Military Technology

Chapter 1967 How to prevent robot crimes

"As for us, if we want to imitate the human central system, we must imitate numerous neuritis nervous systems. This is impossible to achieve with hardware alone, so we can only use AI software algorithms , the cluster array control technology has been applied to this aspect. In this way, no matter how many imitated sub-AI systems there are, there will not be a situation where the calculation cannot be performed because of the large number. On the contrary, the calculation efficiency will be faster. More efficient.

Of course, just like the human brain, we have divided the entire intelligent brain into functional areas, including those responsible for vision, hearing, color, emotions, etc., etc., etc. The systems together form a complete intelligent brain system. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused slightly, then changed his tone and said with a smile: "As for the interactive logic system, we have actually developed this technology a long time ago and have been around for several years. This is our company's pioneering work, the intelligent voice assistant.

Intelligent voice systems are actually familiar to everyone, and many companies and research institutions are working on them. As far as we are concerned, we started relatively late.

But why, our smart voice assistant was able to win a lot of word-of-mouth in a short period of time, and was finally accepted and loved by the public through the word-of-mouth effect, thus quickly opening up the market.

This is because our intelligent voice assistant is significantly better than other intelligent voice software on the market in the field of interactive logic technology. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone present laughed. What does it mean to be significantly better than other similar products on the market? This is simply a world of difference. They have all tried this smart voice assistant released by Better than Technology. Compared with other smart voice software on the market, it is like heaven and earth.

Compared to smart voice assistants, other smart voice software on the market can simply be called retarded. It is precisely because of this that this product has been loved and promoted by so many users in a short period of time.

Unexpectedly, just because of this small product, it gave birth to the rise of a super technology giant. This is something they never thought of at the beginning.

"Simply put, our smart voice system is smarter. It can not only understand what the user is saying, but it doesn't even have to be able to speak. It only requires normal communication. This smart voice assistant can even use the user's tone of voice to understand what the user is saying. Different, to identify the user's emotional changes at the moment and respond accordingly, which is incomparable to these intelligent voice systems on the market that require special passwords to wake up.

Secondly, this is their smart voice assistant that can speak very clear, coherent, and emotional words, and can fully express emotions.

This is only reflected in the voice system, and the real core of this system is the interactive logic system.

This interactive logic system can not only understand what people say, but also respond accordingly based on what people say, such as organizing relevant appropriate and accurate language to respond, or adding some appropriate and accurate body movements. Assist to better express emotions.

For this robot, we have made corresponding upgrades, optimizations and improvements to this technology, making it more in line with our normal human language interaction logic habits and thus more realistic.

For example, when we speak, we often have tone of voice, and even some body and expression changes. These are all performed simultaneously, and this requires an intelligent brain to perform corresponding analysis and response. "

After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, everyone couldn't help but nod while thinking, and then someone took the lead in applauding, and soon the applause resounded throughout the laboratory.

Xiao Wu, I have a question. Li Weiguo asked Wu Hao.

You say. Seeing that it was Li Weiguo who asked the question, Wu Hao smiled and said.

Upon seeing this, Li Weiguo immediately said to him: "According to what you said, this robot can simulate human values ​​​​cognition system, and can simulate human language, expressions, body movement habits, and even human thinking methods.

So, will it also experience what we call epiphany and growth? Mr. Hu said that such a robot will break through the constraints of low-level architecture protocols, become bad, and do some illegal and criminal things.

We know that most crimes are accidental and impulsive, so will this highly humanoid simulation robot suddenly turn bad? "

Li Weiguo's problem has been recognized by everyone. Indeed, there is such a possibility. So everyone wants to hear Wu Hao's explanation and answer to this.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled. Unexpectedly, Li Weiguo, a non-professional, took the lead in asking a very professional question.

After sorting out his thoughts and organizing his words, Wu Hao replied with a smile: "This possibility is possible, but it is very low, unless there are some bugs that we cannot detect, causing the entire intelligent brain logic operation system to go wrong. , will cause such an accident.

However, this is an extremely rare possibility, probably one in trillions.

Why I am so sure is because this intelligent brain is designed and built by us. We have already thought of the risk you are thinking of during the design, so we have also made relevant settings. This makes it impossible for robots to go beyond the constraints of these framework agreements in any aspect.

Of course, this is subjective. Another possibility is passive crime or making mistakes and violating regulations. It is possible that the robot has good intentions but ends up doing the wrong thing.

However, I think this problem is not a big problem, it is within the acceptable range, and it will not affect its overall safety and reliability. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment and then said: "In fact, there is another possibility, which is human malicious intervention, or tampering with the robot's intelligent brain.

First of all, the first type considers malicious intervention to interfere with the cognition and actions of robots through some methods, thereby making them make mistakes in order to achieve the goals of these criminal suspects.

As for the other one, although the probability of occurrence is extremely low, the possibility cannot be ruled out. Maybe some time in the future, a computer genius will appear. He accidentally discovers a loophole, or an organization uses a large supercomputer to force huge profits to crack the intelligent brain of the robot, thereby instilling some other content and achieving control. The purpose of the robot.

This situation will happen and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. What we can do is to do as much preventive work as possible in this area so that the other party cannot find an opportunity to take advantage of it. "

Chapter 1967: How to Prevent Robot Crimes

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