Military Technology

Chapter 1937 Choice

After giving Zou Feifei and Zou's mother a moment to react, Wu Hao continued: "Okay, let's talk about the second plan, or new technology."

After hearing what he said, Zou Feifei and Zou's mother immediately became serious and looked at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "You also know that I introduced our bio-3D printing technology and the skin tissue printed using bio-3D printing technology at the year-end press conference.

I think the reason why you are here is also for this technology. "

As he spoke, Wu Hao glanced at Zou Feifei and Zou's mother. The two of them nodded sheepishly, but still looked at him and waited for him to continue.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao immediately continued: "Based on this technology, we have proposed a second set of treatment options. That is not to use autologous skin transplantation technology, but to use our new bio-3D printing technology to print relevant parts of your body." The muscle and nerve tissue at the damaged site includes the underlying skin tissue.

An advantage of this technology is that it can use your own somatic cells to clone and cultivate, and then use the somatic cells cultivated from these clones to print related tissues.

In this way, one of the most difficult problems in traditional transplant surgery is first solved, which is the problem of allogeneic rejection. The somatic cells we use come from the patient himself, so when the printed tissue is implanted into the patient, there will naturally be no rejection reaction.

This is very important for your future life. Without rejection, it means that you don’t need to take any more anti-rejection drugs, and because they are all your own, the recovery will be better. If Ideally, there would be no problem at all returning to normal. "

After finishing speaking, Wu Hao continued: "This is the first advantage. The second advantage is that bio-3D printing technology can customize exclusive tissues and organs according to relevant needs.

This has many benefits. First of all, it is tailor-made. The printed tissue will match the person very well. It can be said that it is the original product and there will be no errors. The result of the treatment and repair will naturally be very ideal.

We all know that we are very sensitive to people's appearance, and we can tell even a slight difference. This is also the reason why so many plastic surgery faces can be seen at a glance, because after surgery, they will no longer look natural.

Therefore, what many plastic surgeons now pursue is not only beauty, but also naturalness, so that no trace of plastic surgery can be seen. This is the highest requirement.

Through digital AI repair technology, we can very accurately restore the damaged tissue, skin, and muscle and nerve tissue on your face, and then import the relevant data information into a biological 3D printer for precise printing.

In this way, it can not only perfectly repair the damaged muscle and nerve tissue of your face, but also repair your facial skin. After repair, you can even see no traces of repair at all, just like your original face. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, Zou Feifei and Zou's mother couldn't help but become excited and agreed repeatedly.

However, Wu Hao asked the two of them to calm down, and then couldn't help but said: "Don't be too quick to be happy, any technology has its own two sides, and it cannot be so perfect.

Take this technology for example. Although it can perfectly repair your facial injuries, it also has some shortcomings or deficiencies.

To be honest, this technology has not yet entered clinical trials. If you agree, you will be the first to eat crabs.

This means that there are many unprecedented risks waiting for you, and no one knows what the future results will be. Although we will try our best, I believe you also know that there are many things that exceed our capabilities and expectations, and we are not able to achieve what we want.

So if you accept this new technological treatment plan, you must bear the corresponding risks. Therefore, before doing so, we need to obtain your consent and sign relevant agreements. "

After speaking, Wu Hao looked at the two of them and explained with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, this is a necessary process. Even if you sign the relevant agreement, we still can't get rid of the responsibility and pressure.

In fact, our entire team of experts is under tremendous pressure to treat you. Fortunately, it was successful, so we can give everyone an explanation. But once it fails and something goes wrong, even if it is not our fault, I am afraid that we will inevitably be attacked by various public opinions from the public. This is foreseeable.

Therefore, many people think that we don’t need to take such risks. We just need to be safe and take treatment step by step. We don’t seek merit but seek no faults. We can finish the work smoothly. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Zou Feifei and Zou's mother and said bluntly: "To be honest, we all have this idea.

But why did we all give up again? Mainly because we were moved by your deeds. We don't want to see a beautiful girl who bravely saves others live a miserable life like this, so we plan to take a risk and try our best. We all work together and believe that our luck will not be too bad. "

"Of course, I am not saying this to persuade you to agree, but I want to tell you all these things, and then you will think carefully and make the answer you think is the most correct and appropriate.

No matter what decision you make, we will respect and support you, and we will do our best to help treat you. "

After Wu Hao finished speaking, Professor Xu Shenghua next to him continued his words and said with a smile: "Let me add a few words. First of all, this opportunity is very rare. Because of your relationship, this technology has been specially approved for clinical treatment in advance. You are the first .

You know, there are many people around the world who hope to have such an opportunity, and there are many heroes who have suffered the same misfortune as you, and they are also waiting for such an opportunity.

So you are so lucky to get this opportunity.

Secondly, the risks of this technology are actually controllable, and the direct risks to you are relatively small, so you can rest assured. And to put it bluntly, you are already like this now. Even if the treatment fails, how bad can it get?

Instead of doing this, why not give it a try, maybe a miracle will happen.

Finally, behind this technology, we have actually prepared an alternative, that is, even if this technology fails, we can still use conventional autologous tissue transplantation technology to continue to treat your damaged parts. Repairing it will not cause much loss to you, but it will only waste some time.

Of course, the specific choice depends on you, and we respect any decision you make. "

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