Military Technology

Chapter 1948 Where to

After the patient and family members sign, treatment begins immediately. First of all, we need to debridement the patient, especially the burns on the patient's body that are relatively minor and have not damaged the muscles and nerve tissue, or which are relatively less critical, and give priority treatment.

In this regard, treatment can be carried out in a flexible manner according to the patient's wishes, without being too demanding on the treatment effect.

Of course, if the patient is willing, autologous skin grafting can also be used, or Haoyu Technology’s bio-printed 3D skin can be used for treatment.

Haoyu Technology's current bio-3D printed skin tissue can already print 20 to 30 square centimeters. This size is enough to repair most damaged parts.

Having said this, Xu Shenghua turned to Wu Hao and asked with a smile: "Xiao Wu, do you have any problems here?"

Wu Hao heard this and shook his head with a smile: "No problem. As long as the patient and her family sign the relevant clinical trial agreement, we can immediately start collecting her relevant somatic cells for cloning cultivation, and we can obtain the first one in about two weeks at the fastest." Bio-3D printed skin.”

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then continued: "We will bear all the costs related to bio-3D printing, but for other aspects, special treatment donations from patients need to be used."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Qi Feng immediately waved his hand towards him and said: "Don't worry about this. Currently, all walks of life are actively donating. The patient's charity account has received more than 10 million donations. The patients and their families have promised to use this part of the donation. Except for the treatment part, all other parts will be donated.

Therefore, it should be said that the current funds are relatively sufficient, so everyone can rest assured. "

Then let me first thank you, Xiao Wu, on behalf of the patients and their families. Xu Shenghua thanked Wu Hao, and then said to him: "Judging from our previous visit to the laboratory, your technology in bio-3D printing is also quite mature. Bio-3D printing of neuromuscular tissue has not A little problem.

Now let’s look at the test results. Two or three months will be very quick, and it’s definitely not enough time. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, thought for a moment, and then said to Xu Shenghua and Qi Feng: "This technological achievement includes the entire treatment process of the patient. I still hope that there will not be too much media interference." Related news , especially the content involving related technologies, I hope everyone can keep it secret for the time being and try not to let the media reveal it."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised. Whenever someone else invents a new technology, even if they create a new PPT, they have to brag about it for an hour or two. Why do Wu Hao and the others like to keep a low profile so much? It is a bit confusing for everyone to not want to announce such a major technological achievement.

Although they didn't quite understand, everyone still nodded and respected Wu Hao's decision. After all, it was his choice, and the relevant technology was also theirs. Wu Hao naturally had his reasons for making this decision.

Therefore, Qi Feng fell behind Wu Hao's words, and then smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Don't worry, I will strictly control this aspect and prohibit too many media from disturbing you. Relevant media interviews, including news releases and disclosures, must also be reviewed by us. Only then can it be approved, and this kind of thing will never happen.”

After saying this, Qi Feng changed his tone and asked Wu Hao: "Are you worried that once this technology is released, it will easily cause controversy?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Controversies are secondary. Mainly, I am worried that external voices may affect our entire treatment. Especially before there are any results, various external voices may affect patients. As well as the determination and attitude of the patient's family, it even affects our entire project, ultimately causing our efforts to be in vain.

And we don’t really like to deal with these rumors. We are better at using our strength and results to speak for ourselves. "

After hearing what Wu Hao said, Qi Feng and others nodded. Xu Shenghua smiled at him and said, "Your concerns are not unreasonable, but there still needs to be publicity.

Nowadays, the public is very concerned about patients and their conditions. If there is no response for too long, it is likely to arouse various doubts from the public.

Therefore, releasing relevant news regularly is also an introduction to our work progress to the outside world, and it is also a demonstration of strength and confidence. "

After hearing what Xu Shenghua said, Wu Hao paused slightly and said: "Of course it is possible, but I don't want too much news involving this technology.

You should also be aware of the sensitivity of this technology. Once it attracts too much attention, it will inevitably have an impact on our research, which will also have a serious impact on our treatment progress. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then lowered his voice and whispered to the people opposite and beside him: "In addition, this technology has great strategic value. Once it attracts overseas attention, it will inevitably make a fuss about this aspect. It may even be maliciously hyped, sabotaged, and attacked.

At present, everyone is aware of our relevant situation overseas, so it is not appropriate to create extraneous matters during this period.

Furthermore, the reason why we do not intend to promote this technology is to prevent the leakage of this technology. Our losses are small, but the key is whether the damage to national interests is large. "

"Everyone imagine what kind of effect this technology will have once it is applied to the military battlefield."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in unison.

Wu Jiuzhi is also a military doctor, so he is familiar with battlefield rescue. After hearing Wu Hao's words, he nodded and said: "This means that our battlefield rescue and rear casualty treatment will be greatly improved, and the casualty rate will also be improved." will be significantly reduced.

It can be said that as long as one breath is sent to the front line, the person can be fully treated and rescued.

I really used that advertising slogan, "If something is broken, replace it!" "


After hearing Wu Jiuzhi's words, everyone laughed.

Indeed, the key to this technology is to provide patients with relevant organ tissues printed from their own cells, which can be used to replace damaged organs and tissues, thereby achieving a healing effect.

This type of person is the most common on the battlefield. Many wounded people eventually lost their lives because of injuries to their organs and tissues. The emergence of this technology is equivalent to giving them a second life.

Of course, this technology is not perfect and it still takes time. Therefore, there is little that can be done for some critically ill patients with emergency injuries. At this time, it is time for Wu Hao and his intelligent bionic artificial organs to show their power.

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