Military Technology

Chapter 1970 Daji was just like this back then

"With a face like this, wearing a camouflage uniform and all the equipment, who would realize that it is a robot?" Wu Hao asked several people.

After hearing his words, everyone shook their heads. Indeed, not to mention the Chen Keer who shocked them so much, it was the Lele in front of them. It was wearing a camouflage uniform, a helmet and a hat. It was difficult to find out that it was actually a robot.

"It's such a pity that such a good robot should be used in war." Su Qidong couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Lele, who was surrounded by stars.

Hearing this, military personnel such as Li Weiguo and Luo Kai were naturally dissatisfied. What happened if they were used in war? Without strong military and national defense forces, how can we ensure national peace and security.

Faced with the restlessness of the people on the military side, Li Weiguo smiled and calmed everyone down and said: "Whether it is applied to the military field or the civilian field, there is no conflict. The military has military uses, and the civilian use naturally has civilian advantages. "

Yes, it is. Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Su Qidong forced a smile and responded with a smile.

As for Wu Hao, after seeing this, he smiled and said: "Any technology is multi-faceted. It is not only applicable to one field, but can also play a role in multiple fields. Take nuclear energy for example, it can provide human beings in the civilian field." It provides abundant and clean energy, but in the military field it has become the ultimate weapon that everyone is jealous of.

The same goes for this robot. Its uses must be wide-ranging and should not be limited to a single field.

In fact, the robot you see is just an engineering prototype in our research and development stage, and it still looks very crude. Whether it is applied in the military field or civilian use, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

For example, in the military field, there is obviously no need for such delicate facial skin. As a military weapon and equipment, its powerful combat effectiveness is the focus and key.

There are many elements that form combat effectiveness, such as powerful firepower, strong protection and battlefield survivability, and strong reliability, etc. These things are organically combined to form the comprehensive combat effectiveness of this weapon.

The first thing we have to do is to abandon many of these outdated practices and strengthen its own protection, such as installing armor with stronger protection, enhancing the strength of its limbs and joints, thereby enhancing its mobility.

In terms of battery life, we need to install a battery with a larger capacity to enhance its continuous combat capability and so on.

Finally, in terms of firepower, how should we choose firepower for such a robot? Should it be directly assembled on it, or should it be equipped with ordinary weapons like ordinary soldiers? "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at everyone, and then said with a smile: "As for the civilian field, although it has a wide range of uses, it is mainly about professional skills. As for the robot itself, what needs to be done is to optimize it as much as possible to make it as useful as possible. Possibly like humans, or in some areas surpassing humans.”

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed the topic and sighed: "However, if you want to put this robot into the civilian market, I'm afraid it won't be so smooth. The first thing is how to deal with the relevant domestic and overseas laws and regulations in this field. So. If lifelike bionic robots spread wantonly, they will inevitably cause a lot of problems, and this aspect depends on the relevant opinions and attitudes of the relevant departments."

After hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone present nodded to express understanding and agreement. Indeed, although there is currently no law or regulation in this area, it does not mean that we can sit back and relax. In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is precisely because there is no support of laws and regulations that we want to make this robot available. More difficult.

Regarding Wu Hao's issue, Tan Yongzhen, as a leader, naturally had to express his position. Facing the attention of everyone, Tan Yongzhen said with a smile: "It is true that our laws and regulations in this field are not perfect at present. This is due to our own work mistakes. We did not keep abreast of the latest trends in the industry, and we did not listen to the opinions of enterprises and society. Related voices, we need to review this aspect."

After finishing speaking, Tan Yongzhen looked at Wu Hao and continued: "Another point is that we did not expect that any company could develop so quickly and so far in this field. It can be said that it is several positions ahead of the industry leader. It is really very amazing."

After praising him, Tan Yongzhen looked at the crowd again and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I will compile a detailed material on this issue and report it to the superiors after I go back, and I will also start arranging to invite relevant experts and scholars to work together." Let’s discuss and see how we should formulate relevant laws and regulations in this field.

Xiao Wu, Mr. Su, and Li Suo, you are all relevant experts in this field. I'm afraid you will still have to worry about it when the time comes. "

Hearing Tan Yongzhen's words, Li Weiguo immediately nodded and responded: "Of course I won't let you make your due contribution to the first professional laws and regulations in this field."

Su Qidong nodded when he heard this and said: "No problem, we also hope that this legal regulation can be promulgated and implemented as soon as possible, which will help promote the development of our country's robot technology, especially humanoid simulation robot technology."

Seeing that the previous two people had expressed their opinions, Wu Hao also responded with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. Although we may not be able to match Mr. Su and Li Suo in terms of professional theoretical knowledge, we still have some experience in the field of practical application technology. We have experienced it, and we hope that we can contribute our own strength by then.”

Everyone was speechless when they heard Wu Hao's words. These words were too humble. What does it mean to have some new experiences? This is obviously because their technology is too advanced, which is why this law and regulations were promoted. Even in a sense, this law and regulations were formulated and promulgated for them. At least for the time being, this is the case, but in reality it is difficult for other companies or research institutions to catch up and compete with them.

While Wu Hao and the others were talking, suddenly there was a burst of cheers and excitement from the crowd, followed by a burst of laughter. Wu Hao and the others stopped talking, looked over, and noticed that Lele in the crowd seemed to be doing something.

When Wu Hao and the others heard this, they walked over. When the onlookers saw this, they immediately gave way to them. When Wu Hao and the others walked in, they discovered that this Lele was actually dancing. It was a folk dance, and the dance was very graceful.

This robot Lele, whose whole body is wrapped in a metal shell and looks like a steel body, is very hard. At this moment, his body is actually very soft. Following the melodious melody, his whole body twists, with his eyes like autumn water. , and the expressions of frowns and smiles made the onlookers intoxicated.

In the minds of many people, an illusion suddenly arises. It seems that Daji was just like that back then. What would it be like if this robot put on skin and danced?

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