Military Technology

Chapter 1965 The boundaries between robots and humans are blurring

How much calculation does this require? Su Qidong couldn't help but exclaimed.

After hearing what he said, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "So this requires powerful AI computing systems and computers. In this regard, we used our own super photon computer."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone became restless again, and many people had expressions of envy on their faces. Sure enough, this is really inhumane. A technology company actually has its own supercomputer, and it is very high on the world's computing power rankings. This makes people like them who have been engaged in scientific research for most of their lives drool with envy.

You know, once upon a time, our domestic supercomputing power was tight. In order to prioritize economic and national defense construction needs, they could only stay behind and obtain very poor computing resources.

Of course it’s no different now than it was in those years. There are more supercomputers and the computing power is sufficient, but it’s not yet at the stage where we can make full use of it unscrupulously.

In this regard, Haoyu Technology can't help but be ahead of them. People can use such excellent supercomputing power to calculate some complex numerical calculation models, thereby speeding up the research and development process.

This is also an important reason why Haoyu Technology has achieved such brilliant results in the field of technology in just these few years. Knowing how to invest, paying attention to investment, and making full use of investment have enabled Haoyu Technology to transform from an entrepreneurial team of several people to an international intelligent technology giant. Its success is not without reason.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but admire Wu Hao's courage. It is said that he was the one who fought against all opinions to develop a new type of photonic computer. For a technology company that was in the development stage at that time, it was such a courage and foresight that most people could not imagine investing so much in developing its own supercomputer. Incomparable, he deserves to succeed.

After paying attention to everyone's reactions and seeing that there were no more questions, he immediately continued: "In fact, the most difficult part of this system is probably the expression management system. Compared with the body movement system, the expression management system is more It is more complicated and more precise.

Body movements are actually very simple and relatively easy to imitate, but facial expressions, especially emotional expressions, are difficult to learn. Because our human expressions are very delicate, small changes in our faces can express different inner emotional reactions.

Even the same expression and different gazes express different meanings.

Therefore, we need artificial intelligence systems to learn and train on hundreds of millions of facial expression pictures and videos to generate an independent expression management system.

This expression management system must be accurate enough to accurately express various emotions.

You know, when we communicate, we usually look at each other’s faces, and no one likes to stare at other people’s breasts, butts, or thighs. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone laughed loudly. The situation Wu Hao mentioned definitely exists, but with the exception of some hooligans and people suffering from social phobia, most other people do it inadvertently, or at special moments with the consent of the other party, and at other times they do it instinctively. Avoid, this is the most basic inside. If anyone really stares at these parts of the opposite sex in public, he will be arrested as a gangster.

After adjusting the atmosphere, Wu Hao continued to introduce.

"That's why we can very clearly notice the subtle changes in each other's facial expressions. So if we want to make our robots real enough to be fake, facial expression management is the key.

Therefore, we have established a huge facial expression database model to conduct systematic and targeted training. So far, we have learned to simulate and generate tens of thousands of micro-expressions, including human happiness, anger, sadness, and joy. It can be said that all expressions in the fields of worry, bitterness, resentment, thoughts, etc. are covered.

In addition, we have also conducted specialized coupling training to make appropriate facial and body responses based on the environment or the words and deeds of the person communicating with them.

And there is a big difference in this. We all know that depending on the target, our reaction will be very different. For example, our reactions to acquaintances and strangers are very different, and our reactions to lovers and ordinary friends are also very different.

Even when we face different friends, there will be great changes, which require this robot body movement and behavior control system to be responsible, which is very complicated. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao took a breath and gave everyone a little time to digest and react, and then continued to preach.

"With such a huge amount of learning and training, if it were to be corrected manually, it would probably last until the end of the year, which is simply unrealistic. So we must build an AI correction system to specifically control the robot's limb movements and behavior control system. The generated body movements, words and deeds, and facial expressions are corrected.

Through continuous corrective learning and training, we have achieved the technical experimental results that everyone sees today.

Of course, this work will continue and never end. Just like us humans, we have been receiving new information and content from birth to old age, and we learn to accept and adapt to these changes. The same goes for robots.

It’s just that in the early stage, we used a supercomputing artificial intelligence system, and in the later stage, we will let the robots complete these links and content independently. "

"But in this way, will the robot become more independent, eventually form its own independent personality, independently recognize values, and eventually become a human being and escape human control?" An expert present raised his own question, Or rather worried.

Hearing this question, everyone present couldn't help but nodded, and then looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "No, this involves the robot's cognitive and interactive logic system that we are going to talk about next.

Before introducing this aspect in detail, I will first answer the question you asked, and use this question to introduce the content of the robot's cognitive and interactive logic system. "

Wu Hao looked at the expert and said with a smile: "First of all, we have to make it clear that a robot will always be a robot and will never become a human being.

Even if the boundaries and differences between robots and humans become increasingly blurred in the future, they will never be confused with each other because there is an essential difference between the two, which cannot be changed. "

Wu Hao is right. The boundaries and differences between robots and humans will become increasingly blurred with the development of technology, and one of the important promoters or culprits is Wu Hao and the others.

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