Military Technology

Chapter 1958 Breaking the news

"In other words, we can make a person disappear, and then create an intelligent robot that simulates him to replace him, imitate him, and tell the world that he is still alive!"

Hearing Xu Hui's words, Wu Hao subconsciously prepared to nod, but suddenly he froze, and then stared at Xu Hui, cold sweat broke out on his back, and he couldn't help but feel fear.

If this technology was applied to this aspect, it would be simply terrifying, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Seeing Wu Hao's reaction, Xu Hui smiled and said: "I'm just saying, but the risks in this area are still worthy of our consideration and vigilance."

After saying this, Xu Hui immediately stood up and said to Wu Hao: "Okay, it's getting late, so I'll take my leave first. As for the relevant documents, I will arrange for someone to deliver them to you in three days."

Wu Hao reacted and immediately persuaded him to stay: "Don't worry about it now, let's stay and have a meal together."

Hearing Wu Hao's plea to stay, Xu Hui smiled and waved his hand: "Forget the meal, we are still not used to showing up in front of too many people. If we leave, there will be many opportunities in the future."

When Wu Hao saw this, he stopped trying to persuade him to stay and immediately sent Xu Hui downstairs. The two men who were sitting in the rest area downstairs stood up immediately when they saw Xu Hui and the others getting off.

Team Xu!

Well, close the team! Xu Hui nodded and ordered.

yes! Although the two of them looked at Wu Hao and Chen Ke'er behind them with doubts on their faces, they still agreed and followed Xu Hui to say goodbye.

Wu Hao watched the three people leave on the unmanned shuttle bus, and then shook his head slightly.

Sir, I'm sorry for the trouble. Chen Keer apologized to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, and then said to Chen Keer: "In a few days, your ID card will be sent, and then you will no longer be restricted to the entire park and can appropriately relax the scope of your activities.

But you also know from the conversation just now that this kind of freedom is conditional, and every move of this body will be monitored. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Chen Ke'er smiled and shook his head and said, "Sir, for me, there is no difference between here and outside."

That's right, you have no idea about this. Wu Hao thought about it for a while. He didn't give Cocoa the systematic thinking logic and cognitive concepts in this aspect when designing it, so it naturally didn't have this concept.

On the other side, Xu Hui, who was driving out of Haoyu Technology Park, was facing questions from the curious babies sitting in the front and passenger seats.

Captain Xu, why don’t we continue the investigation?

Hearing this question, Xu Hui shook his head slightly and said: "This matter involves high confidentiality, and it is not appropriate to pursue it any further at the moment."

Speaking of this, Xu Hui was afraid that the two men would continue to ask questions, and then continued: "I have fully understood and mastered the identity information about Chen Ke'er, and I will report it to my superiors when I go back. Regarding this matter, you don't have to do it in the future. Take care of it.”

Hearing what Xu Hui said, the two of them looked at each other and saw their own inner thoughts in each other's eyes. It's obvious that this Chen Ke'er's problem is very rare, and it's something they can't get rid of for the time being. Even their captain seems to have learned something that surprised him, so his expression has not returned to normal yet.

Although they have too many questions in their hearts, due to relevant disciplines, they can only bury this curiosity deep in their hearts.

After thinking for a while, Xu Hui took out his confidential phone and quickly dialed a number.


Gu Zhe\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt;The busy tone was thought twice, and a male voice with a thicker and deeper voice appeared. Hearing this voice, the two men in the front row couldn't help but get alert, and then sat up straight.

Xu Hui glanced at the two people in front of him, and then said seriously.

Chengju, are you in the bureau? I have something important to report to you.

Urgent? The voice of Cheng Ju came from the phone.

This is a very important matter that must be reported to you. Xu Hui repeated with a serious expression.

Hearing Xu Hui's answer, Cheng Ju's voice came over the phone again: "Come directly to my office, I'll make tea and wait for you."


As Wu Hao expected, the shock caused by this incident was obviously impossible to calm down like this.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Wu Hao received a call. The call came from Luo Kai. It's time to call him. Luo Kai is obviously a little anxious.

Wu Hao, who had finished washing and was about to rest, saw the call and immediately said hello to Lin Wei, who was already wearing a silk nightgown and was charming, and then came downstairs.

I said, what time is it? If you don’t rest, we still have to rest. Wu Hao answered the phone and said angrily. Anyway, he was familiar with Luo Kai, so naturally he didn't need to say so many polite words, but went directly to the topic.

Take a rest, take a rest, can you still sleep? Luo Kai said unhappily on the phone.

Why can't I fall asleep? My sleep quality is pretty good. Although he had already guessed something, Wu Hao still smiled and said haha.

Don't look at me carelessly. You are confused about the good things you have done. Let me tell you, your kid has broken the truth this time. Luo Kai feigned anger on the phone.

Wu Hao smiled at this and said: "Okay, it's not a big deal. As for mobilizing troops like this? Good guy, I just revealed it in the afternoon, and now it has reached your ears. This Xu Hui, Why don’t you become an announcer?”

After hearing Wu Hao's complaints, Luo Kai said angrily on the phone: "Do you think this matter can be decided by just Luo Kai?

Let me tell you, this news has been passed to the leaders of the security department, and it is estimated that it will be delivered to Desk No. 1 tonight or tomorrow morning. "

Isn't it just a technology? The reaction shouldn't be so exaggerated. Wu Hao didn't expect such a reaction.

Is this just a technology? Do you know what this technology represents? Fortunately, you are still engaged in technology. Unfortunately, you are still the CEO of a technology company. You have no sense of smell at all. Luo Kai lectured angrily on the phone.

Faced with Luo Kai's lesson, Wu Hao did not respond tit for tat, but explained with a smile: "Of course I know the value and significance of this technology, and it is precisely because of this that we keep it strictly confidential.

This time it was Xu Hui and the others who suspected Chen Keer and found me directly. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have made it public so quickly.

As far as the research and development of this technology is concerned, we have followed formal procedures and there have been no violations, so there should be no problems. "

The problem is huge. Luo Kai said directly: "I tell you, many people will not be able to sleep because of this news tonight, and I am one of them.

Just be prepared, there will be a lot of people coming next. "

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