Military Technology

Chapter 1984 Obedience and combat effectiveness are the foundation of


"The entire combat-type humanoid bionic robot adopts a modular design, and all parts are common, such as limbs, head, and parts in the torso. These things can be quickly replaced.

Even without external intervention, the robots can independently complete the replacement of these parts. All of this is to improve their battlefield survivability and enable them to exert their maximum combat effectiveness. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone nodded, highly affirming Wu Hao's design ideas. After all, on the battlefield, survival is the first element. Only by surviving can we play a greater role.

"According to what you said, this combat-type humanoid bionic robot can still operate autonomously even if it is disconnected from the rear signal. But I haven't heard you say it before. The entire artificial intelligence brain is currently too huge and cannot be installed. Into the body of such a robot?" Luo Kai asked Wu Hao.

When Wu Hao heard Luo Kai's question, he smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's true. If you think about it, an artificial intelligence system like 'Coco' cannot be installed in such a robot because it is too huge. The hardware requirements are too high.

So can we simplify this artificial intelligence system and cut off some unnecessary things. Such as language emotions, facial expressions, thinking logic and other human-like functions.

For combat-type humanoid bionic robots, these things are not needed and are not of much use. In this way, we can greatly reduce the artificial intelligence system, thereby further reducing its hardware requirements, so that it can be installed into the robot.

For robots, especially combat robots, obedience to orders and combat effectiveness are their fundamentals, and other things are not important. "

Hearing this, everyone nodded in approval. Indeed, for combat robots, these miscellaneous functions will drag down the robot and affect its combat effectiveness. It's better to be simple and pure. Why do you need all those bells and whistles?

Noting everyone's reaction, Wu Hao continued: "Although some functional modules have been castrated, the core thinking operation center control system of this system has been completely retained. In other words, it is as smart as Coco, which is very important for It is very important for a combat robot.

The battlefield environment is very complex and the situation is changing rapidly, which requires robots to have strong adaptability. Where does this adaptability come from? It is the powerful computing power. Perform calculations according to the situation faced, so as to obtain the most appropriate answer for execution.

In real people, this is actually the ability to adapt to situations. It requires the responder to be calm enough and have rich accumulated experience, so that they can make the most appropriate response.

The combat experience of real soldiers requires continuous accumulation and learning, and the same goes for robots. We need to continuously learn various combat skill data through artificial intelligence systems to generate our own combat skills. And after encountering the corresponding situation, quickly perform the corresponding calculation to obtain the most appropriate response. "

Gu Yue

"Compared with real soldiers, our combat-type humanoid bionic robot has a major advantage. That is, it can achieve real-time information sharing, which can be seen as a relevant performance feature of our super individual combat system.

By realizing real-time data sharing between combat-type humanoid bionic robots, these robots can obtain the environment and real-time battle conditions of the entire battlefield. In this way, the robot can adjust the combat plan in real time according to the battlefield conditions, thereby exerting its maximum combat effectiveness.

For example, a company of combat-type humanoid bionic robots conducts a surprise attack on the battlefield. Through this real-time data and information sharing system, the combat-type humanoid bionic robots can detect where the enemy's defensive firepower is stronger and where the enemy's defensive firepower is stronger. weak. Thereby adjusting the attack direction and attacking areas with weak defensive firepower. "

Similarly, the relevant battlefield data and information accumulated by these robots will also be synchronized to each combat-type humanoid bionic robot system for learning and absorption. In this way, every robot, even those that have not been on the battlefield, can accumulate combat experience and improve its combat performance through information sharing.

On this point, real soldiers can't do it.

"But in this case, will there be a problem? If a robot is infected with a virus or is captured by the enemy, the entire robot team will be paralyzed, or captured by the enemy, or even seize control to control these robots to turn around and attack. Ourselves." A military technical expert at the scene raised his own question.

Wu Hao heard the words and shook his head with a smile: "We have actually considered the problem you mentioned a long time ago. Each robot's intelligent system has its own independent code, so there is no way that a robot will be infected and spread to the world. Problems with other robots.

In addition, the information transmission between these robots is through special encryption technology and related content restrictions. If the relevant restrictions are exceeded, the information cannot be transmitted.

For example, if someone wants to transmit viruses through this data sharing system, other robots will detect that the code or text content information does not comply with the relevant format and is not in the whitelist, so they will naturally refuse to accept it.

Finally, what we use in the robot is a completely new set of system language coding, which is very difficult for others to crack. We are fully confident in this regard. "

After hearing this, everyone nodded in affirmation. After all, everyone knew that in order to prove that their system was secure enough, Wu Hao and others once offered a reward for hackers to attack. Whoever compromised their system would be rewarded with a million dollars. It seems that until now, no one has really succeeded.

Besides, Wu Hao and the others have been cooperating closely with the military over the years. They are fully familiar with Wu Hao and his computer skills.

At the same time, we have also applied cluster array control technology to the group formation of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot. In this way, we can realize the cluster array computing function, and many robots can calculate a problem at the same time, which can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the combat-type humanoid bionic robot group.

We can even regard a robot group as a whole. After receiving the command order, the robot group will formulate corresponding combat plans based on the on-site situation and the command content, so as to realize the strategic intentions of the superior commander.

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