Military Technology

Chapter 1945 Swallowing Surgery


"Yes, the taste is clear and mellow, the smell is fragrant, strong and pleasant, a good tea, no worse than those famous teas." Xu Shenghua praised.

"Haha, if you like it, I can give you some later." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Xu Shenghua shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, it's too much trouble."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said, "No trouble. In fact, this tea was originally a souvenir prepared by us for our employees and guests who came to visit. Everyone has a share, which is a little bit of our thoughtfulness."

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Xu Shenghua no longer refused, and immediately thanked him: "In this case, then I am being treated unfairly."

After chatting for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, everyone immediately led by Wu Hao to an observation room.

This observation room is right next to the operating room, with a glass partition in the middle, so everyone in the observation room can see the situation in the operating room very clearly.

In addition, there is a large ultra-high-definition screen on the other wall. In addition to the large screen covering the front wall, there are also some large screens hanging on the other two walls to simultaneously broadcast live broadcasts of the images captured by various high-definition cameras in the operating room. image screen.

Through the microphone sound, the conversation of doctors in the operating room can be heard very clearly in the observation room, and even the faint sounds made by various surgical instruments and during the operation can be heard.

If necessary, you can also communicate directly with the doctor in the operating room through the microphone.

When Wu Hao and the others entered the observation room, doctors in surgical suits were already waiting in the operating room. Seeing that everyone was seated, Wu Hao immediately signaled for the operation to begin.

An assistant took out a very cute white rabbit from an acrylic cage, and this white rabbit was the subject of today's surgical experiment.

The white rabbit was carried to the special operating table, and an anesthesiologist immediately began to anesthetize it. As the anesthesiologist put the special respirator on the rabbit's mouth, the rabbit struggled slightly for a few seconds, and its entire body began to relax.

The anesthesiologist looked at the rabbit's status and the relevant data information on the instrument, and then nodded to the doctor next to him.

Immediately, several researchers fixed the rabbit on the operating table with its abdomen facing up, then picked up a shaver and began to shave the rabbit's abdominal hair.

Soon, the rabbit's tender red skin flashed out, and the researchers began to use iodophor to disinfect the rabbit's exposed skin. After disinfecting several times, the prepared lake-green drape was put on the rabbit, and the surgical wound was exposed.

"The operation is ready, do you want to start the operation?"

A young surgeon inside turned to the surveillance camera and asked.

"Let's get started." Wu Hao glanced at everyone and then said.


The surgeon did not perform the operation immediately. Instead, he and several other people moved a mechanical device that looked like an octopus from the side to the operating table and pointed it at the white rabbit lying below.

"Is this your multi-tentacled intelligent surgical robot?" Professor Xu Shenghua saw this and asked Wu Hao immediately.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, this is our new generation of eighteen-hand multi-tentacle micro intelligent surgical robot. It is mainly used in the field of minimally invasive surgery, and we are using it to conduct some relatively small animal experiments.

Compared with humans, the tissues and organs of these small animals are relatively small, and large equipment and instruments are not suitable. This miniature intelligent surgical robot is just right. "

As technicians started this eighteen-hand multi-tentacle micro intelligent surgical robot, the eighteen mechanical tentacles on it immediately began to move and perform self-checks. On the big screen, it also switched to the first-person view of this eighteen-hand multi-tentacled miniature intelligent surgical robot.

These doctors or scientific research technicians did not take action directly, but left one person standing on the operating table. The other two scientific researchers turned around and reached the two seats surrounding the operating table and brought them with them. Smart VR glasses.

The two technicians controlled the relevant handles on their hands, and saw that the tentacles on the eighteen-hand multi-tentacle micro intelligent surgical robot also moved accordingly.

As for everyone in the observation room, they immediately became agitated when they saw this scene.

The operation officially began. In the first-person view, a mechanical tentacle holding a disinfectant cotton continued to further disinfect the exposed skin of the surgical window.

Immediately, another mechanical tentacle appeared on the screen. The electric knife on the tentacle was activated, and then it was aimed at the tender red rabbit skin and gently slid the knife across.

On the large high-definition screen, as the electric knife slides over, the rabbit's abdominal skin begins to open automatically, and a burst of fine white smoke comes out. This is the white smoke that comes out when the electric knife burns the skin.


Just when everyone was concentrating on staring at the screen, a sound of swallowing saliva suddenly came from the speakers.

Inside the observation room, there was silence at first, and then bursts of laughter.

Ha ha ha ha……

I don't know if it was the scientific researcher in the operating room who asked about the smell of burning rabbit skin and white eyes, but he actually swallowed his saliva greedily.

Wu Hao also laughed angrily. These guys really didn't let him worry. You know that so many people are watching, but you still make such a fool of yourself.

Then he picked up the microphone and said into the operating room: "Concentrate and do the surgery well. Everyone is watching. After get off work, I will treat you to roast whole rabbit, braised rabbit, and spicy rabbit head tube!"

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, thank you boss!" After hearing Wu Hao's words, there was a burst of cheers, and then the tense atmosphere relaxed. These guys must have known that there were so many people watching the operation, so they would be a little nervous, so this kind of accident happened.

But it's hard for them. After all, anyone who asks about the smell of rabbit meat burned with an electric knife will inevitably be greedy, because it is so similar. It is said that this situation also occurs during surgical demonstrations. When human flesh is burned, the aroma may be stronger.

Of course, this is just a widely circulated statement. I don’t know whether it is true or false.

Immediately afterwards, two mechanical tentacles used hooks from both sides to open the wound and expand it. The electric knife continued to work, expanding the wound and exposing the heart inside.

At this moment, due to the anesthesia, the rabbit's heart was beating slowly and rhythmically. Looking at this heart, everyone couldn't help but be touched.

This is the source of life, which drives the life of all animals. Once it stops functioning, the mammal will die immediately, and there will be absolutely no chance of survival.

Once upon a time, this place was called the restricted area of ​​life and was an existence that could not be touched. With the continuous advancement of modern medicine, people can now deal with some of the problems here, and can even overhaul it or even replace it entirely.

And today, Wu Hao and the others will also create a new era.

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