Military Technology

Chapter 2000 The Troubles of Happiness

The boss, who had tasted the benefits, quickly found us, hoping that we could help them transform other traditional production factories under his ownership into super smart manufacturing factories.

As for us, we have also applied the newly developed second-generation super smart factory technology to the transformation of these old factories. This time, with his strong production capacity, the boss has already received orders from well-known domestic and foreign technology companies. These companies include companies that everyone is familiar with, including fruits, crops, corn, etc.

And now, after hearing about our third-generation super smart factory technology, this boss has come to visit us personally. My general manager Zhang Jun is receiving him.

Not only this boss, more and more companies have realized the important value of this technology and have come to discuss cooperation with us. In fact, we are not worried about orders now. What we are worried about is that first of all, there is too much backlog of orders, customers are in urgent need, and we are a little overwhelmed. This may be a worry for happiness.

Wu Hao's little Versailles gave him a try.

Several years have passed since the launch of our first generation of super smart manufacturing factories. We have built, renovated and upgraded dozens of such super smart manufacturing factories in China. Although this technology is somewhat controversial, have you really heard of the elimination of workers because of our super smart manufacturing factories?

In fact, after the skilled workers in these factories received generous compensation, they were robbed by other factories that came after hearing the news as soon as they left the factory or even before they left the factory.

There is no way, workers are scarce, especially these skilled workers are even more scarce, so everyone is competing so fiercely.

In fact, not all manufacturing companies are suitable for our super smart factory technology. For many small and medium-sized manufacturing companies, the cost of construction and renovation of our super smart manufacturing factories is too high, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions to billions. This is not the case for all companies. It's affordable.

Therefore, we are not replacing or eliminating these workers, but rather supplementing the labor productivity of the entire production industry.

Large-scale manufacturing enterprises can rely on their abundant funds to upgrade industrial technology. In this way, the relevant production equipment and skilled workers of these large-scale enterprises will flow into medium-sized enterprises that are temporarily unqualified for upgrading. This is also an industrial upgrading progress for medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. .

The old equipment that is not used by medium-sized production enterprises can then be transferred to small production enterprises, which has greatly improved and developed the backward production technology of these small production enterprises.

As for the employees that are not needed by these large enterprises, they will also flow into small and medium-sized enterprises with strong labor demand, realizing resource circulation, thus driving the upgrading and development of the entire industry, thus perfectly solving the problem of labor resource shortages and increased labor costs. Wait for a series of questions.

In a few years, when the technology of super smart manufacturing factories matures and becomes stable, related technologies will gradually expand their coverage to medium-sized and even small-scale production factories, thereby achieving an overall improvement in the entire industry.

As for these workers, they will also be transferred to new industries one after another. For example, the service industry can never be replaced by robots. Because no matter how advanced a robot is, it cannot have real human emotions, and the services it provides are without warmth, which only we humans have.

Wu Hao's answer can be regarded as putting a semicolon (;) on these debates on the Internet. Why do you say this? Because the temporary cessation of activity on the Internet does not mean that those people will no longer pursue the matter. Maybe there will be more discussions in the future. The debate between these two technologies will be raised again.

However, that is a matter of the future. At least Wu Hao and the others have managed to cope with the current crisis, which is not too big or too small.

Regarding the arguments Wu Hao published on the Internet this time, many media have compiled them and posted them on their front pages. The official media even made a summary comment on this matter.

In the words of an official media outlet, people should be patient with new technologies and not rush to conclusions. Time will tell everything.

In addition, official media also mentioned that the contradiction between new technologies and old means of production is not irreconcilable. Relevant departments, relevant enterprises, including workers must have confidence and be patient. Enterprises must truly take responsibility and take care of the aftermath of these workers and not harm them. Various localities and relevant departments should also focus on this issue and actively discuss relevant policies, formulate relevant regulations, improve management in this area, etc.

Wu Hao smiled slightly when he saw this, which was a good thing. If this incident can gain the attention of relevant departments and even leaders, relevant laws and regulations can be formulated, and relevant departments can intervene, it will have a positive effect on the development of this technology and even the entire industrial industry.

If something can really change, then his words these days will be in vain.

In fact, just a few days after the debate ended, Wu Hao received a call from his leadership. This issue and related technologies were discussed in detail during the phone call. During the conversation that lasted for more than an hour, the leader carefully listened to Wu Hao's and his team's development reports on these two technologies and related projects, and asked very patiently and in detail some of the issues he was concerned about. Finally, he also asked Wu Hao and his team about the two technologies. He highly recognized this technology, as well as Wu Hao's investment and work in this area, and stated that he would continue to support their development in this area, etc.

Afterwards, Wu Hao was continuously called to drink tea by the local and even provincial leaders. It was really tea, but of course there were also conversations, and the topic still revolved around these two technologies and this incident.

In addition to leaders, Wu Hao has the most contact with entrepreneurs and industry leaders these days. Many people called in person to inquire about the details of these two technologies and related projects, and many people came directly to the company hoping to seek cooperation in this area.

Even Lao Ma, who had not shown up for a long time and was living as a hermit in Yuhang, called with interest to inquire about the relevant situation and gave his opinion.

Xiao Ma, who is in Shenzhen City, is naturally indispensable. He is also very interested in these two technologies. It can be seen that he has been eyeing the physical industry for a long time and should make relevant moves soon.

Wu Hao was happy to see the result. No matter what their plans, they would eventually cooperate with him and send him money.

Compared to Wu Hao, Zhang Jun is in pain and happiness these days. Although I am so busy every day, I really like and enjoy this process. Seeing these bosses waving banknotes and rushing to give him money, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

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