Military Technology

Chapter 1935 Strong Girl

We agree, we all agree, as long as Feifei can be cured, we all agree. When Zou Feifei heard Wu Hao's words, she held Wu Hao's hand and said excitedly.

Haha, thank you for your trust, but before that, we still need to introduce the relevant treatment plan to you and Feifei in detail. We can only proceed after getting your and Feifei's approval and authorization.

But we will discuss these in detail later, let’s take a look at Feifei first. Wu Hao said with a smile.

After hearing what Wu Hao said, Zou's mother finally agreed and then stepped aside.

Wu Hao and the others then came to Zou Feifei's bed, and Wu Hao was also looking at Zou Feifei. At this moment, Zou Feifei was wearing a pink hospital gown with vertical stripes, and her face was covered with gauze. Only her mouth, nostrils, and her good left eye were exposed.

Some minor burn marks have healed, leaving only very ugly scars. Burn scars can be said to be the most unsightly of all traumatic scars. Film and television left these shocking and ugly scars on Zou Feifei's originally fair skin.

Seeing Wu Hao and the others coming, he wanted to sit up, but Wu Hao and the others stopped him repeatedly.

As the representative of the research center, Wu Jiuzhi can also be regarded as Zou Feifei's attending doctor, so he took the initiative to introduce Zou Feifei to everyone: "The patient himself inhaled a large amount of hot smoke, which caused damage to the patient's respiratory tract, including his throat and vocal cords, so the patient's voice have also been affected.

After early treatment by doctors, the patient has regained his ability to speak. However, due to damage to his vocal cords, his speaking voice has changed and become very thick. This has also affected the patient's psychology to some extent, and now he is unwilling to talk more. "

Hearing Wu Jiuzhi's introduction, Xu Shenghua nodded slightly, then looked at Zou Feifei with a smile and said: "It's okay, don't worry, it will take a long time for the vocal cords to recover. So during this period, you have to cooperate with the relevant departments During treatment, you also need to talk more and learn how to speak, so that your voice can hopefully recover.

Of course, the vocal cords themselves are relatively weak, and once they are damaged, it is difficult to completely recover. However, with systematic treatment and exercise, your voice can still recover well. "

Speaking of this, Xu Shenghua said with a smile: "Let me tell you a secret that is not a secret. Everyone in this industry knows it. Before their debut, many stars did not have very good voices. These people are specially found to sing well. A plastic surgeon on the vocal cords will perform repairs so that their voices will become more beautiful.

So if you are interested and willing to try it, you can contact me in the future and I will introduce you to a good expert in this field. He will definitely be able to repair your vocal cords! "

Hearing what Xu Shenghua said, Zou Feifei nodded immediately, and then said: "Thank you, thank you Professor Xu."

Zou Feifei's words were rough and slightly hoarse, as if there was something stuck in her throat, and her voice was unpleasant to hear. Sure enough, after Zou Feifei finished speaking, she stopped talking and looked at everyone sheepishly.

However, Wu Hao and the others didn't react at all. After all, they were all professionals. Even if there was any reaction, it was all blocked by the mask.

You're welcome. Xu Shenghua replied with a smile, and then smiled at Zou Feifei and said: "Next, we need to remove the gauze, and then take a look at your face and your damaged eyes, so that we can study specific treatment and repair method.

Mr. Wu, you know, they have not only developed the technology of bio-3D printing of skin tissue, they have also developed intelligent bionic electronic eye prosthetic technology, and this technology has been put into clinical trials and achieved very good results. I believe you should know. "

Zou Feifei nodded and then looked at Wu Hao.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled at Zou Feifei and said softly: "Don't worry, we will definitely cure you. As long as you have this hospital and are brave enough to persevere, I believe your dream will come true."

Thank you Mr. Wu, I am a loyal fan of yours and I have seen your press conferences before. Although she was afraid to speak, Zou Feifei still mustered up the courage to thank Wu Hao.

Really, then I should cure you more. Wu Hao replied with a smile.

With that said, Wu Hao gestured to Wu Jiuzhi. Wu Jiuzhi nodded and then looked at the young doctors and nurses following him.

These young doctors and nurses walked to Zou Feifei's bed, carefully helped her sit up, and then began to slowly remove the gauze on her face bit by bit.

As the gauze was removed bit by bit, Wu Hao and the others finally saw Zou Feifei's appearance, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.


It is hard to imagine how this girl survived, and it is even harder to imagine how this girl faced rejection and accepted all this, and endured such physical and psychological pain. How strong this girl is.

Zou Feifei's hair had been completely burned, and the remaining hair was shaved off during the treatment. Of course, half of her scalp had been burned, and some of the wounds had not completely healed.

As for the face, 70 to 80% of it has been burned, with the right side of the face being the most serious. Even half of the nose has been burned off. There are still many wounds that have not healed, and the healed parts After the scabs fell off, wrinkles and traces of different colors were revealed.

Facing the careful gazes of everyone, Zou Feifei seemed shy or embarrassed, but she still had the courage to not back down.

Xiao Wu, come and take a look. Xu Shenghua turned sideways and said to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, then looked closely at Lu Feifei's face, and touched Zou Feifei's chin with his gloved hand and said softly: "Does it hurt?"

Zou Feifei shook her head and said, "It doesn't hurt!"

Wu Hao nodded, and then said to the nurse next to him: "Give me two cotton swabs!"

Taking the nurse's cotton swab, Wu Hao said to Zou Feifei: "I have to check your wound carefully, please bear with it!"

Seeing Lu Feifei nodding, Wu Hao tried his best to touch the wounds with light force. Especially when he saw that the eyelid was gone and the entire eyeball was removed from his right eye, he couldn't help but have a headache.

Open your mouth wider, yes, don’t use too much force, just open it gently! Wu Hao said to Zou Feifei.

As for Zou Feifei, she also worked hard to cooperate with Wu Hao, but the muscles on half of her face were damaged, so she couldn't control one side of her face.

After doing this, Wu Hao got out of the way and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He had a general understanding of Zou Feifei's situation. Zou Feifei's condition is relatively serious. It can be said that unless the plan mentioned by Wu Hao before, or the overall face transplant plan, there is no way to treat Zou Feifei with such serious injuries.

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