Military Technology

Chapter 1961 The Four Laws of Robotics

In the next few days, Wu Haoyou received various condolence calls one after another, which made him a little overwhelmed.

It wasn't that they were blaming or comforting him in these phone calls, not at all. These people just called to express their condolences and make him feel warm. They didn't mention anything else.

It's okay to have one or two such calls, but the problem is that there are too many, which makes Wu Hao feel that he has done something wrong, and a sense of shame arises spontaneously.

Well, Wu Hao admitted that he was too naive in this regard.

As he made relevant compromises, the matter was finally resolved. Of course, all parties also respect Wu Hao's wishes and choices and keep this technology strictly confidential.

After reaching a consensus with all parties, an expert team composed of all parties came to the Anxi headquarters park. Although this expert group ostensibly visited Wu Hao's company to study, the real purpose was only one, Chen Keer, or humanoid intelligent bionic robot technology.

Although Wu Hao agreed to open this technology to them, it did not mean that Wu Hao would let these people into his laboratory.

In fact, there is a special laboratory research project team regarding humanoid intelligent bionic robot technology, and they specialize in research in this area. The relevant technical parts on Chen Keer's body all come from this laboratory project team.

This laboratory is a specialized intelligent robot technology laboratory under the Institute of Automation Mechanical Technology. This laboratory specializes in research on intelligent robots.

In fact, the types or families of intelligent robots are very large, ranging from large industrial manufacturing robots to some special nano-robots, all falling into this category.

Humanoid intelligent bionic robots are one of its branches, or an important direction of research.

Despite this, the humanoid intelligent bionic robot still has its own small experimental building as a research laboratory.

In the humanoid intelligent bionic robot laboratory, Wu Hao met the expert team. There are many old acquaintances here, including Luo Kai, Li Weiguo and Li Suo of the Institute of Aerospace Research, etc. There are also some experts and professors in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics, as well as leaders in related fields.

The leader of the team this time was still Li Weiguo. As an old acquaintance of Wu Hao, he was the most suitable to deal with Wu Hao, so he was called the team leader. In fact, in this expert group, there are many leaders whose positions are much higher than his, the director of the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Xiao Wu, let me introduce it to you. This is Tan Yongzhentan Bureau of Industry, Information Technology and Science and Engineering. As soon as they met, Li Weiguo enthusiastically introduced Wu Hao to this middle-aged man who was about fifty years old, taller, wearing a pair of glasses, and always showing a kind smile.

Hello, Tan Bureau, welcome to our company to guide our work. Wu Hao smiled and held Tan Yongzhen's hand.

"Haha, Mr. Wu, I can't talk about guidance. We came with the attitude of visiting and learning this time. I believe you will not let us return empty-handed." Tan Yongzhen said enthusiastically to Wu Hao.

Haha, Wu Hao laughed and said, "That's not possible. You all need to be mentally prepared."

Haha, after hearing what he said, Tan Yongzhen laughed with everyone, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart. This boy is so naughty at such a young age. It seems difficult to handle.

Li Weiguo on the side, in order to avoid further embarrassment, immediately pointed to Wu Haoyin, a white-haired but energetic old man, and introduced: "Xiao Wu, this is Su Qidong, Academician Su. He is an artificial intelligence engineer." Experts in the field of intelligence and robotics, you can have a good exchange."

Haha, I dare not take it seriously. Su Qidong waved his hands repeatedly, then held Wu Hao's hand and said kindly and kindly: "I watched the relevant video information, it's really amazing. I never dreamed that I would be able to see this technology in my lifetime. to this point.

As the saying goes, the master is the teacher. This time, you are the teacher and I am the student. I am here to learn with humility and seek advice. "

After hearing Su Qidong's words, Wu Hao shook his head repeatedly. This person is the founder of the field of robots and artificial intelligence in China, a Taishan Beidou-level figure. He dare not trust him, let alone accept his words.

"We are not worthy of what you said. We still have many shortcomings in this technology, and we still need you to correct us."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao immediately said to him and everyone: "This is what I have arranged these days. First, I will take you to visit our entire laboratory to understand our normal research and development.

Then, I will choose a suitable time and let everyone focus on visiting the things that everyone has always wanted to see. Just free activities and discussion sessions.

We still have too many unresolved questions about this technology, so we would like to take this opportunity to hear more of your thoughts and suggestions.

In addition, there are many problems regarding the application of this technology, which also require everyone to discuss and discuss together. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Tan Yongzhen said with a smile: "Since we are here, everything will be arranged by you, the master. As the saying goes, guests do as they please."


Everyone joked again, and then under the guidance of Li Weiguo, Wu Hao greeted others.

After finishing these tasks, Wu Hao returned to the middle of the team, while Tan Yongzhen and Su Qidong were already staring at a line of slogans in the hall.

This slogan is exactly Asimov's famous three laws of robotics, or to be precise, the four laws. Asimov first proposed the three laws of robots in his science fiction novels. Later, these three laws became familiar to people and became the classic laws in the field of robots. Both technology and science fiction works quoted these three laws. Big law.

But later, people discovered that there were certain loopholes in these three laws, and then a zeroth law was added in front.

The zeroth law: robots cannot harm the overall interests of mankind, nor can they stand idly by when the overall interests of mankind are in danger.

The first law is that a robot cannot harm a person, nor can it stand by while that person is in danger, unless it conflicts with the zeroth law of robots.

Second Law, robots must obey human orders unless those orders conflict with the Zeroth Law or the First Law.

The third law, robots must protect their own safety without conflicting with the zeroth law, the first law, and the second law.

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