Military Technology

Chapter 1955 Imitate humans, learn from humans, replace...

"But why is it so smart? It's just like a human being." Xu Hui asked his question.

Wu Hao did not answer directly, but looked at Xu Hui and asked with a smile: "Do you remember when I introduced it earlier, I told you its nickname?"

"My nickname is Coco!" Xu Hui answered casually, then looked stunned for a moment, then looked at Wu Hao and said with surprise: "You mean this Chen Ke'er is your personal intelligent assistant Coco."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, to be precise, Chen Ke'er is the name of this simulated humanoid intelligent robot body, and Coco is my personal intelligent assistant."

In other words, the person I was talking to was still Coco, and the Chen Keer in front of me was just a tool medium.

Wu Hao nodded and responded: "Yes, that's more or less the case. This Chen Ke'er is a simulated humanoid intelligent robot body that we specially developed for Coco.

With this body, Coco can be manipulated to imitate humans and blend in with humans.

This is why, for so long, no one discovered that it was a robot. If you rely solely on the limited space capacity and overall power of such a simulated humanoid intelligent robot, it cannot handle the complex language content logic in the process of interpersonal communication. Therefore, in this regard, you must use Coco's artificial intelligence system to carry out huge tasks. Only data operations can be done.

This is also the reason why Chen Keer rarely leaves this park, because in this park, Coco can control Chen Keer very well and achieve zero-delay response. If you are not in the park, you can only use 5G mobile Internet to transmit signal command data, which will more or less cause a certain delay.

Therefore, when someone communicates with her, she will feel that Chen Keer's reaction is very slow, always half a beat, not natural enough, etc. "

"No wonder!" Xu Hui nodded. Indeed, during their surveillance investigation, they found that Chen Ke'er rarely left the Haoyu headquarters campus. This is why they couldn't directly go to Chen Ke'er for investigation. It turned out to be like this. The reason.

Looking at Xu Hui's wry smile, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "In fact, this problem is also being solved. In the future, we will gradually transfer the brain control center of this simulated humanoid intelligent robot from the outside By transplanting the equipment into the robot, you can get rid of the constraints of the Internet and have a wider space for activities."

After saying this, Wu Hao looked at Xu Hui's face and then added: "Of course, we can't let them completely get rid of their restraints. This is impossible. Because of the limitations of the robot's own power and computing power, they We will encounter difficulties in dealing with many problems. We don’t know how to deal with them, or the calculation and processing time is too long.

So at this time, they need to transmit the answers to these questions back to the center through network transmission, and use the center's artificial intelligence system and supercomputing cluster to perform calculations to give reasonable answers and processing methods, and finally transmit them to the robots to help them Address these difficult issues.

Of course, this is also to regulate the words and deeds of these robots, so as to prevent them from having problems or doing things beyond the limits due to human modifications. "

After saying this, Wu Hao changed the subject, and then smiled and said: "Of course, this is a transitional stage. With the continuous evolution and development of artificial intelligence systems, these robots will become more independent and smarter.

But no matter when, they will be subject to restrictions and will never take any action that exceeds the restrictions. "

Indeed, if such a robot falls into the wrong hands, it will cause great harm. Xu Hui nodded when he heard this, with a worried look on his face.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then looked at Xu Hui and said, "It is precisely because of this that we have kept strictly confidential the information about this simulated humanoid intelligent robot. Currently, only a handful of people in the company know about it. .”

However, it will always show up. How long can you hide it? Xu Hui asked Wu Hao.

How long can it be concealed? Human beings are currently unable to accept such a technology. Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then looked at Xu Hui and said: "In fact, the longer it is hidden, the better it is for us. This simulated humanoid intelligent robot has a very wide range of uses. It will definitely be used before it is used by civilians. Military field, including some special fields.

So before that, it was definitely not easy to be exposed. "

After hearing what Wu Hao said, Xu Hui looked at Chen Keer and asked, "What about it? Why does it appear so openly and openly in the public eye?"

In fact, it is for learning. In fact, it is constantly learning. Wu Hao answered with a smile.

study? Xu Hui looked puzzled, obviously not satisfied with Wu Hao's answer.

Wu Hao nodded slightly and explained: "The reason why you think this simulated humanoid intelligent robot is so real and you can't tell the real thing from the fake is because it has learned and trained with massive data in the early stage, and it has achieved the performance it has today.

We use artificial intelligence systems to continuously obtain information about people's expressions, body movements, language habits, including some basic skills on the Internet, such as dressing, makeup, cooking, etc.

Then, based on this, you will generate your own expressions, body movements, language habits, clothing, makeup and other styles for each episode. We can even develop our own cooking habits by absorbing some cooking information from the Internet.

In reality, through constant close contact, observation, and communication with people, you can learn some interpersonal interactions, daily life, etc. in daily life, which cannot be learned on the Internet.

Of course, for safety reasons, I put it in my secretariat office and arranged for someone to take care of it. "

"Your secretary Shen Ning?" Xu Hui said to him. Through their investigation, they found out that Chen Ke'er has a close relationship with Shen Ning. They originally thought they were good friends. Now that Chen Ke'er's identity has been exposed, that's all. A possibility.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, Shen Ning is one of the insiders and the person in charge of life that I arranged to take care of Chen Keren."

Xu Hui nodded, and then said to Wu Hao: "I still feel numb about this matter. According to relevant procedures, I must report such a major matter to the higher-level organization."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "This is an organizational work procedure. I can understand it, but please be sure to control the scope and keep it strictly confidential. If possible, I don't want too many people to know about this matter."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui nodded and said: "I will give you honest feedback on your attitude and opinions. You have to listen to the opinions of your superiors on how to make a decision. Of course, I think the problem is not big, and we will definitely fully respect your wishes. of."

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