Military Technology

Chapter 1972 Shockingly low turnover rate

It is precisely because of this series of generous benefits that our company's employee voluntary turnover rate has been maintained at a very low level. In recent years, our company's total employee turnover rate has been maintained at about 3%.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but be surprised. It's amazing that a company with tens of thousands of people can maintain a level of 3%.

Both Su Qidong and Tan Yongzhen shook their heads after hearing this. On the one hand, they were of course surprised that Wu Hao and the others had such a low employee turnover rate. On the other hand, they lamented the work that Wu Hao and the others have done in this area. This is what they do no matter what. less than.

However, someone still raised his doubts. This was Li Weiguo sitting next to him. He asked Wu Hao: "With such a low turnover rate, are you worried that it will affect the company's normal metabolism of old and new, causing the company to lose money?" Vitality?”

Indeed, for many large companies, especially some unit departments, the most common problem they encounter is that the metabolism of old and new is relatively slow, which leads to a loss of vitality within their departments or units.

This is just like running water that does not rot and does not suffer from beetles. If the water does not flow, no new water comes in, and the water flows out, then the water will soon lose its vitality and eventually become a pool of hopeless stagnant water that exudes a foul smell. .

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "No, these three percent or so is our normal old and new metabolic mechanism. As we said, we cherish every employee, and as long as they are talents, we will try our best to make them He stayed.

The reason why these talents have to leave is not only because a few have to leave due to their own reasons, but also because there are often problems with the company's treatment, benefits, and development.

At this time, we need to solve it in a targeted manner.

On the other hand, it is because we have such a relaxed and pleasant working environment. Even if these people go to other companies with high salaries, they will not be able to adapt to it. Many people eventually choose return.

In this regard, we also have this mechanism, and we will also open a green channel for these employees who come back.

Of course, this does not mean that we will not eliminate people. In fact, our company's internal management from top to bottom adheres to a philosophy, which is to rely on one's ability to earn a living.

Those who are capable will step in. Those who are incompetent will naturally have to make way for those who are capable.

If an employee cannot adapt to his or her job and fails to perform satisfactorily in assessments for several consecutive months, HR, or a human resources specialist, will go and talk to the employee.

However, this is not to actively persuade them to quit, but to encourage them on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is recommended that they participate in relevant job training courses provided by the company, so as to improve their business capabilities.

After motivation, if the employee's assessment has not changed, then our personnel specialist will talk to the employee and suggest that he undergo job transfer training.

If the employee receives job transfer training, he or she needs to undergo training and re-sign the relevant employment contract. If you don't accept job transfer training, you will have no choice but to be dismissed with regret.

In this regard, we have always provided generous severance compensation in accordance with relevant regulations. The law stipulates N+1, but we usually use +2. This is to thank the employees whose names have been changed for their contributions in previous positions. "

In fact, one thing Wu Hao did not mention is that this kind of severance compensation has a certain age requirement. Generally, employees with less than two years will receive the normal N+1 severance compensation. If employees who have been employed for more than two years and less than five years resign, they will be given N+2 related compensation. As for employees who have been working for more than five years and less than 12 years, they will be given N+6 severance compensation as a thank you for their contributions to the company over the years. As for veteran employees with more than 12 years of experience, they will generally not leave the company. If they do, it will be 2N+12. This is also a thank you to these veteran employees for spending their youthful time on the company.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed the topic and said with a smile: "Actually, there is another reason, that is, our company is currently in a stage of rapid development, has a large demand for talents, and has great development prospects. It is precisely because of this, This is why we can bring everyone together and work hard towards a common goal.

Of course, in addition to these material rewards, there is also the spiritual level. We have to set a goal or ideal for everyone. For example, manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, artificial intelligence, medical technology, etc.

It is precisely under the inspiration of these goals and ideals that everyone can concentrate on their efforts without distraction. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded and shook their heads. This kind of mechanism and this kind of system can only be implemented in technology companies like Wu Hao and others. It is impossible for them to learn from it.

Have you ever thought that if one day there is a problem in your company and these things cannot be fulfilled, then the employees you maintain with these things will fall apart and leave you. Tan Yongzhen asked Wu Hao.

This question seems a bit offensive and unfriendly, but in fact it is also a concern or reminder.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "First of all, for us, as long as we don't act evil, don't take risks, don't violate relevant laws and regulations, and the external environment is not significantly affected, I'm talking about the destruction of the world. If so, our company will not go bankrupt.

Because we have a huge advantage compared to other companies, that is, we have many core technologies and scientific research results, which will continue to bring us huge benefits for a long time to come. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded. This is indeed the case. Haoyu Technology is currently looking at a large number of technological patent results. These things will bring very generous benefits to Haoyu Technology every year. This is why they are still developing rapidly even though they are in some difficulties overseas. The reason for being too affected.

Unless, as Wu Hao said, they made a mistake, or the world is destroyed. At that time, the human world order collapses, and the entire human race will be greatly affected, let alone a technology company like Wu Hao. .

On the other hand, we follow the HV model and allocate relevant share incentives to the company's outstanding employees. These generous share returns tie them to the company, making them both prosperous and disadvantaged.

Therefore, they will not abandon the company unless they have to. For us, these talents are the main body of the company and the cornerstone of the company. As long as they are here, the company will not collapse.

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