Military Technology

Chapter 1941 Bio-3D printing factory concept

"You also know that under normal circumstances, it will take at least one or two years before we can conduct clinical trials. The experimental time of two to three months is already the limit, and it can even be said to be a risk."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Qinghong couldn't help frowning and said: "The time is too short, there won't be any problems."

Zhang Qinghong's words also represent everyone's voice. It is simply crazy to shorten the one-year experimental period to two to three months. What about the risks caused by this? What should we do if something goes wrong after the transplant?

Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "As you all know, there are too many uncertainties in transplantation surgery, and no one can guarantee that there will be no problems with the recovery after the transplantation.

Even with the relatively mature autologous and allogeneic transplantation technologies, there are still many risks, which are unavoidable. "

After hearing what he said, everyone nodded in agreement, because what Wu Hao said was indeed the norm in this field.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, continued with a smile: "This is why I have to make it clear in front of Zou Feifei and her mother and ask for a detailed agreement to be signed.

Let’s not talk about the public opinion aspect, but let’s talk about the legal aspect. With the signatures of patients and family members, we can reduce a lot of trouble. "

After speaking, Wu Hao glanced at everyone, then softened his tone and said with a smile: "Actually, you don't need to be too nervous. This technology has an advantage, that is, it is not very harmful. Even if there is a problem, it will not be too nervous." Only these printed tissue parts will not endanger the patient's health.

Therefore, this is also an important reason why we have the confidence to shorten the experimental cycle. If it is other organs and tissues, then it will naturally be a different matter. Unless it is absolutely safe, who would dare to use it on patients. "

After listening to his words, everyone present nodded in agreement. Indeed, the biggest advantage of this technology is that it can control risks without causing additional harm to patients.

Xiao Wu, what is the approximate price of such a biological 3D printer? If it is suitable, we can reserve one first. Xu Shenghua then looked at the biological 3D printer in the glass room and couldn't help asking Wu Hao. As soon as his question came out, everyone else present pricked up their ears, and the place suddenly became silent.

Naturally, everyone is very interested in such a machine. Not to mention its incredible function, it can treat countless patients and save countless lives. This will play a huge role in improving the treatment level and reputation of our respective hospitals.

Just talking about the huge market brought about by this technology can’t help but make many people present drool. In their eyes, this biological 3D printer is no longer a medical device, but a machine for printing money.

Of course Wu Hao could see what these people were thinking, and he smiled slightly in his heart, then shook his head at everyone and said: "It's hard to say yet, because our investment in this technology is too huge, so it will be divided among everyone." The cost of each piece of equipment is naturally very high.

Moreover, this equipment is quite special and may involve a series of issues, including ethics, laws and regulations, etc. Only after these problems are clarified can this equipment be put into commercial use.

In addition, such a piece of equipment has huge strategic value, which also means that it has special characteristics, such as export restrictions and so on. Therefore, even if it is for commercial use in the future, the corresponding equipment may not be sold directly, but services will be provided in another form. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone felt cold. It seemed that Wu Hao and the others were unwilling to let go of such a money-printing machine.

"Another form"? Some people were still a little reluctant and asked after him.

Wu Hao glanced at the other party, then smiled and nodded: "Yes, another form.

Because the requirements for the use of this equipment are relatively strict, and it may also involve a series of issues such as cloning and cultivating patients' somatic cells, as well as the processing and preservation of printed organs and tissues, general hospitals cannot meet such conditions.

So we may set up a special company to provide corresponding biological 3D printing services. In this way, after the patient seeks medical treatment at the nearest hospital, the hospital will complete the examination of the patient's condition, including research and formulation of treatment plans, collection and formulation of printed tissue and organ data, and the patient's somatic cells, etc., and then send them to the company's exclusive biological 3D Print factory.

The collected patient cells are cloned and cultured by the factory, and then printed exclusively based on the relevant size data set by the collection.

The printed tissues and organs will be placed in a special active storage box and transported to the hospital through the green channel.

And through the online system, both hospitals and patients can check the printing progress of their tissues and organs, so as to adjust and formulate corresponding treatment plans. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at everyone, and then continued with a smile: "In this way, through this centralized printing method in the factory, we can further reduce the printing cost of each tissue and organ, thereby effectively reducing patient treatment costs, allowing this technology to benefit more patients.

As for the hospital, there is no need to invest in special construction, it only needs to do the corresponding docking work. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone was not very happy, but looked bitter and uncomfortable. They don’t mind Marfa and the high investment. As long as the product is good, they can spend more money. In the end, the patients will pay the bill.

Now Wu Hao and the others plan to directly monopolize this device and provide exclusive printing services. This is tantamount to directly cutting off their jobs. How can they make them willing to do so?

Thinking of this, many people began to make plans to see if they could use another method to pressure or induce Wu Hao and others to give up this monopoly.

But when they thought of Wu Hao's close cooperation with the military, these people couldn't help but stop. Can such people be coerced and induced?

Everyone had different ideas. Xu Shenghua was the first to speak. He smiled at Wu Hao and said, "It's a good idea. This will indeed allow this technology to benefit more patients, without having to worry about national border restrictions, and it can also reduce the number of patients. The burden on patients.

In addition, this approach also allows most hospitals to use this technology, thereby benefiting more patients.

However, if you do this, you will inevitably be under great pressure from all aspects. This is a hen that can lay golden eggs, and everyone is watching. Once you decide to take this approach, you will undoubtedly offend these people.

Therefore, you must be mentally prepared for this. "

Hearing Xu Shenghua's words, Wu Hao smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, as long as we have the technology in hand, we are not afraid of them acting like monsters."

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