Military Technology

Chapter 1954 It is, it is, a robot!

As Coco's clothes were removed one by one, Xu Hui's eyes became even more frightened, and his mouth grew unconsciously, as if his breathing had stopped.

That's not the end yet. I saw Chen Ke'er groping in the hidden position, and then directly peeled off the skin on his body, revealing the white metal frame and some cables inside.


"It, it, it is, is, a robot!"

Xu Hui turned to look at Wu Hao, stammering as he spoke, with a look of help in his eyes, hoping to get answers from Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is a simulated humanoid intelligent robot developed by us."

After Xu Hui heard Wu Hao's words, he looked at him for a long time, then slowly stood up, walked next to Chen Keer, and observed him carefully.

"This, how is this possible!"

"As you can see, these are all true." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui stared at it carefully for a while, then stood up and looked at Chen Keer's beautiful face, then turned to Wu Hao with a wry smile and said: "Before coming, we guessed a lot of possibilities. Sex, but the result was beyond all of our expectations and imagination.”

\u0026hedisbsp;ofall other possibilities, ati\u0026, noatterhowipossiblethatis\u0026ruth.

Sherlock Holmes said that when all other possibilities are eliminated and one remains, no matter how impossible it is, it is the truth. "Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui glanced at Chen Keer with a complicated expression, then walked to the opposite side of Wu Hao and sat down again, looking at Wu Hao, but never spoke.

Wu Hao knew that this incident had a big impact on Xu Hui, so he had to give him time to digest it.

Then Wu Hao looked at Chen Keer and said, "Okay, put it on."

"Okay, sir!"

As Chen Ke'er responded, he began to close the skin that he had just uncovered, and slightly slid the seam of the skin with his fingers. The seam disappeared in an instant, revealing the flawless skin.

Chen Keer began to put on her clothes one by one, slowly and elegantly.

Xu Hui, on the other hand, saw me from the beginning. When he noticed Wu Hao’s half-smiling expression, he coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment and shook his head at Wu Hao, “I still can’t believe it. The scene I just saw is real.”

It is understandable, after all, no one who sees this scene will accept it immediately. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Xu Hui looked at Wu Hao and opened his mouth when he heard this, then frowned and said with confusion: "How can she be a robot? How can a robot look so real?"

Wu Hao replied with a smile: "This is because it has assembled the most advanced technology of our company, which can present such a realistic simulated humanoid intelligent robot."

I still can't believe that your technology has advanced to this extent. Sometimes we all wonder whether you have robbed alien technology. Xu Hui smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled on the surface and complained in his heart. Sure enough, their rapid development has indeed attracted some attention. But fortunately, they have no evidence, these are just speculations.

Although he complained in his heart, Wu Hao still smiled at Xu Hui and explained: "In fact, the technologies you see on this simulated humanoid intelligent robot have been demonstrated in the past, and many of them are It has been widely used.

Therefore, its appearance is not sudden, but a qualitative change that occurs over time. "

Seeing Xu Hui's confused look, Wu Hao continued: "First of all, let's start with the hardware part. Compared to the outside world, you should know more.

We have developed an unmanned intelligent mecha robot. You should know something about this. "

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Xu Hui nodded. He knew this matter clearly. This was a key military technology project. They had only heard relevant news and intercepted relevant confidential photos and videos, so they knew about the existence of this kind of intelligent mecha robot, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

Seeing Xu Hui nodding, Wu Hao introduced with a smile: "Actually, this simulated humanoid intelligent robot uses the same technology as the intelligent mecha robot, but we have made corresponding modifications and optimizations. In other words, , the overall structure of this simulated humanoid intelligent robot is the same as that of the intelligent mecha robot.

In fact, their overall architecture comes from our intelligent bionic mechanical exoskeleton system, and the overall Zhicheng system is optimized and developed from this system.

As for the limbs of this simulated humanoid intelligent robot, they actually come from our intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic technology, but we installed it on the robot.

Of course, the limbs of this simulated humanoid intelligent robot are very different from the intelligent bionic electronic prostheses worn by disabled people.

It is actually more like our first-generation product, an intelligent robotic arm, except that we borrowed related technologies from intelligent bionic electronic prosthetics, such as the skin system.

It is no longer the silicone coat on traditional robots, but a skin system specially created for robots. It has a high level of simulation and looks and feels the same as real skin.

In addition, this set of skin can also emit a certain amount of heat to simulate the normal body temperature of the human body, so that if you touch it from the outside, you can't tell the authenticity from the fake.

In addition, the eyes of this simulated humanoid intelligent robot also use the related technology of our latest intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, so it looks very real and energetic.

In addition, we integrated multiple sets of stereo microphone sequences in its ears to be able to monitor very subtle sounds. As for its oral cavity, we also equipped it with a speaker unit that can truly simulate the human voice.

Even in order to be realistic enough, we also equipped it with a digestive system, which means that this simulated humanoid intelligent robot can eat, drink water, etc.

Of course, these things are only meant to simulate the behavior and life details of real people. It cannot digest food and water. These things will be stored in its body and eventually excreted like humans.

In order to allow this simulated humanoid intelligent robot to have rich expressions, we have equipped its facial design with many artificial bionic muscle systems that can control the facial skin to make very rich and natural expressions.

Of course, this alone is not enough. We downloaded a lot of data about people's expressions from the Internet, and then handed it over to the artificial intelligence system for learning and training, and finally generated and sorted out many expressions and movements.

It is precisely because of the rich expressions and movements that it makes you feel like it is a real person. "

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