Military Technology

Chapter 2001 The abdominal muscles and waistcoat line match better!

After staying in the park for more than a week, Tan Yongzhen, Li Weiguo and the others are finally going back. Although everyone is very reluctant to leave, their time is limited and they cannot stay here forever.

In the end, they still did not take Chen Keer away from Wu Hao and the others, which made these people very unwilling. In contrast, Li Weiguo and the others are doing better, because Wu Hao has reached a preliminary agreement with them, agreeing to jointly develop a new generation of combat-type humanoid bionic robots with the military and military industry systems.

As the storm gradually subsided, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Although he still has to deal with the bosses and entrepreneurs who came from the vaccination and asked for cooperation, Zhang Junlai is basically responsible for this aspect, and he does not need to do it himself.

When he woke up, Wu Hao, who was energetic, took a shower, then went to the gym and started his morning exercise. This has almost become a lifestyle habit for him. What is more successful is that the muscles in his upper body are getting bigger and bigger, and the long-lost six-pack abs are also showing.

This made Lin Wei swallow hard, and she even seemed so proactive for several days. In order to show off, she even posted a photo of Wu Hao working out shirtless on her WeChat Moments. As a result, it was shared on the Internet and attracted a lot of saliva.

After practicing for about an hour, Wu Hao, who was covered in sweat beads, finally ended today's morning exercise, took out a bottle of water and drank it. This water is said to be some kind of deep ice spring water. It tastes good. At least the taste is much better than the water sold on the market. Although it is more expensive, I don't want to spend the money.

After finishing a bottle of water, he walked into the bathroom with satisfaction. After taking a hot shower, Wu Hao was grateful that every pore on his body seemed to have opened a lot, which made him groan involuntarily.

After changing his clothes and coming downstairs, Wu Hao started cooking. At this moment, Lin Wei was still doing morning yoga classes, so the breakfast task fell on him. In fact, it was mainly because they were too greedy last night and came here several times. Lin Wei was tortured so much that she took a nap today and got up later than she did.

Today's breakfast was relatively simple. Wu Hao used a frying pan to cut two sausages, a few slices of bacon, two fried eggs, heated a few pieces of bread, mixed a vegetable salad, and poured two cups of fermented yogurt.

Compared with pure milk, Wu Hao prefers drinking this kind of yogurt with excellent flavor, and even bought special equipment for making yogurt at home. Although it's a bit of a hassle, it's worth it to be able to drink delicious yogurt every morning.

After finishing all this, breakfast was served on the table. Lin Wei had already changed her clothes and walked downstairs. Today, she was wearing a women's silk shirt on her upper body and a small floral skirt on her lower body. Paired with her slender legs, she looked particularly charming.

We're down just in time, let's have breakfast. Wu Hao greeted Lin Wei.

Okay, Lin Wei showed a smile on her beautiful and moist face, then walked to the dining table and sat down, then picked up a fork and inserted a piece of fried egg into it and ate it.

Looking at Wu Hao who was still cleaning up, she immediately greeted: "You should eat quickly, the things are all cold."

Okay, Wu Hao wiped his hands, then sat down opposite Lin Wei, picked up the yogurt, took a sip, and then started eating.

Lin Wei glanced at Wu Hao, then put the bacon and sausage on Wu Hao's plate and said, "You can eat it. I seem to have gained some weight recently. I have to control my diet well."

Wu Hao looked at the bacon and sausages that Lin Wei forked over, then looked at her and shook his head: "Nonsense, who said you are fat? I think it's just right. Why do you have to be so thin?"

"What's right? I've gained two pounds and now weigh 111. No, I have to lose weight." Lin Wei gave Wu Hao a strange look and encouraged herself.

Wu Hao was speechless when he heard this. It seems that all women can't get rid of worrying about their weight. As for Lin Wei, she has to weigh herself every morning, and it is very ritualistic. She must weigh herself when she gets up and goes to the toilet in unlined clothes, because this is the most accurate time.

It's really just right. Don't lose any weight. You are already tall, so a weight of 111 is more suitable. If you reduce it any further, it will really look like a bamboo pole, which is too ugly. It is better for women to be plump so that they feel better. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Pooh! Hearing this, Lin Wei let out a sigh of shame and anger, then forked a vegetable salad and ate it: "You already have six-pack abs. I have to train my vest line. Only in this way can I walk with you and no one else will." What can I say, and I look better in a swimsuit in the summer. No, it’s going to be hot soon, and I have to train my waistcoat line as soon as possible.

Starting today, I won't have dinner tonight. "

At this point, seeing Wu Hao about to open his mouth, she immediately pointed at Wu Hao and said seriously: "I'm warning you, don't be greedy for me tonight, otherwise I won't be able to live without you."

Well, Wu Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head after hearing this, but he didn't say anything more.

Lin Wei, on the other hand, glanced at the sausages and bacon on Wu Hao's plate and continued to eat the vegetable salad.

By the way, the time for our first manned launch of Walker 4 has been determined. It will be in two weeks. Will you go to the South China Sea with me? Wu Hao thought about this and then said to Lin Wei.

Ah, is it settled? Lin Wei was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Of course I want to go. This is our first manned launch, so I have to go. By the way, have you chosen an astronaut? Which one?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It hasn't been finalized yet, but both astronauts are in good condition. It just depends on who is chosen in the end. This matter still needs to be decided by the aerospace department itself, and we cannot interfere."

You are the launch party of the spacecraft. Can't you even give me your opinion? Lin Wei said a little puzzled.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Although we are Party A and can make some requests and opinions, we do not have the right to interfere and decide on the selection of astronauts. This is an internal matter within the aerospace department. Therefore, who should be chosen as the astronauts? The astronauts will make the first manned flight of Zhejiang Zhejiang No. 4, and it is up to them to make the final decision.

Of course, we also have the right to make relevant suggestions, but generally we will not interfere unless necessary. After all, this is just the beginning. There will be many opportunities and time for us to cooperate in the future. We can't make the relationship so tense at the beginning. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei nodded in understanding, and then asked him: "I remember you are also training your own astronauts, how is it?"

Still under development. Wu Hao replied with a smile: "Our first batch of four astronauts have completed the basic courses and related training work, and have now gone to Goose for further related training work. It is expected that the entire training process will last about half a year. At that time, they can graduate and then transfer to modification training. After all, our manned spacecraft is still very different from the traditional manned spacecraft they have come into contact with."

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