Military Technology

Chapter 1940 3D Printing Artificial Muscle Tissue

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Wu Hao smiled and introduced: "In fact, artificial placenta can vividly describe this active printing chamber, which is why it was named like this.

Although the principles are basically similar and both are spatial environments that nurture living tissues and organs, there are also big differences between them.

The liquid you see can be regarded as the amniotic fluid in the placenta. It can maintain the activity of biological cells in the printed tissues and organs and provide them with relevant nutrients so that they can survive in this simulated environment for a longer period of time.

Of course, this alone is not enough. When printing some large tissues and organs, we must first print a biological circulation channel for it to see the venoarterial blood vessel network of the organ and connect it to ECMO (artificial lung) for blood circulation. Provide nutrients to the organs and tissues during the printing process to keep them alive.

In addition, this technology can also be used in the short-term storage process after the organs are printed. Through this extracorporeal circulation technology, the printed organs and tissues can be kept alive for a certain period of time.

Nevertheless, we still recommend that these organs and tissues must be transplanted as soon as possible once they are printed. The longer the delay is, the worse the biological activity of these organs and tissues will be, and the success rate of transplantation, including the function of the organs and tissues after transplantation, will also be worse. "

What is this being printed? Xu Shenghua asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao looked at the technical expert accompanying him. The technical expert immediately introduced: "The actual human muscle tissue being printed in the printing chamber is mainly used to repair injuries caused by sports injuries or other accidental injuries in the human body. The muscles and tendons are damaged.”

Oh, after hearing this introduction from this technical expert, everyone became more concerned and stared at the printing screen being displayed on the big screen for a long time. Director Qi Fengqi smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Xiao Wu, it seems that you have been prepared for this. No wonder you came up with such a technical solution."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "In fact, since the development stage of this biological 3D printer engineering machine, we have been conducting relevant functional tests on it. Today's printing project is just one of the series of tests. Of course. , after receiving the relevant task request, we immediately adjusted the direction of the relevant experimental research and focused on starting printing experiments on skin and muscle and nerve tissue."

Wu Hao did not lie. In fact, they have been experimenting with printing muscle and tendon tissue and have made some progress. The reason why breakthroughs in this field are pending is because compared to other organ tissues, muscle tissue and skin tissue have relatively simple structures, which are easier to print.

Of course, on the other hand, there is also a huge market in this area. Not to mention conventional injuries, there is a huge patient group in this field. Let’s talk about one of the top fields, which is the field of sports injury medicine. This is a very popular subject field.

You know, we need to invest huge human, material and financial resources to train an excellent top athlete, and we may not be able to achieve results. Often, only a small number of the top players in the entire huge team of athletes achieve results, maybe just a few people, or even one person.

It often takes them more than ten years of continuous training day after day before they can achieve some results and stand out in the international arena. But at the same time, injuries are also plaguing them.

Many top athletes are like this. They originally performed very well and achieved very good results in international competitions, but due to injuries, they had to regretfully leave the game and choose to retire.

Many athletes were originally in good condition and were about to produce results, but due to an unexpected injury, they had to say goodbye to the competition. For example, we are familiar with the basketball superstar Yao Ming, the 110-meter hurdles Liu Xiang, etc. They all had to say goodbye to the competition due to injuries, which brought countless regrets.

In fact, medical experts are making concerted efforts to deal with their conditions, and it can be said that they have gathered a group of the best people in the field of sports medicine in the world. But in the end, it was still impossible to save their sports careers, and these people left with regrets.

In fact, these are just some famous ones, and behind them there are a large group of unknown ordinary athletes who had to choose to retire due to injuries. Many good young athletes may have to bid farewell to their sports careers due to an accident. They have no outstanding achievements, and the most precious moments in their lives are spent in their beloved sports. Retiring with injuries, many people may be depressed for the rest of their lives.

And if this technology is developed, it will save the careers of a large number of athletes, allowing them to bid farewell to injuries and reappear on the court. In addition to athletes, there are also many patients from all walks of life and society who have been injured due to various accidents. This technology can also bring them hope and allow them to return to normal people.

For Wu Hao and others, while saving countless patients, they will also gain huge benefits. So many patients mean that this will be a huge market, representing unlimited money.

How is this technology now? Are there any animal clinical trials? Zhang Qinghong asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Of course, we have conducted experiments on mice, rabbits, and pigs. From the current point of view, the experimental results are good. Next, we will conduct tests on macaques and orangutans.

After these test results come out with no problems, we can apply to apply them directly to Zou Feifei. "

How long will this process take? Zou Feifei is still waiting in the hospital bed. Director Qi Fengqi asked Wu Hao, then sighed and said: "There are many people paying attention to Zou Feifei's matter. In addition, Zou Feifei updates her log updates on her social account every day and records the treatment process, so It attracted a large number of netizens and media attention.

If it is delayed for too long, it is likely to arouse public doubts and even criticism. "

Hearing Qi Feng's words, Xu Shenghua couldn't help showing a dissatisfied look and criticized: "Medical treatment and medical research are both cautious tasks, and they must be done with caution. There is no rush.

No matter what kind of treatment method it is, it takes time. Don't rush it, otherwise problems will occur. "

Wu Hao also smiled and nodded and said: "It will take at least two or three months. We have to give the experimental animals a recovery time and observe their recovery status before we can know the results of the experiment. The muscle and nerve tissue transplanted to their bodies, including Is the skin tissue safe?”

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