Military Technology

Chapter 1944 The envious and jealous people

The visit continued, and Wu Hao led everyone to another animal ward. The layout here is basically similar to the previous one, but there are many differences.

You can even see a lot of new equipment and instruments here, here is the oxygen supply system, here is the heart rate detection system, here is the thermal imaging system, etc. These devices are several sizes smaller than normal medical equipment, and they appear to be prepared for these animals.

Seeing everyone scrambling to observe, Wu Hao introduced with a smile: "What is being done here are some difficult experiments, such as using 3D bio-printed tissues and organs to transplant and replace the organs and tissues in these experimental animals.

For example, this white mouse’s tail was actually removed by 3D printing of our biology. Now the new tail is in good condition and can even grow with the size of the mouse.

This little rabbit here, we transplanted and replaced the leg muscle tissue on it, and it is in very good condition. Here are other things, such as our surgical transplant experiments on vascular tissue, neural tissue, intestinal tissue and other tissues. "

After introducing these things, Wu Hao came to a special acrylic compartment, then pointed to a somewhat weak white mouse inside and introduced to everyone: "This little white mouse in the oxygen pressurized chamber in life is our latest experiment. Results. We have successfully 3D printed a heart tissue. It has survived for more than five days now, and various physiological functions of the body are recovering. If everything goes well, it will be able to be transferred out of the oxygen chamber in a few days."

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone immediately gathered in front of the small acrylic oxygen tank and carefully observed the white mouse inside.

As for this little white mouse, it was obviously a little frightened when it saw so many people watching, and it started to run a little restlessly.

It can be clearly seen that although this mouse is a little weak, it is still very flexible and light in movement, which shows that it is in good physical condition. Otherwise, a life as fragile as a white mouse would probably have died long ago.


Everyone's mood is very complicated now. They were surprised at first, then excited, then a little bit pity, and finally they were completely envious and jealous.

The surprise is naturally because Wu Hao and the others have actually developed this research on bio-3D printing technology to this point. It can be said that if the scientific research and technological results in this area are released, it will definitely shock the whole world. Not to mention other things, just talking about the scientific research results of this technology, it can definitely win all the awards of the year, including some famous awards.

Not to mention winning awards, this technology will definitely make a mark in the history of medicine and even the history of human development, and it will be easy to establish a monument.

As for the reason for excitement, it is naturally because they may be the first visitors to have such close contact with and understand this technology. How lucky this is. What makes them even more excited is that this technology will also be applied in their hands. As for Zou Feifei, this is just the beginning.

Everyone couldn't help but get excited when they thought that they might become the first batch of medical experts in this field.

What makes everyone even more excited and happy is that once this technology matures, it will be applied to many medical fields. In addition to some systemic and difficult diseases, other related diseases can be perfectly treated. The treatment method is very simple and direct, even rough. Since conventional treatments are ineffective, why not simply replace them with 3D bioprinted organs and tissues?

Why is it a pity, mainly because they feel that they were born at the wrong time, or they did not participate in such a great project. And according to what Wu Hao said before, this technology will not be promoted on a large scale. Instead, it will cooperate with medical institutions that meet relevant conditions through centralized customization in bio-3D printing factories to serve the public patients.

And this also means cutting off their access to this core technology and cutting off their financial resources, which makes everyone feel pity.

Why is it the young man in front of me who develops and creates this technology, and not them? This also makes everyone feel that their efforts for most of their lives have been thrown into the dog's belly.

Dog: "I provoked someone, why should you throw it into my belly?"

As for envy, jealousy and hatred, this can be said to be the true thoughts in the hearts of the people in front of Wu Hao. Such a major technological achievement has nothing to do with them, which makes them envious and jealous. Moreover, Wu Hao also planned to monopolize this technological achievement, which made them itch with hatred.

Wu Hao, who had been paying attention to everyone's expressions, smiled and said after seeing everyone's reactions: "Okay, that's all here. Let's take a rest first, and then wait for the next surgery."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone couldn't help but nodded, and then followed Wu Hao to the lounge.

The lounge is very large, the decoration is very exquisite and luxurious, and there are also a variety of drinks and snacks. There is even a special sausage grilling machine that grills sausages, fish balls, and barbecue.

These items are provided free of charge and are available to everyone as long as they are not wasted. It's just that now everyone pays attention to healthy eating, body shape, skin care and so on. Therefore, people eat less of these high-energy, high-sugar, and high-carbohydrate foods.

Xu Shenghua, Wu Jiuzhi and others who are older naturally don't like these things very much. They either chose a cup of coffee or made a cup of tea, then sat down to chat and rest.

As for young people, they can no longer resist these temptations. Many students and disciples who came with their teachers were already holding sausages in their left hands and ice cream in their right hands.

Seeing their disciples being so embarrassed, teachers like Xu Shenghua, Wu Jiuzhi and others couldn't help but blush. Then they coughed twice and changed the subject.

"Xiao Wu, this tea is good. Is it Longjing?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "No, this is high-mountain selenium-rich Maojian produced in a remote area about three to four hundred kilometers away from Anxi.

The tea gardens here are all around 1,800 meters above sea level. The altitude is relatively high, so the tea leaves grow slowly and there are only a few opportunities to pick tea a year.

Therefore, the output is relatively limited and it is a niche local tea. It is precisely because of this that this kind of tea has never been famous and cannot be sold at a high price.

We have cooperated with the local area and directly signed contracts with tea gardens in several towns and villages, and they have provided us with high-quality tea.

In this way, we have obtained relatively high-quality tea, and they have a stable source of income that is relatively high compared to the market. It can be said to have achieved mutual benefit and win-win results. "

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