Military Technology

Chapter 1971 Talent is fundamental

This robot Lele, whose whole body is wrapped in a metal shell and looks like a steel body, is very hard. At this moment, his body is actually very soft. Following the melodious melody, his whole body twists, with his eyes like autumn water. , and the expressions of frowns and smiles made the onlookers intoxicated.

In the minds of many people, an illusion suddenly arises. It seems that Daji was just like that back then. What would it be like if this robot put on skin and danced?

At this point, the visit to this laboratory has almost come to an end.

Although everyone can still see the Chen Keer they dreamed of seeing, everyone also gained a lot from this trip to the laboratory. In particular, the systematic review of the development of related technologies for this humanoid intelligent simulation robot, as well as the following fifteen presentations, left a very deep impression on everyone.

As the saying goes, guests do as they please. Although everyone is impatient, who told Wu Hao and others to make such arrangements? Although they have some small opinions, they can only follow Wu Hao and others' arrangements.

According to the arrangement, it was meal time. Wu Hao and the others did not prepare deliberately. Instead, they took everyone to the company's No. 1 restaurant, allowing everyone to choose their meals freely.

As for Wu Hao, he accompanied Su Qidong, Tan Yongzhen and others to dine together, which has become his daily routine.

To be honest, he naturally doesn't like this job very much, but he can't help it. It's all entertainment and it's hard to refuse. Many leading entrepreneurs came to visit, so he couldn't help but see them. Eating together is the best way to bring the two parties closer and enhance communication.

So even though he didn't like it very much, he had no choice but to deal with it.

Now Wu Hao is already familiar with this kind of accompanying visitors to eat, so after arriving at the restaurant, he immediately started to introduce it according to the procedure.

After the introduction, Wu Hao accompanied Tan Yongzhen, Su Qidong and the others to choose their favorite meals. Both of them are relatively old, in their fifties, sixties, or seventies, so the food they eat is relatively light.

Fortunately, he was free to choose his meals, and Wu Hao didn't have to give in to the other party's taste. This was the advantage of going to the restaurant to dine. If it was a special banquet, then naturally he would have to consider these things.

Besides, this is just a light meal at noon, there is no need to be so heavy.

After grabbing some food, everyone found a deserted area and cooked it. Wu Hao and several other leaders sat together, while the others were scattered around.

Tan Yongzhen, who came here for the first time, was very interested in everything here. After taking a bite of the food, he smiled and praised: "I have long heard that the food in your company is good, and now I finally see it. With such a standard of food, I’m afraid the operating costs will be quite high.”

Haha, Wu Hao smiled after hearing Tan Yongzhen's words and said: "It is relatively high. Every quarter we will subsidize a large amount of funds to the restaurant, specifically for the loss of restaurant operations.

However, compared to our overall operating costs, this amount of money is a drop in the bucket and not worth mentioning at all.

In fact, the highest proportion of our company's operating costs is not some scientific research investment or application investment, but talent costs.

For every technology company, talent is the foundation, so everything we do is centered around this talent.

Cherishing every talent and allowing them to work and live happily in the company is our management philosophy. In fact, in summary, it is people-oriented, but what we do is relatively more meticulous.

We all know that training a qualified employee requires a long time and cost investment. To train an excellent employee or an excellent scientific researcher, the time and cost investment spent on this may be doubled or even doubled. Several times.

However, these people will break away from the company because of some small problems, resign and jump into the arms of others, even our competitors. This is undoubtedly a huge loss for us.

So how to reduce the company's employee voluntary turnover rate is a question we have been thinking about and researching.

And if you want these talents to stay, you must have something that attracts them.

Salary is naturally the first priority. As far as we are concerned, in fact, the salary we offer is not high compared to other technology companies, or it does not have much advantage. Some companies even offer higher salaries than ours. .

However, why we still have a competitive advantage in this area is mainly due to regional economic reasons.

Even though the salaries offered by the companies in the four major first-tier cities we are referring to are higher than ours, the living consumption level of these super-first-tier cities is much higher than that of Anxi, so after conversion, even ours The first point is salary. With Anxi’s relatively low living consumption level, we still have an advantage in this aspect.

Likewise, Anxi’s advantages also lie in culture, economy, and medical and educational resources, which will all be considered by these talents.

In order to attract and retain talents, we have also made a lot of efforts in this regard.

For example, we build self-supporting housing for talents, employee apartments, etc. to solve the housing problems of many employees. Many new employees, including many new employees, can apply directly to us for a staff apartment to be used as transitional housing.

We provide this apartment to employees in need at a very low price, usually one to two years, and no more than three years at the longest. Its purpose is to provide a temporary transition for those employees who are new to social work and have insufficient social experience, or those who come from other places and are not familiar with the place.

And because of this initiative, we attracted many outstanding young talents to apply for jobs and eventually stayed in the company. "

At this point, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then looked at everyone and continued: "In addition, we are also solving the worries of these employees in other ways.

For example, in the medical field, we directly cooperate with the best and most famous hospital in Anxi, also known as the Air Force Affiliated Hospital, and have established a medical research center in Anxi. Employees of our company can receive medical treatment there, and all expenses will be settled by the company. Except for the basic medical insurance reimbursement, the rest will be reimbursed by the commercial insurance purchased by the company for employees, and employees only need to bear a small part. .

For another example, in terms of education, we have also cooperated with famous small and medium-sized enterprises in Anxi to establish branch schools in Anxi. Our employees can enjoy very good educational resources. "

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