Military Technology

Chapter 1942 A new way to achieve ageless appearance!

Although everyone really wanted to stay a little longer and see more of the biological 3D printer in front of the glass. However, under the guidance of Wu Hao, everyone could only leave with regret and go to the places to visit below.

Under the guidance of Wu Hao, everyone walked through a glass corridor and entered a new laboratory around the corner.

Entering here, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because the space here is very large, it seems like you are in a hospital. The relevant layout and facilities are the same as those in a hospital, with dedicated operating rooms, wards, etc.

Xiao Wu, where is this? Seeing this scene, Director Qi Fengqi couldn't help but ask him.

Wu Hao introduced with a smile: "This is a special clinical hospital we have set up to conduct clinical trials and research on our related technologies."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but wonder, are Wu Hao and the others still secretly conducting clinical trials here? This is against the rules. Why is this guy so bold?

Seeing everyone's surprised and confused expressions, Wu Hao smiled and said: "But what we are testing here are not patients, but some experimental animals."

As he spoke, Wu Hao made an invitation gesture: "Everyone, follow me."

Immediately, everyone entered a ward. There was a large space inside, and what attracted the most attention were some small spaces separated by transparent acrylic boards, in which various animals lived.

Wu Hao brought everyone to the piglet. Through the transparent acrylic board, Wu Hao smiled at everyone and introduced: "Everyone, please see, this is a piglet that we have completed autologous cell cloning and 3D bio-printed skin transplantation. The lighter-haired area on its back is the skin tissue we printed through bio-3D printing.

Judging from the current testing, this part of the skin is recovering well and there are no problems. The piglet is also in very good health. "

With that said, Wu Hao motioned to the experimenter next to him. The experimenter nodded and then took out the piggy inside. The piggy was very strong, so it took the experimenter a lot of effort to show the piggy in front of them.

Seeing this little pig, everyone came forward to watch it. As for Wu Hao, he also smiled and pushed aside, giving the space to everyone.

Xu Shenghua, Zhang Qinghong and the others put on medical rubber gloves, then carefully peeled off the light hair on the piglet, and carefully checked the situation. They looked very excited while watching several people still communicating.

As for the piglet, it was a little awkward in the arms of the experimenter, but when the experimenter comforted it, it didn't struggle too much and seemed very well-behaved.

The wound healed very well, the scar was very shallow, and the survival condition of the transplanted skin was very good, and the pig hair grew vigorously. After Professor Xu Shenghua examined it, he nodded and praised with a smile.

Zhang Qinghong also nodded, but then he turned to Wu Hao and asked: "Mr. Wu, I noticed that there is a clear color difference between the newly injected skin and the piglet's own skin. I would like to ask, this kind of Is the color difference the difference between the bio-3D printed skin and the original skin, or is it the difference between the old and new skin?

How to solve this problem in the later stage? Is there any solution? This is very important for some patients with facial skin repair and transplantation. They cannot let their faces become darker and shallower, turning them into painted faces. What is the difference between this and no transplantation and repair? . "

Hearing Zhang Qinghong's inquiry, Wu Hao answered with a smile: "It's a matter of old and new skin. There is no difference between the bio-3D printed skin and the piglet skin tissue itself. It's just that the growth time is different. It's like the skin of a newborn baby." The skin is the same as the skin of adults. It needs an adaptation process. Generally speaking, it may take half a year to a year to basically return to the same consistency. Of course, if some auxiliary methods are used, this process will also be accelerated. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed his tone and said with a smile: "However, I don't think anyone would do this. For many people, it's too late for you to cherish a young face suddenly. How could you do it on purpose?" It's 'old'.

I think what everyone was asking at that time was not how to make the newly implanted skin old, but how to make the original skin new. "


Everyone present laughed after hearing Wu Hao's words. Indeed, this is the case, and they have encountered such things many times. It's easy for male patients, but female patients have more requirements.

Will such skin be particularly intolerant to aging, or will its lifespan be too short? A young doctor among the crowd asked.

Hearing the doctor's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "No, these skins are printed using the experimental subjects' own cell clones, so the lifespan of the skin is actually the same as the skin on the pig. No. There will be some problems of too short lifespan and intolerance to aging.”

After hearing Wu Hei's explanation, another expert next to him immediately asked about this issue: "If this is the case, will the two types of skin have the same degree of aging in the future, but have different problems."

Ginger is still old and spicy, and he grasps the key of the problem as soon as he asks the question.

Wu Hao praised in his heart, and then nodded with a smile: "It is possible. It's okay for the little pig. After all, it is too young, so the time difference between its own skin and the biological 3D printed skin is not much, so it won't There is an impact.

But for people, it's different, especially those in their twenties and thirties, who may have such problems when they age in the future.

After all, the difference between the patients' original skin and the newly printed skin tissue printed by the biological 3D printer may be more than ten years or decades. You may not be able to see it when you are young, but when you are in your forties or fifties, you will notice obvious changes.

At present, there is no solution to this problem, and it is basically unsolvable. Unless we use relevant gene editing control technology to make the newly printed skin of the bio-3D printer consistent with the patient's original skin. "

After saying this, Wu Hao glanced at everyone, then changed his tone and said with a smile: "Actually, you don't need to worry too much about this issue, because compared to decades later, we can help patients in the most important age stage of their lives. Restoring their normal appearance is very important to them.

As for the future, maybe related problems can be solved. Even if it can't be solved, after the age of 40 or 50, people are no longer as concerned about skin and appearance as they were when they were young.

In addition, from a biological science perspective, there are many factors that affect skin aging, not necessarily the skin itself. Therefore, after a few decades, even if there is a difference between the old and new skins, it will be very small, or even no difference. "

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