Military Technology

Chapter 1936 AI digital repair technology

Xiao Wu, what do you say? Seeing that Wu Hao remained silent, Xu Shenghua immediately asked him. Among the many people present, apart from doctors and health department leaders, the only technical expert was Wu Hao. Moreover, Wu Hao's bio-3D printing technology is the key to treating Zou Feifei, so Xu Shenghua pays more attention to Wu Hao's opinions and ideas.

After hearing Xu Shenghua's words, everyone present immediately looked at him, wrapping Zou Feifei and her mother.

When Wu Hao heard this, he glanced at Xu Shenghua, then turned to look at Zou Feifei and Zou's mother.

Seeing Wu Hao's hesitation, Zou Feifei immediately said with a look on her face: "Mr. Wu, just say it, no matter what the outcome, I can accept it."

Haha, it's not that serious. Wu Hao smiled at Zou Feifei and comforted him, and then continued: "In fact, our entire treatment process requires the full cooperation of you and your family. Only with full cooperation can we create miracles. Therefore, we all must Treat each other well and trust each other.

So in this regard, we don’t need to hide anything from you. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zou Feifei and Zou's mother nodded. Zou's mother was also highly educated, so she was more educated and sensible, which made Wu Hao somewhat relieved.

He organized his words and then said to Zou Feifei, Zou's mother and others present: "First of all, based on the relevant examination results we obtained before and my observation just now, your face was severely burned by the fire. It not only hurts the skin, but also affects the muscle and nerve tissue inside.

Currently, the muscle tissue on your right side, especially the tiny muscle groups on your face, is severely damaged, which also results in the inability to move the right side of your face. So even if we perform skin grafting surgery on you now, you are just wearing a human skin mask, and half of your face will always be frozen, which is what we call facial paralysis. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Zou Feifei and Zou's mother, and then continued: "And because the tissue under your skin is seriously damaged, implanting new skin on it now is like an unstable It's like building a house on a poor foundation. If the foundation is not stable, how can the house be good?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zou Feifei and Zou's mother couldn't help but look solemn and pessimistic, as if all hope had suddenly disappeared, and their entire bodies had lost their previous vitality.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao immediately smiled and comforted: "But you don't have to worry too much. In fact, we already have a preliminary plan for your condition including related treatment.

Next, let me introduce some of the technical aspects to you first. If you don’t understand, you can ask me directly. "

When Lu Feifei and Zou's mother heard his words, they immediately nodded in agreement, which rekindled hope in their hearts that had just died.

Wu Hao glanced at Xu Shenghua and the others, and then said to Zou Feifei, Zou's mother and everyone: "First we need to conduct a comprehensive MRI scan of your entire head, including your body, and then generate a 3D digital model.

Through this 3D digital model, we can very intuitively know the injuries on your face and body, their extent, and related body data. And through AI digital repair technology, your damaged parts are automatically digitally repaired and restored through complex calculations.

In this way, we can know what kind of repairs need to be done on the damaged parts of your body, which will automatically generate our overall repair plan and let us know the direction of our next efforts.

I say this, can you understand me? "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zou Feifei and Zou's mother, who were absorbing the content of Wu Hao's words, reacted and nodded hurriedly in agreement.

Okay, let me talk about the specific treatment plan next. Wu Hao looked at the two and continued: "First, we need to repair your damaged muscles and nerve tissue. This process is relatively slow and may take a long time. Dozens or even dozens of surgeries, bit by bit Repair damaged muscles and nerve tissue in your face and restore them to basic functions.

This process is relatively slow and involves many surgeries, which will be a severe test for both the patient and the patient's family. In particular, patients will endure great pain, not only physically but also psychologically.

Therefore, during the treatment process, the patient must first maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, have a correct understanding, and actively cooperate with the entire treatment process. "

After finishing speaking, Wu Hao looked at Zou's mother: "In the treatment process, the role of family members is also very important. It can be said that family members play a vital and direct role in taking care of the patient's physical, especially psychological aspects. Therefore, you must actively guide Patients, relieve their anxiety, irritability, depression and other negative emotions, and actively cooperate with the treatment."

Zou Feifei and Zou's mother agreed to Wu Hao's words and promised Wu Hao one after another.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this, and then said to the two of them: "We have a total of two plans for the repair and treatment of muscle, nerve tissue and facial skin.

First of all, let me introduce to you the general plan. In fact, I am overstepping here. This should be the task of Professor Xu and Director Wu. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Shenghua and Wu Jiuzhi laughed.

Wu Hao continued with a smile: "As for the general repair plan, I believe you have heard from many experts. To put it simply, it is to transplant some muscle fibers and fibers from other parts of your body, such as thighs and buttocks. Nerve tissue to repair damaged muscles and nerves in your face.

Doing so will inevitably cause the parts of your thighs, including your buttocks, to lose some function, but it will not affect your normal life, so don’t worry. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, Zou Feifei and Zou's mother also nodded to express their understanding. Experts have introduced this plan to them before, but they only introduced autologous skin transplantation. Simply put, it uses the flesh from the buttocks to repair the damaged skin on the face.

What Wu Hao is talking about this time is using the muscle fibers and nerves on the buttocks and thighs to repair the muscle and nerve tissue under the facial skin, which is more in-depth.

And in the opinion of Zou Feifei and Zou's mother, this plan is more scientific and reliable. As Wu Hao said, if the muscle and nerve tissue are not repaired and only the skin is transplanted, it will only play a role in covering up the ugliness, just like wearing an expressionless mask. In addition to looking better, there is nothing. What effect.

Now Wu Hao and his team's plan is to directly repair the underlying muscle and nerve tissue, so that after re-grafting the skin, Zou Feifei's face can smile again. This is simply a miracle for a patient whose facial muscles and nerves are severely damaged. This is great news.

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