Military Technology

Chapter 1962 3 Robots

In fact, although these four laws are perfect, they still have flaws. Of course, this is not important. What is important is that it is too perfect, so it will not be difficult to apply these four laws to AI robots unless there are relevant laws and regulations to support it.

Even if there is legal support, supervision may not be in place, because people's selfishness will always drive you to constantly look for loopholes and avoid supervision.

Moreover, humans will not make robots pure and friendly, so what is the use of making them, as pets?

To put it bluntly, one of the main purposes of robots is to replace humans in doing heavy and dangerous tasks, and military use is the top priority pursued by all countries.

So how can major military powers allow their robots to become as docile as sheep?

Of course, this does not mean that these four laws are worthless. No, civilian robots can fully use these four laws to maintain and maintain the stability of social order. Otherwise, the world would be in chaos.

Su Qidong looked at the four laws on the wall, turned to Wu Hao and said with a smile: "Xiao Wu, do you think these four laws can restrain the robot?"

This is a commonplace question. This question has been raised since the Three Laws of Robotics were proposed. This question has been debated over the years and there is no precise answer.

So when he heard this question, Wu Hao smiled and said: "If it is just used to restrain robots, then these four laws are definitely more than enough, but if it is used to restrain humans, obviously one hundred or ten thousand laws are not enough.

The first to break the law will not be robots, but humans. "

well said. Su Qidong nodded in appreciation. Indeed, human beings should be said to be the most untrustworthy of all known creatures. They have torn up more treaties than they have established so far.

Everyone, please come here. Wu Hao led everyone to an exhibition hall nearby, which displayed various robot parts and some introductions to the exhibits.

What attracts the most attention are the three robots placed in the middle of the exhibition hall.

The reminder size of these three robots is undoubtedly the same as that of a human being, but there is a big difference between them.

The first is the tall robot in the middle. It is relatively tall, about 1.8 meters tall, which is almost the size and height of an adult man.

The robot is metallic in color as a whole, and there are some parts in yellow industrial trial paint color. The robot is completely wrapped in this metal shell, and the drive organization and some cables can be seen in the exposed parts of some joints.

The robot's head is a bit creepy, because the entire head looks a bit like a metal skull. Compared to the neater limbs, the head looks a bit messy, especially the back of the head, where a lot of cables are exposed.

The robot's eyes are completely exposed, like two cameras, which looks more sci-fi. This robot has no nose, only one device, which seems to be an olfactory sensor, used to detect the composition of nearby air.

sound device.

The entire robot feels as if a person's skin has been peeled off, the muscle tissue leaked out, and then painted in a metallic color.

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