Military Technology

Chapter 1957 The perfect

Xu Hui was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile.

You must know that what is in front of him is an intelligent humanoid simulation robot, and it is supported by supercomputing and artificial intelligence systems, so what secrets can be kept from them?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but lament the horror of the overly beautiful robot in front of him, as if in front of it, all secrets would have nowhere to hide.

Chen Ke'er seemed to see through Xu Hui's worries, and then smiled and explained and comforted: "Don't worry, I didn't invade your mobile device system, but I just noticed that you received a new email, so That’s how I found your email account.”

Seeing what Chen Ke'er said, Xu Hui nodded and became even more frightened. Does this robot know what it is thinking?

Thinking of this, Xu Hui became even more restless.

At this time, before Chen Keer could speak, Wu Hao explained with a smile: "Through the artificial intelligence AI system, we let Coco learn information from books on micro-expression psychology, so it can respond based on our body's body, Thus we can infer what is going on in our hearts.

This technology is not used to pry into other people's inner thoughts, but to improve Chen Kerr's ability to communicate with others. This way, we can judge the person's true inner thoughts based on the person's words and deeds, and then make a reasonable and natural response based on the content of the words, tone, context, etc.

It is precisely because of this technology that our communication with it will appear natural and real! "

After hearing Wu Hao's explanation, Xu Hui finally understood, and then nodded, suddenly having a new idea in his heart.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get excited, and then asked Wu Hao: "Can this technology be applied to the interrogation process, so that we can know the inner activities of the person being interrogated based on his reaction, thereby improving our interrogation detection capabilities."

Wu Hao was slightly startled when he heard this, then smiled and nodded: "Technically speaking, this idea is feasible. But there will also be a series of problems, that is, the prisoners, or suspects, you are facing are being interrogated. The subjects are all professionally trained in this area and are good at disguising their inner activities and physical and emotional reactions. Therefore, our set of techniques aimed at ordinary people's reactions may be a bit difficult to deal with.

Unless we can obtain more relevant data in this area and conduct continuous learning and training through the AI ​​system, we can master the data and information in this area, so that we can realize the idea you just had.

However, this is a bit troublesome to implement. Besides, don’t you have a polygraph? Why bother? "

After hearing what he said, Xu Hui shook his head and said: "The lie detector is not omnipotent, and in many cases, the lie detector cannot be used. Using the lie detector, doesn't it mean that we are doubting him and interrogating them? ?

The advantage of this technology is that we can not contact these suspects, but through remote monitoring, we can know their inner thoughts through their words and deeds, which will greatly promote the detection of our cases.

In addition, there is another point. Even during the formal interrogation process, these suspects have said that they have specialized anti-interrogation and anti-lie detection training in this area. They can control their heartbeat rate by controlling their breathing, so that even if they are Even if you use a lie detector, you may not be able to detect it accurately. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, then looked at Xu Hui and said: "We can provide you with this technology, but the prerequisite is to obtain relevant massive data, including many of your past interrogation surveillance videos, etc. The more data, the more , the effect of learning and training will naturally be better.

Gu Han\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt;The question is, can you provide these data? "

Wu Hao directly stopped Xu Hui and left this problem to him. There is no problem with technology, the question is do they dare?

Sure enough, after hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui shook his head slightly: "This is not something I can decide. Xu Hui will report to his superiors and fight for it. If your technology is really useful, I believe the superiors will agree.

However, before that, we need you to prove this technology to the above. "

That's totally fine. Wu Hao replied with a smile: "Although this technology cannot be used in your industry for the time being, it can be used in the field of public security criminal investigation, and it is still sufficient for interrogating ordinary criminal suspects.

We are already cooperating with the Anxi Public Security Department on this technology, and we believe there will be results soon. At that time, a copy can be given to you as a relevant case, so that you will have more confidence when fighting for your superiors. "

This is good. Xu Hui smiled and praised after hearing this.

Wu Hao also nodded and smiled: "This technology is good, but there are also certain legal risks, because if this technology is abused without restrictions, it is likely to violate other people's privacy, which will cause a series of problems.

This is why we have not made this technology public. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Hui nodded in deep agreement and said: "There is indeed such a risk. If this technology falls into the hands of criminals and is used in crimes, the simplest one is fraud, even if it has endless consequences. .”

"That's why we give priority to cooperation with the public security department. On the one hand, of course, we serve the society and help them improve their case detection capabilities. On the other hand, we also hope to get their relevant suggestions to see how this technology is used. What restrictions and regulations should be followed.

Some of this we can do through technology and user agreement contracts, and some can only wait for the formulation and implementation of relevant laws and regulations. "Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Xu Hui nodded after hearing his explanation and looked at Chen Keer aside. Suddenly he had an idea, then turned to look at Wu Hao and asked, "Can this layer of skin on Chen Ke'er be replaced?"

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this and said: "Yes, we can customize other skins for it according to needs, shaping its body shape, body shape, height, fatness, facial features, etc. Theoretically, it can transform into anyone, anything. Sample."

In other words, it can perfectly replace everyone. Xu Hui asked directly.

Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Theoretically and technically, this is feasible. As long as we have sufficient data about the imitators, such as daily behavioral habits, etc., we can use AI (artificial intelligence) to ) system for learning and training, so that the robot can perfectly copy and express every move of the replaced person.

Create a robot body similar to this person's body shape, customize a special high-simulation skin for it, and the machine can perfectly replace this person and become a perfect substitute. "

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