Military Technology

Chapter 1966 Constructing Robot Values

The series of bionic artificial organs they have developed, such as intelligent bionic electronic prostheses, intelligent bionic artificial hearts, and intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, are gradually replacing human organs, turning people into semi-machines.

How should such people be defined? Of course they are human beings, but they are very different from ordinary people.

In the future, with the development of technology in this field, except for the brain, other tissues and organs in the human body may be replaced by these artificial organs. Will such a person still be a human?

The same is true for intelligent robots. There will definitely not be only this kind of purely mechanical intelligent robot in the future. With the continuous development of biotechnology, perhaps that kind of intelligent biological robot will also be born in the future.

Many of the tissues and organs on this intelligent biological robot are artificially cultivated living tissues and organs, so it will be more like a real person. So how can such an intelligent biological robot be distinguished from humans?

Usually, one of these two technologies or two fields is already very impressive, but Wu Hao has mastered both of them, and both have achieved outstanding results that are very eye-catching.

In other words, it was Wu Hao and the others who caused the boundary between robots and humans to blur, and they were the culprits.

After paying attention to everyone's reactions, reporter Wu Hao said: "The robot's cognitive and interactive logic system is a thought, cognitive and behavioral interaction system that we specially built for intelligent robots.

The so-called ideological cognition is actually what we understand. The formation of our values, worldview, emotions, etc. requires continuous learning and growth before we can establish them. This is also the meaning of education.

Robots also need this set of values, worldview, emotions and other knowledge content systems.

Compared with the mature set of values, worldview, emotions, etc. of humans, we need to specially customize values, worldviews, emotions, etc. for robots.

This is a huge system, just like a big tree with dense branches and leaves. We need to first design the main branch part of this big tree. This part is the bottom layer and the core part of the entire system. It can be controlled by other branches and leaves. None of this changes in how it grows.

For example, a very simple question, who are we?

This question is also a question that we humans often ask. Through education and learning, we know that we are humans and evolved from primates for tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years.

We were born through the union of our parents and our mother’s pregnancy for ten months.

As for robots, obviously we can't teach them this way. We have to instill or develop exclusive knowledge and information into them.

For example, to the same question, on the robot side, it may answer that they are robots, humanoid intelligent bionic robots manufactured by Haoyu Technology. They were born to better help mankind and serve mankind as their ultimate goal.

At this time, we can also write the four three laws of robots on the wall of the hall into it. In this way, even if the robots subsequently evolve and become more powerful, they will not exceed the constraints of these underlying frameworks, because they do not have the authority to do so. Modify these underlying framework protocol information. Moreover, once these underlying frameworks are established, they cannot be modified. This also prevents the robot from modifying itself to break through the limitations of the underlying framework, or artificially helping it break through the limitations of the underlying framework.

Of course, there are also some types of robots that cannot be constrained and restricted by the three laws of robots. They require their own underlying framework protocols. Take robots for military purposes, for example. This type of robot cannot naturally be constrained by the three laws of robots, because it is responsible for violent functions.

However, free from the constraints of the Three Laws of Robotics, robots may do things that harm humans. At this time, we need to carefully identify those robots that humans can harm and those that cannot, etc. "

At this point in his sermon, Wu Hao paused briefly to give everyone a chance to understand their reaction. He took the opportunity to take a sip of water from the accompanying secretary's hand, and then continued his sermon.

In addition, in terms of other cognitive aspects, we have to let the robot understand the world, what is going on in this society, the difference between humans and animals, the differences between different countries and regions, etc., even including human beings. The difference between people, the difference between different people, etc.

The entire cognitive system is very large, and it can be said to cover all the information content that human beings can access and understand. But it cannot be the same as humans. It is necessary to design and formulate a cognitive system specifically suitable for robots. This work is very huge.

It would certainly not be possible to rely on our scientific research and technical personnel alone, so in this regard, we have hired experts in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics from universities around the world to jointly study and develop this set of robot-specific cognitive value system.

This alone is not enough. We also need to set up a dedicated team of technical research experts to identify, analyze and integrate the relevant ideas put forward by experts from these universities and the relevant content discussed.

If we relied solely on manual labor, this work would probably last until the end of the year, so we will use artificial intelligence systems at this time. Through AI, we can organically integrate the collected content, and then use the AI ​​system to perform logical calculations to analyze and determine which content is conflicting and which content has loopholes.

And use artificial intelligence systems to learn and autonomously generate new content. After repeated verification and integration, a cognitive system with huge and rich content was finally formed.

Such a huge cognitive system would be difficult to operate using ordinary computer architecture and AI systems, and the full performance of this cognitive system would not be unleashed. Therefore, we need to design and develop a better artificial intelligence system architecture based on this, which is what we call an intelligent brain.

Through our continuous research on the human brain, combined with our existing technology, we finally developed the system architecture of this intelligent brain.

In fact, everyone should have heard of the system architecture technology of this smart brain, and some people are still familiar with it. After speaking, Wu Hao glanced around the crowd, and finally his eyes rested on Liu Weiguo and Luo Kai.

The two of them looked at Wu Hao with some thoughts, and Li Weiguo asked aloud: "Is it the intelligent cluster array control technology?"

Yes, Wu Hao nodded and affirmed: "It's cluster array control technology. We know that the human brain is composed of a huge number of neurons, or nerve cells. The entire central system probably contains more than 100 billion neurons and nerve cells, and the brain alone There are more than 14 billion in the cortex alone."

Chapter 1966: Building Robot Values

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