Military Technology

Chapter 1985 If you want, take the money!

Of course, the rear command and control center can also use the visual sensors of so many combat-type humanoid robots to understand the dynamics of the battlefield at all times, so as to conduct accurate command.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao stopped. Everyone also started talking about what it said. It can be seen that everyone has a very high evaluation of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot, but many people are still a little worried.

That is, if such a killing robot is released, I don’t know whether it is right or wrong. Yes, the main task of a combat-type humanoid bionic robot is to fight, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a killing robot.

Xiao Wu, are the weapons and equipment used by this robot the same as those used by ordinary soldiers? Li Weiguo asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "No, there is still some gap. After all, ordinary individual light weapons and equipment are more about ergonomics, such as weight, portability, ease of operation, etc., and On this combat-type humanoid bionic robot, there is no need to consider these at all.

Therefore, relevant weapons and equipment must be customized according to its own performance, so that the power of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot can be maximized.

Of course, this does not mean that conventional weapons cannot be used, that is not the case. It can also use conventional weapons and equipment, and it can be used better.

Because of its super arm strength and stability, as well as its exclusive optical imaging system, even ordinary light weapons can exert stronger combat effectiveness in its hands.

For example, it may take us one or two or even two or three years to train an excellent sniper. He needs to be constantly fed with bullets and constantly sharpened with tasks, so that he can accumulate experience and grow.

The robot does not need it. Its system has relevant data information about sniper rifles. It can be said that when it gets a sniper rifle, it is a sniper, and it is also an excellent sniper. "

As he spoke, Wu Hao came to this combat-type humanoid bionic robot, and then continued to introduce it to everyone.

“As for the exclusive customized weapons, we can specially develop relevant weapons and equipment for it according to relevant mission requirements. For example, this robot can be equipped with some individual weapons and equipment.

For example, high-speed machine guns, which are what we call Gatling, are 7.62 or 5.8 mm short-barreled Gatling guns. Although infantry can also use them, due to their limited carrying capacity, they carry very little ammunition, only four to five hundred rounds at most. For a high-speed Gatling gun, this may be completed in a few seconds or more.

As for this robot, it can carry more ammunition. Thousands of rounds and thousands of seals are no problem. This will greatly increase the firepower of this infantry.

For another example, for such a combat-type humanoid bionic robot, we can equip it with several sets of anti-tank missiles, or individual air defense missiles, or if necessary, we can also equip it with recoilless guns and rocket launchers. Wait, it can carry several times more weight than ordinary soldiers. "

"In addition to these weapons and equipment, we can also equip it with some special weapons and equipment, such as laser weapons. For ordinary soldiers, even if it is an individual laser weapon, it is not easy to carry such a complete set. It requires several people Collaborate together. Robots do not need to consider these at all. One person can carry equipment and traps.

There are also electromagnetic weapons, as well as memory weapons and so on. We can equip this robot with a special stun gun to attack some non-lethal objects.

There is an electric shock knife, which emits a huge current when used. The enemy can be shocked and paralyzed with a slight touch, so that the robot can kill or subdue the opponent.

Similarly, there are special discharge stakes in the palms of the robot's hands and at key locations on the fist bones. When the robot attacks or captures an opponent, it can discharge electricity to paralyze the opponent.

At the same time, the discharge pile in the palm of the hand can also be used for emergency treatment. Electric shock can be used to provide defibrillation treatment to some soldiers who have suffered cardiac arrest. "

“In addition to fighting, we can also use this combat-type humanized bionic robot in the field of battlefield rescue and treatment. For example, we can equip this combat-type humanized bionic robot with an electric knife, so that it can be used on the battlefield. Perform emergency treatment surgery.

In addition to the electric knife, we can also install a series of other medical equipment on it, so that it can become a mobile medical center on the battlefield, thereby solving the problem of insufficient medical care and delayed treatment on the battlefield.

In addition, this combat-type humanoid bionic robot can also be used in some special working environments. You are all more familiar with these specifics than I am, so I won’t go into too much detail here. "

After listening to Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

Luo Kai patted the metal arm of the combat-type humanoid bionic robot, and then asked Wu Hao: "Where is the development progress of this robot now? When will it be put into practical testing? Able to equip troops.”

After hearing Luo Kai's words, everyone also looked at Wu Hao. Yes, they have seen the excellent performance of this robot, but it is a good thing. So the question is, when will the military be able to use such a good thing? This has become a question that everyone is concerned about.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard Luo Kai's words: "It's too early to say this now, because the entire development work is not over yet, and related tests are still continuing.

As far as the Zhenwu No. 3 engineering prototype in front of you is concerned, there are still many imperfections and areas worthy of improvement, and these will take time.

Only by solving these exposed problems and improving the performance of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot to a new stage can subsequent practical testing sessions be started.

Only by completing a series of relevant rigorous tests can this equipment be equipped with troops.

In addition, there is one more thing. "

As he said that, Wu Hao looked at Luo Kai: "This combat-type humanoid bionic robot is independently developed within our company and is not a military project. So if the military is interested, then negotiations need to take place. Project establishment.

Everyone knows this process, so I won’t go into details here. What I want to say is that we have invested too much in this project. So even though we all have a high level of consciousness, we still need to eat. "

Wu Hao did not explain what he said, but everyone knew what he meant. It's very simple. If you want it, you can give it with money, but you can't do it with a white spoon.

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