Military Technology

Chapter 1939 The first appearance of the biological 3D printer

Everyone has been yearning for Wu Hao's bio-3D printing technology for a long time. Now that there is such an opportunity, no one will let it go. Then he suggested to Wu Hao that he wanted to visit the laboratory.

Wu Hao had already expected this and immediately agreed with a smile.

In fact, after receiving this invitation, Wu Hao realized that these people would definitely be interested in their bio-3D printing technology, so he had already made relevant preparations in advance.

They will definitely see what they should see. As for what they cannot see, they will naturally not see it in the laboratory.

Moreover, they will have to cooperate for some time to come, and mutual trust is the basis for cooperation. So if he politely rejects them at this moment, it will inevitably affect future cooperation.

So for the sake of the overall situation, we still have to gain their trust.

In the end, it doesn't matter if this technology is exposed to them. The core of this technology lies in the software and hardware. These are not things that people like them can learn by just looking at it.

The Linghu Business District Medical Research Center of Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College and the Linghu Headquarters Park of Haoyu Technology are actually not far away. It only takes a few minutes to get there.

Haoyu Technology Biological and Life Sciences Research Center has many laboratories, such as the P3 laboratory, biotechnology research laboratory, life science laboratory, etc. located in the R\u0026D base next door in the northwest desert.

What Wu Hao led Xu Shenghua and the others to visit was the biological 3D printing technology research laboratory under the Biological and Life Cloning Technology Research Institute established by the Haoyu Technology Biological and Life Science Research Center in the company's campus.

It sounds confusing, but the Haoyu Science and Technology Biological and Life Sciences Research Center is Wu Hao's first-level department in charge of biology and life sciences, including medical technology, and has multiple research institutes and laboratories under its jurisdiction. The Biological 3D Printing Technology Research Laboratory belongs to the Institute of Biological and Life Cloning Technology.

This Institute of Biological and Life Cloning Technology is mainly engaged in biological cloning technology, specifically the research on cloning technology in the field of animals and plants.

For example, conventional stem cell cloning technology, embryo cloning technology, etc., as well as technological research projects that use biological 3D printing technology to print, copy and clone corresponding organ tissues.

Therefore, this park is very large, directly occupying one of the Twenty-Eight Constellations Courtyard in the Linghu Headquarters Park.

After going through strict access control security checks and handing in relevant digital electronic equipment, everyone finally walked into the laboratory building wearing white lab coats.

The entire experimental building is very clean, with a white color scheme, and experimental areas blocked by huge floor-to-ceiling glass on both sides. Through the glass, you can see the relevant environment inside and the relevant technical researchers who are already busy at work.

This made everyone following Wu Hao very curious, looking left and right at everything inside the glass. Wu Hao did not stop or urge him, but allowed them to visit.

There's nothing to see anyway, so why bother to stop them.

In this way, everyone slowly came to a glass door, which opened automatically. Wu Hao then made an inviting gesture to everyone, and everyone walked in immediately upon seeing this.

After Wu Hao entered, the glass door closed again. There are no buttons on the entire door, and everything is controlled by an intelligent security system. Only those who have obtained permission can enter, otherwise they will not be able to enter.

Although these are all glass, there is a big difference between glass and glass. These glasses are explosion-proof tempered glass and very strong. It would take a lot of effort to break it. There are transparent sensing lines inside these glasses. Once these transparent lines are broken, the sensors will automatically alarm and the safety doors set at each exit of the laboratory building will automatically close. Security personnel will also arrive quickly within a few minutes, so anyone who breaks in has no chance of escaping.

Not to mention that this place is heavily guarded and cannot be entered by ordinary people.

Walking into the laboratory, there are busy technical researchers everywhere. Seeing Wu Hao leading a group of people in, these researchers smiled and said hello, and then started busy themselves.

Wu Hao is very familiar with this place because he often comes here to participate in related research work. So he didn't bother anyone else, and he acted as a tour guide for everyone.

In the laboratory, there is a glass room of about ten square meters. This room is isolated by glass, and inside is a huge white square device.

Wu Hao brought everyone to the glass, and then introduced with a smile to everyone: "What you are seeing now is the biological 3D printer we developed. The entire printer is composed of several parts, including the base and the intelligent control system. , printing system, pan/tilt system, raw material supply system, and active printing chamber, also known as artificial placenta, etc.

This base also contains an emergency power supply system, equipped with our newly developed new generation lithium battery, which can ensure that even if the power is suddenly cut off, normal printing can still be maintained for more than eight hours.

Of course, it is not normally used because hospitals have their own emergency power supplies. Such a valuable piece of equipment would definitely not be powered off easily. "

He smiled and made a joke, then pointed to the printing chamber below and smiled at everyone: "This is the active printing chamber called artificial placenta, because it is necessary to maintain the biological activity of the printed organs and tissues as much as possible. The storage time is extended, so an ideal environment is always maintained in the printing chamber, which is conducive to the preservation of printed organs and tissues.”

Please take a look, here is the scene inside the printing chamber. Wu Hao pointed to the picture on the big screen hanging above the glass room and said to everyone.

After everyone heard this, they immediately looked over and saw that the large screen showed that this biological 3D printer was conducting printing experiments on biological tissues.

How to describe it, the printing nozzle of the biological 3D printer on the big screen is a bit like the sewing needles of multiple sewing machines, walking back and forth on a piece of tissue that looks relatively square.

The thing that had been printed out was a flesh-red color as a whole, and it looked like it really was a piece of meat, which made everyone think of other things.

For example, will this printed thing be fried and eaten by scientific researchers as a steak?

"Why is this printing done in water?" Zhang Qinghong couldn't help but asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, the entire printing process is carried out in liquid. This is also to simulate the environment inside the placenta." Wu Hao replied with a smile.

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