand level ultra-miniature multi-tentacle surgical robot, which can not only suture eight places at the same time, , can sew dozens of stitches on a capillary of 0.5 mm.

If this multi-tentacled robot can be added to this project, it will play a huge role in our subsequent transplantation, treatment and repair operations. "

After hearing Wu Jiuzhi's words, everyone looked at Wu Hao. Professor Xu Shenghua said with a smile: “We have heard about Haoyu Technology’s multi-tentacle surgical robot for a long time, but we have never seen it in person.

Director Wu, I wonder when you will have such an operation. Can you arrange for us to study it? "

Haha, I don’t dare, I don’t dare. All leadership experts are welcome to come and give guidance. Wu Jiuzhi waved his hands and said with a smile: "We actually had an operation recently, which was to give a patient a smart bionic artificial heart. The operation is scheduled for three days. If you are interested, you can give us guidance then."

I have heard about the intelligent bionic electronic heart for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity. This time it seems that it is here. Xu Shenghua laughed heartily, causing others to laugh as well.

If it is an ordinary heart transplant surgery, although it is very rare, it is not enough to make these people so excited and interested. It is really because Haoyu Technology's intelligent bionic artificial heart is so famous that it has attracted so many people's interest.

You know, this smart bionic artificial heart has set a new record, that is, an athlete who retired early due to heart problems actually participated in a marathon after being implanted with Haoyu Technology's smart bionic artificial heart. And after running the whole distance, the results were very good.

You know, the entire marathon course is more than 40 kilometers, which is a huge test for various organs and tissues of the human body, especially the heart. As for this patient, with the help of this intelligent bionic artificial heart, he actually completed the entire race. This is something that other heart transplant patients cannot believe.

Therefore, the Linghu Business District Medical Research Center of the Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College is very busy now, because patients from all over the country come in one after another. Surgery like this, which is very rare in other hospitals, has become a commonplace here.

In order to make the entire surgical process more standardized, shorten the surgical time as much as possible, and reduce surgical risks, this kind of heart transplant surgery is basically completed by intelligent multi-tentacle surgical robots.

This advanced surgical method and treatment technology has attracted a large number of expert doctors to visit and study, so he naturally agreed happily and easily to Xu Shenghua's proposal.

So the question still comes back to this plan. Speaking of this, Qi Feng looked at Wu Hao and asked: "Mr. Wu, I want to know what you just said about being able to print neurovascular tissue and muscle tissue. Is this true or false?" "

Hearing Qi Feng's question, Wu Hao nodded slightly and said: "I can only say that we are trying hard, and there should be no problem. After all, whether it is blood vessels, nerves or muscles, their structures are relatively simple, or It is conducive to biological 3D printing. However, it is still unclear whether the printing can be successful and whether the printed biological tissues can be used.

So, I can't give you an accurate answer right now. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao thought for a moment, and then said to Lu Feng and the others: "Do you think this is okay? My empty talk will have no effect. Otherwise, we can conduct experiments first and use experimental data. to explain everything.

We can first try to print the relevant blood vessels, nerves and muscle tissue of pigs or macaques. If it succeeds, it means that this technology is feasible, then we will discuss how to implement it.

If it fails, then this idea will be abandoned as soon as possible. If this option is chosen in the end, then the only way is to extract muscle fibers and neurovascular tissue from the patient's thigh. As for the damaged part of the thigh, Smart will wait until our technology matures in this area before helping her repair it. "

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