Military Technology

Chapter 1949 The non-existent “person”

After chatting for a while, Xu Shenghua and the others said goodbye to Wu Hao and left after everyone had finished their meal. Many of these people are technical experts in various hospitals and have busy schedules. Many operations and various meetings are waiting for them, so these people have to rush back.

Watching everyone leave, Wu Hao also breathed a sigh of relief. This matter was finally resolved temporarily. You know, they have been named by netizens these days, and some extreme people have even begun to criticize and attack them.

This also led to the fermentation of relevant public opinions on the Internet, so Wu Hao and others, who originally did not plan to apply this technology to clinical trials too early, had to change their plans.

To be honest, Wu Hao admired and sympathized with this girl. Although they said their technology could save the girl, they were still unsure about applying such a technology that had not yet undergone clinical trials to this girl.

Especially since this girl has attracted so much attention, if something unexpected happens, they will not be able to escape even if they jump into the Yellow River.

Not long after returning to the office and before he could take a breath, Wu Hao received a special call.

The call was from Wu Hao's old friend Xu Hui from the Anxi Security Department. Wu Hao was a little confused about calling at this time. Could it be that something had happened.

Xu Hui's voice appeared on the other end of the phone: "Hey, Mr. Wu, has the medical expert team left?"

Hearing Xu Hui's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then said angrily: "Don't you know whether to leave or not? What are you doing, Captain Xu?"

Hearing Wu Hao's teasing tone, Xu Hui smiled and said: "Don't be so emotional. This is all for your own good. If it weren't for you, why would we send people to keep an eye on you all day long? Now you are all It has become the focus of our work, and do you know how much workload this has brought to us?”

Hearing Xu Hui's complaint, Wu Hao suddenly laughed angrily and said: "Don't complain to me, let's leave it to your leaders.

What's going on, Captain Xu, do you have any advice? "

Xu Hui on the other end of the phone smiled and said: "It's okay. I haven't talked to you for a long time, so I want to chat with you, connect with you, and build a good relationship between the police and the people."

When Wu Hao heard this, his head was full of black threads. Last time this guy said this, he took away more than a dozen sets of advanced technology and equipment from him. He said they were borrowing them, but they haven't returned them yet. I'm afraid they've become meat buns and will never come back. ah.

I have something to talk about and am busy. Wu Hao said angrily. You can't be polite with this guy, otherwise you won't know what's waiting for him. This is mainly because they are so familiar with each other, so they naturally speak casually without being outspoken.

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Xu Hui chuckled on the phone, and then said: "I want to ask you about someone, who is Chen Ke'er next to you? Why does it seem like he appeared out of nowhere? We can't find it here. There’s not a shred of information about her.”

When Wu Hao heard Xu Hui mention the words Chen Keer, Wu Hao's heart tightened, but he relaxed immediately, and then pretended to be calm and said, "Oh, this is my relative who came to experience life with me."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui joked angrily: "Don't come here, what kind of relative is she? With such a big background, we didn't find any information about her. It's as if this person didn't exist before.

Such a big living person suddenly appeared in your campus, like a big living person. You should give me an explanation for this. "

Hearing Xu Hui's words, Wu Hao smiled and said: "What's the explanation? It's just a little girl. You guys are so full, why are you checking her out?

Don't worry, we're all on our own, there won't be any problems. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Xu Hui put away his smile and said seriously: "You kid, don't look at me carelessly. I can't emphasize your importance, including the importance of your company. Such a stranger suddenly appears next to you." , and no information can be found, what do you want others to think.

Our duty is to protect your safety, so we must know the origins of anyone who appears around you, so as to ensure that these people do not pose a threat to your safety.

Now for Chen Ke'er, we didn't find any information about her. This is too abnormal, as if this person does not exist.

So this person is definitely not sure. She is either a broken-winged angel who fell from the sky as we guessed, or she may be an ace from an overseas agency who is specially arranged to be around you carefully.

You must take this matter seriously. If necessary, we may take decisive measures to arrest her for isolation and review. "

Hearing what Xu Hui said, Wu Hao couldn't help but become a little nervous. He refused repeatedly: "No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this person. I guarantee myself that if anything goes wrong with her, I will bear all the responsibilities. "

Hearing Wu Hao's assurance, Xu Hui on the other end of the phone couldn't help but be surprised. He looked at the relevant photos of Chen Keer captured on the screen in front of him, and looked at that exquisite and beautiful face, and couldn't help but become confused.

Who is this Chen Ke'er and why can't I find any information about her? When a person comes into the world, there will always be some traces that cannot be covered up no matter what.

But this Chen Keer is an exception. Before the Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park suddenly appeared, there was no news at all, not in the country, nor at the customs entry and exit. Even Xu Hui and the others went to investigate recent smuggling-related cases, but found no information about Chen Keer.

Logically speaking, such a beautiful girl would attract attention wherever she goes, but so far, no one seems to recognize her.

Is she a plastic surgery girl?

Such a hypothesis was put forward at the same time, but it was quickly rejected by experts, because after interviewing multiple plastic surgery experts, this Chen Kerr did not have any traces of plastic surgery, which means that her face should not have been moved. of. Because any face that has undergone plastic surgery has some artificial traces, which may not be visible to ordinary people. But for these plastic surgery experts, they can tell and spot the details at a glance.

However, after careful identification, the plastic surgery experts shook their heads.

And this is the power of AI technology. After identifying the physical features of countless people, the facial contours generated are also real faces, without any artificial traces.

When the face was made, it was also cast in one piece using brand-new technology, so naturally these experts couldn't see it.

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